Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 305 The strongest ability of the eighth level

Seeing Netherworld erupting with the power of rules, Ye Feng also knew that the other party was serious about it.

He did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and 75 tree roots swung towards the opponent again. At the same time, thunder and lightning swirled above, and his ability to control the world was unleashed without reservation.

At the same time, the power of devouring has been fully activated. As long as it touches the enemy's body, it will start devouring it immediately.

But Ye Feng knew very well that these methods of his might be effective against sixth-level enemies and even seventh-level experts.

However, the fight just now made him understand that the physical strength of the eighth-level powerhouse has reached another level completely, and these abilities may not be effective.

After all, the realms of both sides are here, and Ye Feng can only use all means to smooth the gap between the two sides.


The tree roots and sharp claws collided together again.

Under Nether's full force, the expression on Ye Feng's face changed slightly as soon as he touched it.

This time he finally saw the truly terrifying attack power of an eighth-level powerhouse. His tree roots had just touched the opponent's claws, and the huge force transmitted caused his tree roots to crack inch by inch.

What's more important is that the power of rules that permeates the opponent's body continues to spread upward along his tree roots.

Originally, after withstanding this blow, Ye Feng would only break 100 meters of tree roots at most, but under the stranglehold of the eighth-level rule power, Ye Feng felt that he could break 1,000 meters of tree roots.

This kind of power was beyond Ye Feng's expectation, but he did not panic and immediately activated the rules of life to resist it according to the plan he had made before.

Although it has not yet broken through to the seventh level, it is impossible to give birth to the power of rules.

But integrating the strange fluctuations emitted by the rules of life into the roots of the tree can also greatly improve his resistance to the power of the rules.

Soon, the power of the special rules that penetrated into the roots of his tree seemed to be suppressed by something huge, and its power dropped rapidly.

In the end, Ye Feng's 75 tree roots were only broken by 200 meters under this blow.

This injury is nothing to Ye Feng, because after cultivating the Wanmu Divine Body, the recovery speed increased by an additional 200% on the original basis.

Nowadays, his tree roots can grow 3,000 meters in one second, so the 200 meters of broken roots are just minor injuries.

In fact, when his tree roots were swung out again, they had already grown again.

"Damn, what's going on with this recovery speed?" You Ming couldn't help but cursed.

Because in this short period of time, he fought with Ye Feng more than ten times in a row, but the other party used his super recovery ability to block his offensive.

"Don't fight him. Use your speed to get close and chop down his trunk." The voice of the angelic strongman Kanadar came from the side.

As he spoke, his six wings flapped, and his figure was like a bolt of lightning, rushing towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng naturally used tree roots to intercept, but the problem was that the eighth-level powerhouse's speed was simply not what he could match when he exploded with all his strength.

His current maximum speed is 24 times the speed of sound.

This kind of speed is naturally invincible among sixth-level people, even faster than many seventh-level experts.

But an eighth-level powerhouse can directly reach 100 times the speed of sound!

When the strong angel deliberately dodges, Ye Feng's tree roots cannot catch up at all.

However, this was also within Ye Feng's expectation. Since these tree roots could not be blocked by gathering together, they should disperse and spread out.

As those tree roots spread, a giant net was formed, intercepting the powerful angel.

"Hmph! Your tree roots are connected together, and maybe they can create a bit of a threat. If you are spread out like this, do you still want to catch me?"

Canadal sneered, and the angel sword in his hand immediately released a dazzling light, forming a hundred-meter-long giant sword and slashing directly towards the tree net in front of him.

As he expected, the tree net in front of him was split open without any surprise by his sword.

Before he could smile, behind this tree net, there was another tree net at some point.

His eyes were focused, and he continued to inject the power of rules. Suddenly, the power of the big sword in his hand remained unabated, and he continued to strike forward.

Then he broke open the second tree net, but what he saw was the third tree net.

You must know that Ye Feng’s current root length is 5.1 kilometers. Even if 100 meters of tree roots are used to weave one tree net, Ye Feng can weave 51 tree nets.

Not to mention, his life-healing ability has been continuously activated, so Kanandal must split seventy or eighty tree nets in one breath to possibly hurt his body.

The sword of the strong angel Canadal was indeed terrifying. It split 10 tree nets in a row before its power was exhausted.

However, Ye Maple's roots did not stop growing, and while the roots grew rapidly on one side, the tree net also wrapped directly towards Kanadar.

At this moment, the expression on Kanandal's face was not good-looking. He found that the situation was completely different from what he expected.

"Damn, why is his defense so strong?"

You must know that his sword, which is infused with the power of light, can kill five or six seventh-level strong men instantly under normal circumstances.

But in Ye Feng's case, he only split the 10-layer tree network, which means that the strength of the opponent's tree roots has actually reached the seventh level.

And it's not even the early seventh level, it's at least the late seventh level, or even the peak seventh level.

It's just that the defense is strong. Originally, they could have an absolute speed advantage and attack its main body.

However, the numerical advantage of the opponent's tree roots can offset this, especially after forming a tree network. Such a large-scale interception is not so easy to dodge, and the only choice is to split it.

Of course, if it were just these two points, then at most he would treat it as if he could suppress more than a dozen seventh-level experts in a fight.

But the problem is that Ye Feng's recovery ability is the most difficult for him to understand.

He has never seen any creature recover at such a fast speed since ancient times.

His sword almost cut off nearly 1,000 meters of Ye Feng's tree roots, but as soon as he stopped, the opponent's tree roots had already grown back to 500 meters, and he even dared to surround him.

Looking at the tree net covering him, the veins on the strong angel's forehead twitched slightly.

At this moment, the power of rules in his body burst out, and at the same time, a complex formation appeared on his sword, and he wanted to perform a secret technique.

