Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 276 Crazy Sheeping of Wool

Ye Feng's eyes soon fell on a plant essence called Sleeping Flower.

It is a purple flower that looks palm-sized, but if you stare at it for a long time, it will make people feel dizzy.

According to the information fed back from the inheritance place, the main function of this flower is to increase the intensity of mental power.

Ever since he had a mental battle with Tian Yun in the restricted area of ​​Xiaofeng Mountain, Ye Feng understood the importance of mental power, which was no worse than the physical body.

And after observing the mutant wolf king and those mutant animals with mental power for a long time, Ye Feng also understood that he had an extremely huge advantage in mental power.

That is, he can use his life healing ability to quickly restore his mental power.

Therefore, in his plan, whether he could block the attack of the seventh-level powerhouses at the stage when they exploded with all their strength, mental strength was also a crucial part.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, but Ye Feng's movements were not slow at all. He stretched out the root of the tree and lightly touched the purple flower. The devouring power was activated and absorbed it instantly.

The next moment, he felt a cool energy pouring into his mind.

His mental strength also began to increase rapidly.

After Ye Feng broke through to the sixth level, if he did not count the bonus of the God Forging Technique, when he exploded with all his strength, his mental power could probably lift a ton of weight.

After the training of the God Forging Technique was completed and his mental power structure was optimized, his mental power could even lift a 10-ton weight with all his strength.

As for now, after absorbing a sleeping flower, he was surprised to find that his mental power increased the weight of objects lifted by another 200 kilograms.

"Such an increase!" Ye Feng was secretly surprised. This was equivalent to a 1% increase in mental strength.

"I just don't know how high the upper limit of spiritual power can be." Ye Feng looked at the 120 sleeping flowers in front of him and said expectantly.

Then he quickly devoured these sleeping flowers.

Not long after, 10 Sleeping Flowers were absorbed by him, and his mental strength increased by 10%. Using mental power to control objects, the limit increased directly to 11 tons.

"Very good, it can still be absorbed." Ye Feng felt his state for a while and found that the extent of absorption was still very large.

In this case, of course he would not stop. Each sleeping flower was absorbed, and Ye Feng's mental strength continued to increase.

Soon the improvement reached 20%, 30%...50%...90%.

It was only then that Ye Feng felt that the effect of this sleeping flower on him was about to reach its upper limit.

Finally, after he devoured 100 sleeping flowers, his mental strength doubled. If he controlled the object, he could lift 20 tons of weight.

Of course, when actually fighting, Ye Feng would not be stupid and actually move objects to attack, but directly use his mental power to attack the opponent's mind.

With his current mental strength, if he uses mental shock on a sixth-level mutant creature of the same realm, he can easily make the opponent bleed to death.

However, against a seventh-level expert, Ye Feng was not sure how effective his mental attack methods would be.

After all, when he fought against Tianyun, the other party's mental power level was suppressed to the peak of the sixth level by the power of heaven and earth, so he didn't know what level the seventh level strong man's mental power could reach.

"But no matter what, it is impossible for the seventh-level powerhouse to deal with my mental attack easily. After all, the seventh-level powerhouse is powerful because they have the power of rules, but there is no qualitative change in this and mental power. ." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

In other words, the mental power used by a seventh-level strongman is essentially the same as the mental power used by a sixth-level man, it is just more powerful.

And he is confident in his current mental strength.

Ye Feng took a look at the remaining 20 sleeping flowers, thought about it and finally gave them to the mutant honey badger.

Among the contracted animals under his command, only the mutant wolf king and mutant honey badger have spiritual power.

The mutant wolf king's mental strength is higher than that of the mutant honey badger.

However, Ye Feng felt that if they went to the core area and fought against the restricted area army, the mutant honey badger's morale-boosting ability would play a greater role.

This is also the reason why he assigned Sleeping Flower to the mutant honey badger.

The flat-headed brother was very excited to receive the reward. In fact, he has been a little frustrated during this period of time, although he even dared to touch the tiger's butt.

But due to its size, it is true that it cannot defeat a tiger.

Now that it had been rewarded, it immediately started calling out to other animals and showing off.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a little funny, but his attention quickly fell on the last plant essence that might improve his strength.

