Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 287 The First Kill of the Seventh-Level Powerful Man


A terrifying energy shock wave exploded in the air.

Ye Feng's tree roots were bounced away, and the huge fist swung by the lava giant also dissipated.

Of course, Ye Feng still suffered a little loss from this collision.

Because most of the tree roots he attacked had been squeezed and deformed, and some couldn't withstand the huge force and broke apart.

There was nothing that could be done about it, even though Ye Feng's 75 tree roots gathered together, the power that exploded definitely reached the seventh level.

But the problem is that the defensive power of his tree roots has not yet reached this level. In this kind of collision, it is normal for problems to occur.

Of course, Ye Feng didn't care about this.

Because in the moment he recovered the roots, the squeezed and deformed roots had returned to their original state, and even the broken ones had grown back.

At the same time, the ability to control the world was activated, and the tips of the tree roots were once again covered with a thick layer of ice, and they attacked the lava giant.

boom! boom! boom!

There were roars one after another. With the bonus of life healing ability, coupled with the assistance of the ability to control the world, Ye Feng could use these 75 roots to compete with the lava giant.

The one fighting him at this time was not just the lava giant.

At this time, the tentacle monsters, Nagas, Icemen and Ling were all within a kilometer range on the ground. Ye Feng naturally took action without hesitation.

In addition, Ye Feng's other tree roots are also dealing with crows, dragons and angels in the sky.

It can be said that at the same time, he was fighting eight powerful men.

More importantly, even in this situation, he did not fall behind at all.

They even had the upper hand on some local battlefields.

Because not everyone's strength is comparable to the lava giant. In fact, except for the giant dragon, the rest of the people's strength is worse than Ye Feng.

Basically, every time they collide, they will be pushed back a certain distance by Ye Feng's terrifying power.

Seeing this scene, Chen Dalong and others' hearts were filled with excitement.

Although they knew that the Dragon King was very strong, they never expected that the other party would be so strong.

You must know that the Dragon King is only at the sixth level! But he can directly fight against the seventh-level powerhouse.

And with one against eight, it can still suppress most people. So what kind of terrifying situation will it be if the Dragon King reaches the seventh level?

Of course, not only Chen Dalong and others could see this, but all the seventh-level experts on the battlefield knew it even more clearly.

At this time, the faces of all the seventh-level powerhouses were filled with expressions of disbelief.

Although they cannot use the power of rules to attack, in this state, they can at least exert more than 70% of their strength.

Before doing this, who would have dared to believe that he would be suppressed by a sixth-level creature?

"No, our time is limited. If we continue to fight like this, we won't have the slightest chance. It's time to fight hard."

The strong angel said, and the giant sword in his hand spit out bright flames. After cutting off the tree root that was coming towards him, he quickly flapped his wings and retreated.

He glanced at his right arm, which was slightly charred, and the entire right arm was in a numb state.

That is the power of thunder and lightning. Every attack by the opponent's tree roots carries strong thunder and lightning power, which offsets the damage of his bright flames.

And when he looked towards other battlefields, he saw that the opponent would not only use thunder and lightning, but also fire and ice. These were at least three abilities.

What's even more exaggerated is that every ability has barely reached the seventh level. This is what makes him most incredible, and it is also an important reason why Ye Feng can resist their attacks head-on.

Otherwise, how could pure strength really stop them.

Their secret techniques blessed by the power of rules are not just decorations. Their real attack power can even cause more damage than their physical attacks.

The others also quickly retreated, and everyone looked at the giant tree in front of them with serious expressions.

"Fuck! What kind of weird abilities did he display? In terms of power, they are no worse than the power of rules." The dragon powerhouse also landed and cursed.

Its wings showed signs of frostbite.

"No time to complain. I only have 8 minutes left. I guess you guys have about the same amount of time."

"Please tell me what trump cards you have, and we will re-formulate our tactics." The strong angel said quickly when he saw the others gathered over.

While they were discussing, the eighth-level powerhouses gathered further away were also looking at the battlefield, and their brows were frowning even more.

"That kind of energy is so strange, it couldn't be the legendary power of faith!" Crowman strongman Klero said.

