Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 256 Horrible insect army, ecstatic Chen Dalong

After these mutated animals broke through to the fifth level, their intelligence increased significantly again, at least equivalent to that of teenagers.

In this case, many things did not require Ye Feng to explain, they could understand the importance of things by themselves.

For example, they now know that only by defending the next arena, obtaining the power given by Ye Feng's main root, and entering the ancient ruins will they have a greater chance of winning a great opportunity.

That is a shortcut for them to quickly become stronger and surpass their peers.

So looking at the six huge arenas, the fighting spirit of every mutated animal was burning brightly.

The first one to move was the mutant king cobra.

With a swishing sound, it rushed onto the nearest arena, holding its head high and spitting out snake letters. Its cold eyes looked at its companions, and the warning was self-evident.

With it taking the lead, the other mutated animals were not to be outdone and quickly rushed towards the empty arena.

It's just that there are only 6 arenas, which means that the positions are definitely not enough.

In the end, only the mutant king cobra, mutant tiger, mutant lion, mutant big yellow dog, mutant jaguar, and mutant goshawk captured the ring.

Among the six of them, the first one to be challenged was the mutated African leopard that relied on its speed to steal the ring.

The first to challenge was the mutant wolf king. It had super powers and released a sonic roar as soon as it came on stage.

Although the mutant jaguar could not be frightened, it still made the opponent's ears ringing and even a little dizzy. The mutant wolf king took advantage of this and defeated the opponent after fighting for several minutes.

During this period of time, the other mutated creatures in the arena were also challenged one after another.

Especially the mutant rhinos, mutant brown bears, and mutant elephants that are powerful.

Even though they have no special powers, with their super physical fitness and the increase in aura possession, their physical strength can reach an exaggerated level.

The one who challenged the mutant king cobra was the mutant elephant. It relied on its rough skin and thick flesh to directly touch the opponent's venom, trampling the mutant king cobra alive and seriously injuring it.

The mutant king cobra was not reckless. After receiving treatment from Ye Feng, he turned around and went to challenge the mutant big yellow dog in the ring.

Although the big yellow dog is agile and has high attack power, its defense is weak. The mutant king cobra's poisonous ability can not only release poisonous arrows, but also spray poisonous mist in a wide range.

This kind of poisonous mist is absolutely fatal to creatures with weak defenses like the mutated big yellow dog.

After the big yellow dog was defeated, he didn't bother and took a quick look at the other defending animals on the ring, and quickly selected the mutant rhinoceros.

Although the mutant rhinoceros has strong defense, it is relatively bulky. After a fierce fight, the big yellow dog was seriously injured without even touching its fur.

Next, every battle can be said to be a bloody battle.

Unless they are mutant sparrows or mutant mice that really don't have much fighting power, they will definitely not admit defeat.

Even a mutant hedgehog dares to challenge a mutant tiger.

Moreover, the mutant tiger did not win this battle easily. The right claw it used to attack was pierced with several holes.

Of course, Ye Feng will not let them continue fighting. Each animal only has a maximum of three chances to challenge the ring.

If you use up all the energy and fail to completely occupy an arena, then you have truly lost.

This defensive battle lasted for a full three hours before it was completely over.

This time took a lot longer than Ye Feng expected. Of course it took so long, mainly because the treatment took more time.

After all, these animals rely on Ye Feng's life-healing ability to protect themselves. Every battle is a bloody battle. Without serious injuries, it is impossible to give up.

Moreover, Ye Feng also revised the rules midway, mainly for flying mutant creatures.

Because after the mutant black crow came to power, it used its air superiority to keep circling. Every time it looked for an opportunity, it took at least ten minutes, which was too time-consuming.

As a last resort, Ye Feng built a cage with tree roots and limited the flying height to less than 200 meters.

Moreover, these flying mutated creatures cannot hover in the air for more than one minute, otherwise they will lose.

It was also because after he set the rules, the mutated goshawk, which had always maintained a state of complete victory, was defeated once by the mutated elephant.

The main reason is that when it attacks, it cannot seriously injure the mutated elephant quickly, and then the mutated elephant seizes the opportunity and wraps its trunk around its wings, making it unable to fly.

