Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 302 Secret! A way to save life when the universe is destroyed

As the sound came from the stone tablet.

In the center of the platform on the top of the mountain, a formation suddenly appeared. As the formations intertwined, a light gate was formed.

Obviously, that is the portal.

At the same time, 100 rays of light appeared at the stele, falling on the first 100 people who climbed to the top, forming a halo directly on the surface of their bodies.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng couldn't help but stop practicing.

The strong men in the restricted area had been impatient for a long time. When they saw this scene, they quickly walked towards the portal.

In the distance, Bai Junheng and others were also seizing the time to make final explanations to the group of powerful humans who had just come up.

Although Ye Feng was very busy, he still took time out 10 minutes ago to give the mutant animals and humans staying on the 90,000-meter platform a last chance to help them reach the top.

This time, the number of mutant animals that chose to climb to the summit exceeded 5,000, and humans also tried all of them.

After all, this is the last chance, and after such a long time, they have basically mastered the martial arts, body techniques or secret techniques they have practiced, and their speed has been greatly enhanced.

Under such circumstances, more than 70% of the mutated animals successfully broke through this time.

Among the remaining 30%, 20% of the mutated animals returned decisively after finding that they could not rush through.

In the end, 10% of the mutated animals died.

Of course, it was only 10%, and the number reached 500, and all of them were at the sixth level. Ye Feng was lying if he said he didn't feel bad, but he was even more pleased.

Because the number of mutant animals that reached the top of the mountain this time reached 3,500. Counting the 300 animals that arrived in the previous batch, the total number is 3,800.

Compared with other mutant animals, these mutant animals have at least 10 more opportunities to understand the origin of the basic rules, and the probability of breaking through to the seventh level is also greatly increased.

"Even if 1% of them can break through to the seventh level, then I can have 38 more seventh-level subordinates."

"In addition, in addition to the mutant queen bee, the remaining 27 contracted animals have also arrived at the top of the mountain. Counting the 5 mutant animals that have passed the final assessment, there is a high possibility of breaking through to the seventh level. .”

"If you are lucky, then maybe 70 powerful mutant animals reaching the seventh level will be born among my subordinates." Ye Feng was thinking about this in his mind, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

If he can really do this, then the overall strength of his side will even exceed that of any previous restricted area.

Why did I say it before? Of course it is because those forbidden creatures also enjoy the benefits of Rule Mountain.

Although the resources they obtain cannot be compared with those in the Dragon King Palace, the number of creatures in these restricted areas is too much. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of breaking through and becoming a seventh-level powerhouse, then each restricted area can at least A dozen or so seventh-level experts were born.

But no matter what, after experiencing the transformation of the inheritance place, the overall strength of the Dragon King Palace is no longer weaker than any restricted area.

"The only thing missing now is the strength of the top experts." Ye Feng murmured to himself.

And this depends on him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sent a message to the 3,500 animals who had just arrived at the top of the mountain, and asked them to understand the origin of the rules before they also walked towards the portal.

Compared to the Dragon King Palace, where Ye Feng was the one to speak, the discussion in the human camp was much more intense.

At this time, they were all discussing how the 30 people who had just reached the summit should use the 100 points they had obtained.

"My suggestion is that you can exchange your points into various cultivation methods and take them out. This will be the foundation for the rise of our humanity." Bai Junheng said sincerely.

"Then why don't you redeem it? I'm not far away from getting started with the rules of the gold system."

"If I exchange these points for 10 times of enlightenment, maybe I can successfully get started. By then, I will become a seventh-level powerhouse, and my contribution to mankind will be even greater!" Someone immediately retorted.

Hearing this, Bai Junheng said patiently: "First of all, I want to make a statement here. All the points I get in the final assessment will be exchanged for cultivation methods and contribute to the country."

"And I'm not asking everyone to donate it for free! When the time comes when these exercises are sold to the rest of the public, you will definitely get a share. I will do my best to promote this matter and protect everyone's rights."

Hearing this, everyone had a trace of hesitation on their faces.

At this time, Wu Yuqin on the side also spoke, "I know that you are worried about your future. An opportunity to break through and become a seventh-level powerhouse cannot be bought with money."

"However, you should also be able to feel that the effect of understanding the origin of this rule is the best at the beginning. But every time you understand it later, the effect will continue to decrease. Obviously this has a marginal effect."

"I'm afraid the effect you can achieve 10 times in a row now is not as good as the effect you experienced three times in the beginning."

"And everyone should have noticed that our own abilities are closely related to the rules of perception."

"So if we understand it based on our own abilities, we have a high chance of mastering the rules."

Hearing this, everyone's faces became even more hesitant.

At this time, Chen Dalong also spoke, "Actually, you don't need to take out all your points. I took a look and found that most of the ordinary cultivation methods only have 20 to 30 points."

"You can exchange two copies of the cultivation method, and the remaining ones can be used to exchange for the number of times of understanding the origin of the rules. What do you think?"

"Okay! This is a good suggestion."

"I also agree that if we can realize it four or five more times, our chances of breakthrough will be much greater."

Soon, these people all nodded and agreed.

Seeing this scene, Bai Junheng showed a smile on his face, and at the same time told these people to discuss with each other before exchanging, and try not to exchange duplicate exercises.

Of course, if there is a duplicate, the reward will be shared equally between two people after submission.

At this time, most of the creatures in the restricted area and the Dragon King Palace had entered the portal. They did not dare to delay and rushed towards the portal quickly.


As they stepped into the portal, the four of them felt that the surrounding scenery was spinning, and a terrifying space pressure surged towards them.

