Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 424 The Protection of the Dragon King

Of course, even if the cooperation is authorized by the cultivation method, it can be achieved quickly.

But there is no way to solve the large-scale mutated biological crisis that will be triggered after the fifth spiritual energy recovery.

After all, cultivation is not achieved overnight, it requires the accumulation of time.

Therefore, the most important thing to deal with these mutant creatures is various thermal weapons.

However, mutant creatures that have broken through to the fourth level are no longer very afraid of conventional thermal weapons and need more advanced equipment.

But those small and medium-sized countries, since the revival of spiritual energy, have been busy with rescues everywhere. In many cases, even the rescue is powerless.

Under such circumstances, where can manpower be mobilized to carry out weapon research and development?

Therefore, people in many countries are panicked at this time.

Ye Feng had already expected these.

But what he didn't expect was that among the various speeches, one voice gradually became louder and louder.

That is, more and more people are praying online to get the blessing of the Dragon King.

You must know that in the past month or so since Ye Feng's return, as the cooperation with the Miller family has been reached, there is such a real example in front of him. More and more regional forces around the world want to cooperate with the Dragon King.

And Ye Feng also accepts all comers, no matter who they are or what forces they are, as long as the power of faith provided by the opponent in the opponent's area reaches 1 million points every day.

Ye Feng will send sixth-level mutant animals from the Dragon King Palace to sit in and protect their safety.

In the past month or so, there have been close to 50 forces that have cooperated with Ye Feng.

The power of faith that these forces can provide every day is guaranteed to be 1 million, and as many as 2 million, or even 3 million.

Therefore, the power of faith provided by these 50 forces alone is close to 100 million every day.

It can be said that as time goes by, the power of faith provided by these overseas forces to Ye Feng has gradually become the largest one.

But this is something Ye Feng is happy to see happen. According to his plan, the Dragon King will focus on harvesting the power of faith from overseas forces in the future.

As for the power of faith in the country, it is up to the human beings to harvest it.

Therefore, the fifth spiritual energy revival is a huge disaster for mankind.

But for Ye Feng, it was a good opportunity, an opportunity that could instantly increase the Dragon King's influence several times, or even dozens of times.

Of course, he didn't act immediately. If he wanted to become the savior, he would definitely need to appear at the most critical moment to make the deepest impression on people.

So, Ye Feng closed his eyes and started practicing again.

In the blink of an eye, another hour passed.

When Ye Feng came back to his senses from the state of cultivation, he could already vaguely hear the sound of gunfire coming from the direction of Yangcheng City in the distance.

He immediately used his mental power to investigate and found that many mutated insects had indeed taken action.

Although they did not gather together to launch a large-scale attack, there were still cases where they gathered in twos and threes and harassed the city.

However, this kind of small fight does not even require the special operations brigade to take action. The regular guard force on the city wall is enough to deal with it.

As for Sunset Town, which is closer to the Dongling Mountains, it is peaceful. People here don't even need to hide at home and can live a normal life.

The reason is naturally because this is Sunset Town, the territory of the Dragon King.

Even though there is not even a low wall in the entire town, the Dragon King Palace army guarding outside is the strongest defensive front in the world.

They don't even need to take any action. Just standing there and releasing their breath is enough to make all the mutant insects that come close to run away in panic.

Ye Feng turned on his phone again and took a look at the current situation. The situation in the country was basically the same as he imagined.

The mutant biological crisis has just broken out. Even if various cities are attacked, the attack intensity is not strong. At least the defense teams everywhere can resist it.

However, the situation abroad is somewhat ominous.

Ye Feng opened the Internet and clicked on a video. This was a city in Europe. A beetle that was as big as an adult was directly fired by an automatic rifle and entered a residential building.

In just a few seconds, the person hiding in the room was torn into several pieces by the sharp mouthparts of the beetle.

This kind of thing happens frequently in more than one country, not even in one country, but almost everywhere in the world.

Many cities do not have a complete defense system, and even the city walls are not very high, and most mutant insects can actually fly.