It's just that the mutated elephant was quickly defeated by the mutated giant panda.

The mutated giant panda relied on its giant strength ability to explode with 500 tons of force at just the fifth level, knocking the mutated elephant off the stage.

And finally, when the number of challenges for all mutant creatures is exhausted.

The mutant creatures still standing on the six stages are: mutant king cobra, mutant big yellow dog, mutant goshawk, mutant giant panda, mutant tiger, and mutant lion.

From this point, it can be seen that in the same realm, these mutated creatures with superpowers are indeed more powerful than those without superpowers.

At this time, the mutant wolf king and mutant honey badger standing below the ring had expressions of reluctance on their faces, because their abilities were more auxiliary than direct combat.

But Ye Feng didn't say much. If you win, you win, if you lose, you lose. Just work hard in the future.

And even if they only get the attribute bonus from his lateral roots, they still have a huge advantage, and they may not get good opportunities.

After selecting his contracted animals, the next step is to select 500 fourth-level mutant animals from among the mutant animals in the Dragon King Palace to give him the power of side roots.

By then, this batch of mutated animals will be the real main force.

It is worth mentioning that these days, Ye Feng has tried to give the other mutated animals in the Dragon King Palace the ability to transfer attributes.

Originally, according to his idea, he mainly wanted to see if these mutated animals would escape control after their strength increased dramatically.

But after trying the new ability, he found that he was worrying too much.

Because he had only tried it on his contracted animals before, he had not discovered the hidden ability of attribute transfer.

That is the object whose power is transferred, and there is actually a temporary contract with him.

Moreover, the binding force of this contract is not weak. If the other party dares to resist his orders, the power transferred to the other party will riot, ranging from rupture of internal organs to death on the spot in severe cases.

Therefore, Ye Feng can now build an elite team without any worries about the opponent's rebellion.

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng quickly decided on the list of 500 places.

First, air power, which must be guaranteed, 100 mutated goshawks.

Secondly, since we don’t know what kind of environment it is inside, and considering the possibility of fighting under the sea, 100 mutant hippos are also needed.

Finally, there is the ground combat capability. 50 mutant elephants and 50 mutant rhinos were selected each. These two creatures can serve as solid backing.

Then 50 mutant tigers and mutant lions were also selected, and they were the main force in the attack.

With 100 spots left, Ye Feng chose mutant jaguars and mutant giant pandas, 50 each.

The former is fast and can serve as a scout, while the latter is purely for likability.

Moreover, the mutated giant panda is still a bear clan after all, and its attack power is not much different.

After the 500 quotas were finalized, Ye Feng began to select specific targets.

The ones chosen are naturally the ones with the strongest combat power from each race.

After a month of training, more than half of the animals in the Animal Legion have reached the fourth level.

Therefore, these fourth-level mutant animals can enter together even if they are not selected.

Even those third-level mutant animals, if conditions permit, Ye Feng will send them in.

If these third-level animals could benefit from being in the ancient ruins and break through to the fourth level, he would be able to save a lot of effort.

These are the arrangements of the Animal Legion.

However, in addition to the animal army in the Dragon King Palace, there is also an insect army.

Compared to before, the insect army was just a foil, doing some chores. Now after more than a month of training, they have suddenly become the real main force.

Among the insect army, the number of mutant bumblebees and mutant fire ants now exceeds 100,000.

In other words, these two races can directly raise an army of 200,000 insects.

Moreover, what is calculated here is mutated insects of level three and above.

And among the 200,000 insect army, more than half have reached the fourth level.

In addition, there are 1,000 mutated fire ants and 1,000 mutated bumblebees, reaching the fifth level.

It can be said that with the passage of time, the potential of the insect army has truly emerged.

More than a week ago, with the mutant red fire ant queen and mutant bumblebee queen, they successively broke through to the fifth level.

The potential of the fifth generation fire ants and bumblebees they produced is even more exaggerated than the previous generations.

Their growth rate is five times that of similar mutant insects. Although these mutant insects are only born for a week, their growth rate is equivalent to that of other people for more than a month.