"Yes, it is indeed true. I have seen it in the King of Angels." The strong angel Kannadar nodded solemnly and said.

"How is this possible? Isn't this a power that can only be mastered after reaching the tenth level? How did he do it when he was only at the sixth level?"

"And isn't the power of faith used to condense divine fire? Why can it be used directly for fighting?" Urros, the strong lava giant, asked one after another.

"If you ask me these questions, who should I ask?" said the strong angel Karadar, rolling his eyes.

"I have a question. If they lose, do we have to personally stop them?" At this time, the dragon strongman Emre asked.

This is a question that goes to the core.

It was impossible for them to defeat Ye Feng even in their peak sixth-level state.

But if they are allowed to explode into eighth-level strength, what about the subsequent inheritance competition?

Although the good things obtained in the inheritance place must be handed over after returning to the restricted area, they can benefit from some knowledge inheritance.

The atmosphere in the venue instantly fell into silence.

As for the seventh-level experts on the other side, after a brief discussion, they all took action quickly.

This time they no longer fight alone, but gather together to move forward.

Soon they were close to 2 kilometers away again.

At this time, the strong angels and strong crow people stopped.

The crow people began to carve formations on the ground.

The strong angel flew into the sky and began to form a formation in the void.

As for the rest, they continued to move forward. When they reached a range of one kilometer of Ye Feng's body, the two sides started fighting again.

But at this time, most of Ye Feng's attention was placed on the strong crow people and the strong angels.

Following their actions, Ye Feng immediately felt two mysterious forces acting on his tree trunk.

"Attacking my tree trunk directly, are you discovering my weakness? And there is no way to hide with this long-range attack method." Ye Feng frowned slightly.

At the same time, he also felt these two forces.

One of the powers is the strong power of death, but such power is easy for Ye Feng to deal with.

After all, his life force is just enough to offset it. Even this kind of death power is rapidly increasing as the opponent continues to form formations.

But he has a full 3.7 billion points of spiritual energy as a reserve, and the life force that can be converted is endless, so he is naturally not afraid.

However, the strong angel on the other side was different. As the opponent's formation formed, a sacred flame burned on his trunk.

This energy is inherently bright, so even the power he possesses cannot be directly dispelled.

Only activating the Ice Land can offset part of it slightly, but it cannot completely resist it and will still cause constant damage to him.

"In the name of light, what you do is to do the dark thing of killing everyone. How ironic!" The murderous intention in Ye Feng's heart also began to rise.

It's not that he has no means to deal with these seventh-level powerhouses, but this means can probably only be used once, so he didn't dare to release it at will before, but now he has decided.

Immediately he began to calm down slightly.

While dealing with the six strong men who were attacking him, he began to draw out the power of rules from the fiery red evolution fruit on the branch.

Yes, that was the power of rules that was swallowed up from Ling, and it was also Ye Feng's biggest trump card against these seventh-level powerhouses.

Although he is now mentally powerful, mobilizing the power of rules still requires extra care and consumes a lot of his energy.

This means that the purpose of the lava giants who came to attack was to delay, and they did not attack with all their strength. Otherwise, Ye Feng would probably have problems while multi-tasking.

At this time, as he continued to extract the power of rules from the evolution fruit, the strong men in the field also felt a faint sense of danger.

"Be careful, it may be desperate." The lava giant at the front warned.

The rest of the people nodded immediately, indicating that they understood.

In fact, when formulating the plan, they discussed the response plan in this regard.

Therefore, their attacks have slowed down a lot, and they are always ready to use secret techniques to intercept Ye Feng.

Their actions undoubtedly made it easier for Ye Feng to extract the power of the rules.

When Ye Feng was formulating this ultimate move, he could only extract 20% of the power of the rules in the evolution fruit, which basically reached the limit of control.

However, after entering the Land of Inheritance, swallowing the Sleeping Flower, and doubling his mental strength, he could already control 40% of the power of rules in the Evolution Fruit.

You must know that Ye Feng swallowed Ling at the beginning, and now he has directly extracted 40% of the power of rules in his body. This amount is more than the opponent's full blow.