Ganoderma lucidum!

According to the tips given by the inheritance place, after taking this kind of wood lingzhi, the ability of wood attributes can be enhanced.

According to Ye Feng's understanding, it is the ability to enhance the wood attribute.

Does he have any wood-attribute powers?

Of course it exists, it is the ability of life to heal.

Compared with the two plant essences he had taken before, Ganoderma lucidum was larger. This was a Ganoderma lucidum with a diameter of one meter.

But it is not brown like ordinary Ganoderma lucidum, but is completely green, and even has a green halo twisting on it.

Ye Feng observed it and activated his devouring ability. Suddenly, the wood lingzhi seemed to turn into a ball of green liquid, and was absorbed by Ye Feng in the next moment.

Suddenly, Ye Feng felt a vigorous vitality injected into his body, and this vitality also caused some unknown changes to occur in his body.

He closed his eyes, sensed it, and then pulled a mutated buffalo and conducted an experiment on it.

"This is amazing. The healing speed is actually one-tenth faster than before." Ye Feng never expected that the effect of this kind of Ganoderma lucidum would be so good.

However, he felt relieved after looking at the remaining 7 Ganoderma lucidum.

This thing is so hard to find. In two days, the entire animal army only found 8 of them.

There was nothing to say, Ye Feng quickly devoured them all.

As for the ability of life healing, the healing speed has also been increased by 80% compared to before.

After absorbing all three plant essences that were effective on him, Ye Feng looked at the remaining ones.

Although he was not sure whether these plant essences were effective for him, Ye Feng swallowed each one in order not to miss it.

After a round of searching, he actually found a plant essence that had a good effect on him.


After swallowing the spirit-gathering grass, Ye Feng could feel that the speed at which he absorbed the spiritual energy between heaven and earth became much faster.

Although he usually relies on his devouring ability to collect spiritual energy from other plants, it does not mean that the speed at which he absorbs spiritual energy has no effect. If he encounters some special situations, it may come in handy.

After some improvement, Ye Feng is quite satisfied, especially the improvement of physical fitness and mental strength, which can directly improve his combat power.

However, due to the limited essence of plants and trees, he has not reached the limit yet, so next, he will focus on looking for Millennium Grape Fruit, Wood Ganoderma and Juling Grass.

In particular, the Millennium Grape Fruit can improve physical fitness, which is the most obvious improvement to his combat power.

Of course, in addition to looking for the essence of these plants and trees, helping the animals in the Dragon King Palace improve their overall strength is also what he wants to do.

However, Ye Feng felt a headache when he thought of this.

"It takes too much to help them break through!"

If you want a mutant animal at the peak of the fifth level to break through to the sixth level, you must either take plant essence equivalent to 10 flat peaches, or make your own fifth-level evolution fruit.

But no matter what price he paid, Ye Feng still felt distressed.

Needless to say, 10 flat peaches are equivalent to 100,000 points of spiritual energy, and more importantly, the essence of plants and trees. However, the analogy cannot be made directly with spiritual energy.

After all, this thing can immediately increase combat power.

But it is not easy for Ye Feng to make a fifth-level evolutionary fruit. This thing requires a full 400,000 points of spiritual energy and bioenergy to make one.

The number of animal legions in the Dragon King Palace alone exceeds 24,000.

Although, due to their size, not every mutant animal needs to consume an entire evolutionary fruit to be able to break through the realm, the consumption is still massive.

"A fifth-level spiritual energy fruit can allow a mutant tiger to make a breakthrough, so anyone with a similar size must take at least one complete evolution fruit." Ye Feng frowned.

For example, mutant elephants, mutant hippopotamus, mutant rhinoceros, mutant buffalo, mutant lions, mutant cheetahs, mutant black bears, mutant giant pandas, etc. all need to take a complete evolution fruit.

If he wanted to save money, he could only start with animals such as mutant rats and mutant sparrows.

Calculated as a whole, the Animal Legion must come up with at least 16,000 evolution fruits to upgrade all of them to the sixth level.

As for the mutated insects, although the resources consumed are only one-fiftieth of those of the mutated tigers, with a huge number of 200,000, at least 4,000 evolutionary fruits are needed.