The giant tree in front of you recovers very quickly, so the best way to defeat it is to hit it quickly.

But just when he was about to take action, Kanandal suddenly felt an inexplicable numbness in his arm.

He glanced at his arm, and the expression on his face became even more gloomy. There was an obvious black spot on the skin of his left arm.

This was caused by thunder and lightning on the tree roots. Although the thunder and lightning released by Ye Feng's tree roots did not have much impact on him, it was a thunder and lightning.

Every time he split open a layer of tree netting, he was equivalent to withstanding 75 lightning strikes. He split open 10 layers of tree netting in one breath, which is equivalent to withstanding 750 lightning attacks.

Even though these thunder and lightning were only at the sixth level, so many of them together had some impact on him.

In addition, the flesh and blood on his wrist seemed to be missing.

Kanandal recalled that during the brief battle just now, there seemed to be a devouring force coming from the roots of the opponent's tree.

He didn't care before, because he had the power of rules to protect his body, and he didn't believe that the other party could swallow anything from him.

But seeing that there seemed to be a little bit of flesh and blood missing, he immediately understood that the other party's devouring ability was much more powerful than he had imagined.

It was actually able to cross two great realms and affect him.

"Very good, you forced me to do this." More power of rules surged out of Canadal's body, rushing towards the angel sword in his hand.

Originally, there was only one formation appearing on the big sword, but now with Kanandal going all out, the number of formations has increased to three.

At the same time, he spurted out a mouthful of blood. This blood, which contained the power of light, fell on the formation and immediately caused the bright flames on the entire long sword to burn with overwhelming power.

Ye Feng also felt it. This powerful angel brought him an extremely fatal threat.

But even so, his movements were not slow at all, as 75 tree roots formed a tree network.

Taking advantage of the time when Kanandal was using his secret technique, he was directly enveloped in it and suddenly shrank inwards.

At the same time, he activated the lightning power and devouring power on the tree roots to the extreme, seizing any opportunity to weaken the enemy.

"Die!" A sharp shout came from the cage formed by the tree roots.

The tree roots wrapped around the strong angel shattered in an instant, and Kanandal held the sword of light high and rushed towards him with unparalleled power.

During this process, as he waved the bright sword in his hand, the tree network formed by Ye Feng's tree roots shattered one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Kanadal broke through the 10-layer tree network formed by Ye Feng.

Just as the power of his sword dissipated, the second sword burst out immediately afterwards.

And with the blessing of the secret technique, there was no pause between the two swords, as if they were connected as one.

Under this situation, Kanadal's speed of cutting down the tree roots clearly exceeded Ye Feng's recovery speed.

Basically, he cut off 1,000 meters of Ye Feng's tree roots, and Ye Feng had time to restore 500 meters.

Under this situation, the distance between Canadaal and Ye Feng was rapidly approaching.

From the first 4 kilometers, it quickly approached 3 kilometers, and then 2 kilometers.

When the opponent came within 2 kilometers of him, Ye Feng's eyes flashed.

Because for experts at their level, this distance is already very close and is not enough to guarantee safety.

And not only the angel powerhouse broke out at this time, but almost all the other eighth-level powerhouses made the same choice.

When an eighth-level expert casts his secret technique, it is impossible for Ye Feng's tree roots to block it.

Especially those who are good at attacking, such as giant dragons and lava giants.

When they exploded with all their strength, their attack power was even more terrifying than that of the strong angels. They also quickly cut off Ye Feng's tree roots and moved closer to his body.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Feng was not without a plan.

What he has to do is also very simple. He uses all his strength to activate his spiritual energy and fly towards the depths of the Universe Boundary.

As he went deeper, more and more power of rules was attracted and attacked him.

But when the power of these rules came within a certain range and sensed the eighth-level powerhouses behind Ye Feng, they all changed their directions and bombarded these eighth-level powerhouses.

Seeing this scene, all the eighth-level powerhouses had unpleasant expressions on their faces.

You know, before taking action, Ye Feng had already penetrated 10 kilometers, and this place seemed to be a watershed.

If you continue to go deeper, the repressive power released by the metal platform will weaken, and conversely, the power of the power of rules will continue to increase.

At this time, the power of these rules attracted by Ye Feng had reached the early stage of seventh level.

Although the power of this level of rules still does not pose much of a threat to these eighth-level experts in the field.

But it has reached a point where they can no longer ignore it.

Boom boom boom!

The power of rules bombarded these eighth-level experts, blocking their unstoppable offensive.

Of course, there is also the power of rules, attacking Ye Feng.

It's just that there are eight eighth-level strong men standing by to attract firepower and attack Ye Feng's power of rules. The number is really too small.

Basically, out of 100 rules powers flying towards him, at most only one will fall on him.

With Ye Feng's recovery ability, the occasional attack from the power of one or two rules on his body is not worth mentioning at all.

And as it continues to deepen, the power of these rules in the universe wall will continue to increase, both in quantity and power.

This will help Ye Feng more and more, until later, he will be able to get rid of this crisis completely.

Not only Ye Feng knew this, but also the eighth-level powerhouses who were chasing behind him.

Kanandal was continuously bombarded by the power of five rules. After his speed slowed down slightly, he saw that the distance between him and Ye Feng gradually widened, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly.

He immediately turned his head, looked at the lava giant, and shouted: "Wurnos, your lava field is the most violent. Release the field directly to suppress him, otherwise he will continue to go deeper and really escape. .”

The level of understanding of rules by an eighth-level expert is not comparable to that of a seventh-level expert.

At this level, one can even activate the power of rules to directly form a domain to suppress the enemy.

This kind of suppression is not an exaggeration to say that it is crushing for a seventh-level powerhouse, let alone a sixth-level one.

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