Therefore, according to Ye Feng's estimation, even if such a blow cannot directly kill the powerful angel, it can at least kill him half to death. Then he can just hit him again.

Of course, what he has to do is not only mobilize the power of rules, but also prepare for sneak attacks.

Although there were still eight giant fog dragons in the field at this time, the tree roots in two of them had been pulled out by Ye Feng.

In addition, Ye Feng's mental power has always shrouded the entire audience, and these seventh-level powerhouses are not good at mental power, so they have no way of detecting Ye Feng's small movements.

In addition, these two giant fog dragons were used to attack crows and angels before. They did not come over and stayed where they were.

Now Ye Feng pulled out the tree roots inside, and it really didn't attract anyone's attention.

The 150 tree roots that he extracted immediately spread from the bottom of the ground in the direction of the strong angel.

Behind these lateral roots, there is also a main root, which contains 40% of the power of rules drawn by Ye Feng.

The strong crow people and strong angels who were setting up the formation at this time naturally felt the dangerous aura.

However, they only frowned slightly, then glanced at the battlefield in the distance, and continued busy with what they were doing.

There are still lava giants in front of them, so as long as the giant trees are not allowed to come close, then there will be no problem.

As for the long-range attack methods, they are not worried. There will definitely be signs of the opponent's attack. With their reaction ability, they can completely cope with it.

But what they didn't expect was that when Ye Feng fought with them before, he had a certain amount of strength left in all aspects.

For example, the length of tree roots, the previous combat range has only been maintained at about 1 kilometer, so even if everyone is vigilant, they can only retreat to 2 kilometers away at most.

In fact, the root length of Ye Feng is 5.1 kilometers.

In other words, they have always been within Ye Feng's attack range.

Under Ye Feng's control, the tree roots quickly came under the strong angel.

At this time, the strong angel did not fly very high, and was only about 500 meters above the ground.

At such a distance, under Ye Feng's full burst, it would not take 0.1 seconds for his tree roots to reach it.

However, Ye Feng also understood that the reaction speed of a seventh-level powerhouse was extraordinary. If this opportunity was missed and the opponent was wary, it would be difficult to attack again.

So now, he is waiting patiently.

Because he also discovered that as the formation continues to be completed, the opponent needs to spend more and more energy to maintain it.

What he wants is to wait for the moment before the opponent's formation is completed before launching an attack.

Time passed by second by second, and half a minute passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the formation arranged by the strong angel was about to be completed. He couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, and his mind relaxed slightly.

"This is the moment!"

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly froze. 150 tree roots shot up from the ground. They were not entangled together, but scattered around.

At this time, these scattered tree roots rose into the sky, just like a cage rising from the ground to the sky.

At the moment Ye Feng launched the attack, the strong angel suddenly felt a fatal threat.

His expression changed drastically, and without even thinking, he flapped the six wings on his back and soared into the sky.

But how could Ye Feng let the other party get what he wanted? The mental power he had prepared surged out and he released a direct hit, a mental shock.


The strong angel suddenly felt like his head was being hit by a big mountain, and it was buzzing.

But in the moment between life and death, he did not dare to hesitate at all, and directly burned his life source to forcefully break away from this dizziness.

However, just as he got rid of this dizziness, a 5-meter-thick thunder and lightning struck down in the sky.

This immediately caused his upward movement to pause again, and there was even a numbness on the surface of his body.

The strong angel quickly activated the power of rules in his body and circulated it around the body surface, quickly clearing away his negative state.

His response was not unpleasant, but whether it was mental shock or lightning attack, it ultimately caused some obstacles to his speed.

With Ye Feng's full burst, the terrifying speed of 24 times the speed of sound, the delay was enough for the tree roots to catch up.

Suddenly, tree roots entangled the strong angel, and these tree roots either carried the power of thunder or ice, which could affect their actions.

Coupled with the pulling of many tree roots, his body was pinned in place.

At this moment, an extraordinarily thick tap root pressed against the strong angel's forehead.

The majestic power of rules contained in the tree roots was also detonated by Ye Feng at this moment.


The next moment, a small sun appeared in the sky.

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