If you add them all up, Ye Feng must prepare at least 20,000 evolutionary fruits.

One evolution fruit has 400,000 spiritual energy points, and 20,000 evolutionary fruits require 8 billion spiritual energy points.

He couldn't produce such a huge amount of spiritual energy at once.

Although a large number of spiritual stones were harvested before, the total number was only about 330,000.

One spirit stone is equal to 10,000 points of spiritual energy. Even if all the spiritual stones are converted into spiritual energy, there will only be 3.3 billion points.

This doesn't even meet half of the requirements.

"What we can hope for now is to find two more spirit stone veins tonight." Ye Feng sighed.

But even if two spirit stone veins are found, the possibility of collecting 800,000 points of spirit energy is not high.

In the end, he could only choose to select some relatively powerful mutant animals and let them break through.

Such as mutant tigers, mutant lions, etc.

"The time left for me is still too short. If the ancient ruins are opened a year and a half later, by then I will be able to raise the Dragon King Palace army by relying on the plant support from the entire Dongling Mountains." Ye Feng I also felt a little helpless.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Feng was stunned.

He looked around and looked at the dense woods around him, his eyes gradually brightening.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this?"

"There are all trees here, and they are so tall. In addition, the spiritual energy here is 20 times that of the outside world. The spiritual energy in these plants should be very sufficient."

This inheritance place is very vast. Not to mention anything else, just the middle area, even if you go through it in a straight line, you have to travel at least 100 kilometers.

Not to mention the width, I don’t know how many Dongling Mountains it can rival.

To a certain extent, the spiritual energy that this place can provide him is almost endless.

However, he has a time limit. He only has one night, so he must speed up the efficiency of harvesting spiritual energy.

"But before that, I have to figure out how much spiritual energy these trees can provide me at a time."

Ye Feng murmured as he stretched out a tree root and gently placed it on a giant tree next to him.

At the same time, the devouring ability is activated.

Of course, he didn't absorb it too quickly, but tried it bit by bit.

On the one hand, he is worried that he has violated the rules of the Land of Heritage. If it is not allowed, he will stop immediately to avoid being excluded from this world.

The second thing is that he wants to test the upper limit of the spiritual energy that can be extracted from these plants.

Generally speaking, Ye Feng will draw 2 to 4 points of spiritual energy from each tree outside.

However, the trees in the inheritance land are at least a hundred meters high, and most are two to three hundred meters tall. The average height is four to five times that of the plants outside.

In addition, the spiritual energy concentration here in the middle area is 20 times that outside.

"Then it shouldn't be too much for me to extract one or two hundred points of spiritual energy from each tree!" Ye Feng muttered in his heart.

And his movements were not slow at all, quickly extracting the spiritual energy from the big tree.

10 o'clock, 30 o'clock. 200 o'clock, 300 o'clock.

It wasn't until Ye Feng extracted this plant, which had a full 300 points of spiritual energy and bioenergy, that the other party began to slump.

"It's actually possible to extract so much spiritual energy." Ye Feng had an incredible look on his face.

Of course, part of the reason for this exaggeration is that this is a harmful extraction, and the big tree will not recover within two or three days.

But Ye Feng didn't plan to collect wool in one place, so it didn't matter.

What's more important is that he doesn't feel that this world rejects him, which means that he should be able to do this.

Ye Feng no longer hesitated, and all the hundreds of still-movable tree roots were dispatched to harvest the spiritual energy of all plants within a 5.1-kilometer radius centered on him.

In just three minutes, the aura of all the plants was harvested, and the entire nearby woods seemed to have withered.

At this time, Ye Feng's face was full of joy. He had actually harvested 5.16 million points of spiritual energy.

What he harvested in this wave was actually more spiritual energy than what he harvested in one day outside.

What's more important is that he just used 100 tree roots. As long as he cancels the attribute transfer ability and 600 tree roots act together, the efficiency will be 6 times faster.

In other words, it only takes 30 seconds for him to harvest a wave of spiritual energy.

In this case, theoretically, he can harvest 10 million points of spiritual energy in one minute, and a full 600 million spiritual energy in one hour.

It only takes 13.3 hours to achieve the goal of 8 billion.

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