Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 294 Climb to the top and understand the rules of life

At this time, the look on Ye Feng's face was a bit astonished, because when he stepped on the steps leading to the 100,000-meter platform, one after another the power of rules suddenly appeared in the surrounding void.

That’s right, it’s the power of rules!

This is a real power that belongs to a seventh-level powerhouse!

What is even more exaggerated is that the amount of the power of these rules is so huge that it is impossible to escape even if you want to, and you can only carry it hard.

"Maybe this is just a show!"

Ye Feng held a trace of luck, stretched out the roots of the tree, and approached the force of rules in front of him.

This is a ball of regular power of the water system. However, when Ye Feng's tree roots get closer, this ball of regular power instantly turns into thousands of small, high-speed water flows, cutting his tree roots into sections.

"Damn it, this is really the attack power of a seventh-level strongman! Is this really a test for sixth-level creatures?"

Ye Feng's face twitched a little. He felt that if he really brought a seventh-level powerhouse over and allowed him to fully explode his strength, he might not be able to pass this test.

Because the power of these rules spread throughout the void is too numerous.

If the power of each rule is equivalent to the attack of a seventh-level strongman.

If you want to reach the 100,000-meter platform, you must withstand at least 10,000 attacks from seventh-level experts.

Even if these attacks don't fall all at once, they are enough to kill a strong man of the same level 100 times.

Ye Feng slowly let out a breath, but no matter what, he would continue to push forward. If he extended his head, it would be a knife, and if he retracted his head, it would be a knife.

So he no longer hesitated, opened all the tree roots, prepared for defense, and rushed straight up.

Boom boom boom!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Puff puff!

There were continuous roars and explosions.

Ye Feng discovered that the power of these rules in the last part of the journey were all seven basic rules.

However, these basic rules, in addition to the power of the rules, will also have their own attributes when attacking.

For example, when the fire system attacks, in addition to the violent power of the rules, there will also be flames all over the sky.

When Ye Feng saw this scene, when he used tree roots to resist, he naturally needed the help of controlling the world.

When faced with the rules of the fire system, he condensed water balls on the roots of the trees to offset the flames.

When facing the rules of thunder, gather a thick layer of soil on the tree roots to weaken the damage of lightning as much as possible.

Of course, this method can only weaken the accompanying attribute attacks, but the damage caused by the power of the rules itself cannot be offset.

After all, the power of rules is a power far more advanced than spiritual energy. Simply relying on the crushing of this power can easily crush Ye Feng's roots.

Basically, every time Ye Feng resisted an attack from the power of rules, he had to pay at least twenty or thirty tree roots as a price.

Moreover, the number of these rules powers is too dense, and the roots of the trees cannot keep up with the growth speed, and they are destroyed quickly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng originally wanted to lend money quickly, but found that it was not possible at all.

Because after the power of these rules is consumed, it will be born again soon.

Even if you stand still, you will continue to be attacked by the power of the rules that are born. The best way is to rush to the finish line as quickly as possible.

"Fuck! Let's fight."

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and sent out the last batch of tree roots, leaving only 10 for moving.

At the same time, his life healing ability was also pushed to the extreme. Under this situation, Ye Feng's roots could grow 100 meters almost every second.

With this recovery speed, even if he fights against a seventh-level powerhouse, the opponent will be unable to do anything to him.

However, it was different now. He would be attacked by dozens or twenty rules of power almost every second.

It was like there were more than a dozen seventh-level powerhouses attacking him all the time.

Under this situation, even though Ye Feng's 600 roots are growing continuously, the total length is still continuously shortening.

Fortunately, this section of road has an end after all. When the length of Ye Feng's 600 tree roots was only 500 meters, he finally made it through the last section of the road and reached the platform on the top of the regular mountain.

"Huh! It's better, otherwise I would have to use my last resort to save my life." Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Now, only the last 500 meters of tree roots are left, which is equivalent to only one-tenth of the original length, almost touching his safety bottom line.

If it continues to be shortened, he will have to mobilize all the power of rules obtained from Ling and the strong angels, and use it to strengthen the roots of the tree to resist it.

At this time, he was running his life healing ability rapidly, and all the damaged tree roots were growing rapidly. With his recovery speed, it would take less than a minute to recover as before.

Of course, Ye Feng's current attention is focused more on those below, the eighth-level powerhouses.

Because they had already crossed the 90,000-meter platform at this time and were heading towards the top of the mountain.

Ye Feng wanted to know how they could pass through such a dangerous area.

You must know that these people absolutely do not have the ability to recover like themselves.

Although the strength of these eighth-level powerhouses is terrifying, even if they perform secret techniques in this suppressed state, they are still comparable to ordinary seventh-level powerhouses.

But this last section of the journey is not something that a seventh-level powerhouse can overcome.

"It's best to force them to use their last resort and unleash their eighth-level strength. In this case, I won't have to worry about it later." Ye Feng thought expectantly in his heart.

But the next development of things was a bit beyond his expectation.

Facing basic rules attacks, those eighth-level experts took out strange items one after another, or used secret techniques to cut off a piece of flesh from their bodies.

Then they used these things as a medium to directly draw out the power of rules from the body and protect it on the surface of the body.

"Directly eliciting the power of rules, what are they doing?" Ye Feng was a little confused.

Because after the power of rules comes out, it will be suppressed by the power of heaven and earth.

Under this situation, the effect of using the power of rules directly is far less than that of using the power of rules to add bonus to the secret technique.

But the scene that happened next made Ye Feng's eyes widen.

The effect of the power of rules on the ladder on these eighth-level powerhouses was far worse than Ye Feng imagined.