The halo of light on several people suddenly shone brightly, resisting most of the pressure for them.

But the slightest bit that penetrated made everyone feel that the bones and flesh on their bodies were being squeezed by huge forces, making them feel like they couldn't breathe.

And this time, the transmission took an extra long time for some reason. Gradually, except for Chen Dalong, the other people's seven orifices began to flow out blood.

Finally, the transmission stopped after about a minute. Bai Junheng and others almost fainted. Their internal organs were all severely traumatized.

But at this time, a green light flashed across their bodies, and all their injuries recovered instantly.

Only then did several people let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked up and looked around. At this sight, everyone was shocked.

At this time, they were all standing on a huge oval platform.

I don’t know what kind of material this platform is made of. It looks like metal, but it feels like jade.

On this platform, there are dense formation patterns, forming a huge light mask, covering everyone on the platform.

Outside is the boundless void. Of course, the most important thing is that there are countless spatial cracks in this space, and there are void storms that are constantly sweeping towards the platform.

If they had not been protected by this platform, Bai Junheng and others had no doubt that they would not have survived for ten seconds.

At this time, they also understood why all the things they needed to deal with in the second half of the Rules Mountain were space cracks. They were preparing for the final assessment!

Thinking of this, everyone including Chen Dalong felt a little numb, because there were only a lot more space cracks here than at Rules Mountain.

As for the large-scale void storm, although it is not as powerful as the space rift, they can't hide.

Don't talk about them now. Even Ye Feng was secretly frightened when he saw the environment around him.

Especially when he cast his gaze into the distance, the spaces there seemed to overlap and appear to be a void, giving people a sense of chaos in time and space.

And that space was so huge that no matter whether he looked up or down or left or right, he couldn't see the end. It stretched across there, as if it were a huge space wall.

More importantly, he glanced at those eighth-level experts out of the corner of his eyes. There was a look of deep horror in these people's eyes.

Of course, what concerned him more were those powerful people from outside the territory.

Their eyes were unblinking, staring at the distorted space in the distance. The expression on his face is sometimes happy, sometimes confused, and sometimes distressed, just like changing his face.

These powerful people from outside the territory should know something, and it is definitely something terrible.

This also made Ye Feng more vigilant.

And at this moment, suddenly the center of the platform bloomed with light, and then gradually outlined an unknown creature with a full body oval and a pair of wings behind it.

"Lucky little guys, welcome to the final assessment. I am your examiner."

"You can call me Lord Guoduo." Guoduo glanced around the field, and when his eyes fell on Ye Feng, there was a hint of a smile.

The eyes of everyone in the field were all looking at Guoduo at this time.

"Lord Guaoduo, may I ask what the final assessment is about?" Chen Dalong was quite discerning and asked respectfully immediately.

Guoduo approved in his heart, but still maintained an indifferent expression on his face. He cleared his throat and said, "Do you see that twisted space in front of you? Do you know what that is?"

Chen Dalong looked around, mainly at the Dragon King and the envoys. Seeing that they had no intention of speaking, he immediately said: "I don't know, please let Master Guoduo clarify."

Guoduo said: "That is the Jade of the Universe! It is also the only place where you can hide and survive when this universe era is destroyed."

"What! That is actually the wall of the universe." The eighth-level angel strongman Kanadar said with a surprised look on his face.

Not only him, but the other eighth-level experts also looked surprised.

As for those strong people outside the territory, it was as if a stone had fallen from their hearts, and the expressions on their faces had returned to calm.

However, most of the seventh-level experts in the restricted area are the same as Ye Feng and others.

Most of their faces had expressions of confusion and confusion. In addition, there were more expressions of surprise because of the content revealed in Guoduo's words.

In fact, Ye Feng was also shocked at this time. The Universe Jade was second to none, but what was the destruction of the Universe Era that the other party said?

Guoduo looked at Kanadar who spoke, and then glanced at the strong people from outside the territory, "It seems that you know a lot, but think about it, every era will leave some relics to some extent, you will never know it." It’s normal to get some information inside.”

At this time, Chen Dalong, who had just come back to his senses due to shock, stuttered and said: "Lord Gu Aoduo, you...what do you mean by the destruction of the universe era?"

Guoduo looked at Chen Dalong and the humans around them. He liked the surprised expressions on their faces, so he didn't mind answering them.

"You can understand that the universe also has a lifespan. When its lifespan comes to an end, it means the end of this cosmic era, and then everything will restart."

"The will of the universe will wipe out all living things, return everything to chaos, and then create a new world, and a new era will be born again."

"For the entire universe, this is just the law of its operation, but for all living things, it is a catastrophe." Guoduo explained to everyone.

All humans, including Ye Feng, were shocked when they heard this. This is bad news for everyone.

"How long will it take for Master Guoduo's cosmic catastrophe to come?" It was Wu Yuqin who asked this time. She was thoughtful and asked the key questions immediately.

The rest of the people also woke up and looked at Guoduo with a look of expectation on their faces.

I hope this time can be longer, preferably tens of millions of years from now.

"I don't know either." Guoduo shook his head and then explained: "But the emergence of the Land of Resurrection, that is, the birth of your planet, means that the era is about to end."

"As for when the universe will restart, it mainly depends on the number of strong people in the universe. I mean those above level seven."

"The rules you have comprehended are actually part of the origin of the universe. Especially when you reach the eighth level and integrate the rules into yourself, it is equivalent to depriving the origin of the universe for your own use."

"When the will of the universe feels that its origin is reduced to a certain extent, it will naturally kill all living things, take back the origin of the universe and restart it, giving birth to the living beings of the next era."

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