Moreover, the fifth-generation mutant insects not only grow quickly, but their combat effectiveness is at least 100% higher than that of previous generations.

Under this situation, even if they are mutated insects, their combat power cannot be underestimated.

Take fifth-level mutant red fire ants as an example. Their size exceeds two meters. In addition, ants are inherently good at strength. When possessed by spiritual energy, they can explode nearly 50 tons of force.

Although this kind of power is still not comparable to those of real fifth-level mutant creatures, the problem is that there are so many of them!

As long as 10 mutant fire ants are sent out, they can compete with a normal fifth-level mutant animal.

If 100 of them are sent out, they can be completely crushed.

The number of fifth-level mutant fire ants is a full 1,000. If they are all together, even sixth-level mutant creatures can bite them to death alive.

As for mutant bumblebees, although they do not have the terrifying power of mutant ants, they also have their own trump card: poisonous tail needles.

After these bumblebees mutate, even if their tail needles are detached, they will not die and will grow back over time.

And as they continue to evolve, they can even launch their tail needles like hidden weapons.

The poison contained in the tail needles of these fifth-level mutant bumblebees can completely knock out a fourth-level mutant animal.

Even a fifth-level mutated animal can't handle 10 poisonous needles.

It can be said that the current insect army has truly the ability to deal with higher-order animals.

Not to mention the low-level ones, the insect sea tactics are no joke.

The only thing that makes Ye Feng a little regretful is that the number of fifth-level mutant insects is a bit small. If there are more than ten or two hundred thousand, he feels that there will be no problem with the animal army, and the insect army should be able to push through directly.

But he also knew that it was difficult to do this.

Because he also discovered, perhaps because of the rules, that the more powerful the mutant creature is, the harder it is to produce offspring.

Even mutated insects known for their reproductive efficiency cannot escape this fate.

After reaching the fifth level, the mutant bumblebee queen and mutant fire ant queen can only produce 500 eggs per day.

It lays 5,000 eggs in 10 days, and it takes a full 200 days to lay 100,000 eggs.

So according to this situation, I don't know how long it will take to realize the army of millions of insects that Ye Feng previously envisioned.

Of course, the overall strength of the mutated insect army will definitely become stronger in the future, so he is not worried.

After thinking about sending out the troops to explore the ancient ruins tomorrow, Ye Feng took some time off.

There is only one last thing that needs to be done now, which is to accumulate spiritual energy.

Over the past month, in order to cultivate these members of the Dragon King Palace, all the more than 43 million points of spiritual energy he had reserved had been exhausted.

He was going to enter the ancient ruins tomorrow, and he might encounter something. If he didn't store millions of points of spiritual energy, he would really feel uneasy.

But fortunately, he can harvest almost 5 million points of spiritual energy in one day, so it is not too late to leave this matter to the last day.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to night.

Today, the Sunset Inn is quite famous. At least it is quite famous in the entire Sunset Town. All eight inns are full.

Even the houses for the next few days have been booked.

As long as you maintain this kind of business, you can open an additional chain store every week as long as there is no shortage of funds.

Under this situation, Ye Xiangfeng was naturally extremely happy, and originally planned to drag Chen Dalong along with him without getting drunk.

However, Chen Dalong declined, thinking that he was preparing to explore the ancient ruins tomorrow.

"Brother Chen, when entering the ancient ruins, you must do what you can. You won't have to worry about leaving green hills without firewood!" Ye Xiangfeng said with a somewhat complicated expression.

If he switched identities with the other party, he might not really dare to take risks.

"Yes, I will. Now that I'm gone, the inn's business will depend on you alone, but don't worry, I've already said hello in all aspects, so there should be no problem." Chen Dalong said.

After the two parties exchanged polite greetings, Chen Dalong left in a hurry.

Then he drove back to the villa where he lived as quickly as possible.

Then he suppressed his ecstasy, clicked on the message sent to him by the parrot messenger, and read it again carefully.

The content of the text message was very simple, praising him and saying that he had done a good job today, so he received a special reward.

That is, receiving the blessing of the Dragon King's power.

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