"What's going on? Why is the power of these rules so weak? It cannot reach the seventh level at all!"

Ye Feng's head was filled with questions, because he clearly saw the power of these rules, not to mention attacking dragons or lava giants with strong defenses.

Even crows, angels, and icemen can resist the power of these rules with ease.

Although there will be a certain degree of injuries on the body, those injuries are nothing at all. With the strength of these eighth-level experts, they can recover easily.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng stretched out a few tree roots and went to the steps below to try the power of these rules.

But the roots of his trees were blown off in an instant. It was obvious that the power of these rules had not been weakened.

Ye Feng frowned and looked down, and then he quickly discovered the clue.

When the power of these rules bombards the eighth-level experts, they will first be resisted by the power of rules released by them.

And just like that, the power of the rules that attacked them seemed to be weakened by more than half.

"Is the power of rules released by eighth-level experts so strong? No, it's not that the power of rules they release is strong. The power of rules they release should also be at the seventh level."

"But why, it can also suppress the power of these rules on the ladder."

"By the way, it's the rank. These are just the basic rules on the ladder, and the rules released by these eighth-level powerhouses should be the middle rules, or even the upper rules. Under the suppression of this rank, It directly weakens the harm of these basic rules."

After deducing this, Ye Feng, instead of being depressed, his eyes were bright.

Because he thought about himself, what he was about to understand was the supreme rule!

As long as you master the supreme rules, can you achieve this level of crushing when fighting against others?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng no longer paid attention to these eighth-level experts to break through the level, but came to the stone tablet on the platform.

He stretched out the tree root and touched the stone tablet, and soon his message was displayed on it.

Assessor: Ye Feng

Permission: First-class seed

Points: 1750 points

Seeing this number of points, Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction.

The points here, the big part, are of course the 1,000 points he received as a first place reward.

In addition, there will be points rewards for each platform he climbs. He has now climbed the 100,000-meter platform. Counting the previous ones, he can also get a total of 550 points.

Finally, adding the 300 points awarded to the first-class seed, he had already obtained a total of 1,850 points.

Of course, after understanding the rules once, 100 points have been deducted.

Ye Feng looked at the points in his hand and without any hesitation, he immediately chose to exchange them for a Supreme Rules Insight.

100 points were instantly deducted, and Ye Feng rooted directly to the spot and entered a state of cultivation.

Soon, he entered that special state, as if he was in a vibrant forest, where everything was full of vitality.

A kind of enlightenment gradually came to Ye Feng's mind. He seemed to have seen the true meaning of life and was about to grasp that essence.

However, at this moment, the time for him to realize something had come.

In Ye Feng's opinion, only a few minutes had passed, but in fact nearly half an hour had passed.

Therefore, when Ye Feng opened his eyes, those eighth-level experts had already arrived at the top platform.

The rest of the seventh-level experts have basically reached the 60,000-meter or even 70,000-meter platform.

Of course, these seventh-level experts knew that they had no chance of competing for the top 10, so they did not rush forward as hard as they could. They kept moving forward unhurriedly, which is why they were so slow.

Ye Feng glanced at it and saw that there was still a lot of time, so he touched the stone slab again, getting another chance to gain enlightenment and re-enter the state of cultivation.

Since the interval between the two realizations was very short, Ye Feng caught that strange feeling as soon as he entered.

He felt that he was just a little bit closer to understanding the essence of life.

Then he maintained this feeling until the end of time, without realizing the essence of life.

"What's going on? You obviously feel a little worse, why can't you understand it?" Ye Feng frowned and glanced around at the same time.

Some of the seventh- and eighth-level powerhouses around him turned their gazes over when they noticed that he had woken up. There was a hint of ridicule in their eyes.

Seeing such a look, Ye Feng suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it.

After calming down, Ye Feng estimated that these people were mocking him and it was impossible to understand the rules all at once.

Although this makes Ye Feng feel a little unhappy, it also proves from the side that any kind of rules are difficult to understand, otherwise these people would not be able to look like they want to laugh at themselves.

"But think about it, there are no less than 100,000 sixth-level peak creatures in each restricted area, but there are probably not even 10 that have broken through to seventh level."

"So it's easy to imagine how difficult it is to understand the rules. I can't be too anxious." The urgency in Ye Feng's heart gradually dissipated.

But seeing that there were already more than 30 strong men on the platform at the top of the mountain, he suddenly thought of a question.

"How did these seventh-level powerhouses get up here?" Thinking of this, he immediately looked down.

Then he was a little surprised to find that the assessment content of these seventh-level experts was completely different from his.

After they crossed the 90,000-meter platform, they were not attacked by the power of rules. They were still tested by space cracks, but they became more dense.

Therefore, as long as these seventh-level experts are careful and use strong enough secret techniques to strengthen themselves, they will have no problem passing through this area.

"Damn, this is obviously embarrassing!" Ye Feng was a little unhappy.

Moreover, he thought of more. The assessment task suddenly appeared during their climb, and the difficulty should have been adjusted temporarily.

"So the place of inheritance is really controlled by intelligent creatures."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately put away his unhappiness. Since he guessed that there was someone behind it, he naturally would not show his dissatisfaction.

And although the other party increased the difficulty, it also increased the rewards. Considering this aspect, he had no right to be unhappy.

After adjusting his mentality, Ye Feng continued to redeem the number of insights.

Because this time his mentality became calmer and no longer impatient, but he realized more things in his understanding.

Soon his fourth realization came to an end.

"I always felt that there was still a tiny bit of difference, but it turns out there is still a big gap." Ye Feng sighed with emotion.

But his eyes became brighter because this time, he finally saw the road ahead clearly.

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