In this case, the defensive effect of the city wall itself becomes very small. What can play a role at this time is the air defense system established based on the city wall.

But obviously, it is not easy to build a complete defense system, mainly because these countries do not have so many manpower and material resources.

The scene just happened. From time to time, some mutated insects would successfully escape the fire net and fly into the city to kill.

And not only was the situation inside the city relatively chaotic, even the city walls they had spent so much effort on deploying were in poor condition.

Ye Feng clicked on another video, which was a video of a dozen mutated bison attacking a city wall.

They simply withstood the attacks of heavy guns and howitzers, rushing forward, and then slammed their horns against the city wall.

The terrifying force was like a battering ram. Even the city wall built with special cement was knocked out of a dent that was 5 meters wide and 2 meters deep.

This was just the beginning. After the impact of a dozen bison, dense cracks began to appear on the city wall, and some of the heavy guns fixed on it fell over.

After the collision, the buffaloes immediately returned and then launched a new round of charge.

In less than three minutes, under the successive impacts, the 5-meter-wide city wall collapsed.

You can imagine what happens next.

Listening to the screams that kept coming from the video, Ye Feng silently turned it off.

"The mutant biological crisis hasn't officially started yet, but there are cities that can't sustain it. This is really outrageous."

Ye Feng couldn't help but murmured that he really overestimated the defense power of these overseas cities.

He immediately took another look at the comments from netizens, and messages asking for help were posted almost everywhere.

Of course, in addition to the message asking for help, there is another message worth paying attention to.

Many powerful organizations or forces have begun to hire people and form teams to go to places protected by the Dragon King Palace.

Even some civil organizations are constantly calling for manpower to go to these sheltered areas together.

The reason for this is naturally because in these sheltered areas, the members of the Dragon King Palace who were stationed there showed their might and killed all the mutant animals that crossed the line.

Even if there are occasional fish that slip through the net, as long as the armed forces in these areas can delay a little, the mutated animals responsible for guarding can arrive quickly and eliminate the enemies.

At this time, a large number of these videos are also circulating on the Internet.

Ye Feng clicked on a video at random and saw a giant tiger with a body length of more than 60 meters. Every time it ran, it could cover hundreds of meters. Wherever it passed, its sharp claws could instantly Let the mutated creatures in that place disembowel you.

He directly used his own efforts to form an invisible line of defense.

You know, the mutant creatures that Ye Feng sent out to guard everywhere were all mutant tigers, mutant lions, or mutant cheetahs, the top predators.

In addition, they are all selected from Ye Feng's elite team. Not only are all the animals at the peak of the sixth level.

Moreover, he has taken the heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the inheritance land to strengthen his physical fitness, so in these aspects, he is far superior to mutant animals of the same realm.

In addition, they all arrived at Rules Mountain and practiced the techniques that matched their own races.

Therefore, their combat power is far beyond that of normal sixth-level mutant animals. When they go all out, they can often kill their opponents in two or three moves.

What's more, the ones that come out to attack the city now are mainly fourth-level mutant animals. Fifth-level mutant animals are rare, let alone sixth-level mutant animals.

It is precisely because of this that there are scenes of chopping melons and vegetables in the video.

You can imagine how shocking and attractive these videos are to the panicked residents.

It is precisely because of this that the current situation has arisen, with almost powerful people wanting to escape to these safe zones.

Those who are incapable can only pray desperately to the Dragon King to lend a helping hand to rescue them.

Ye Feng even saw that large-scale prayer actions had been organized in some areas.

Because of this, in this hour, Ye Feng's total power of faith increased by 500 million points.

"This situation is developing much faster than I expected!"

"It's time to take action and let my believers get a response." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

What was playing on his mobile phone was a video of tens of thousands of people gathered in a huge square and praying to the Dragon King.

In Sunset Town, although the people here are still working as usual.

But as long as you observe carefully, you can find that they actually have no thoughts on their work.

Many people will pick up their mobile phones from time to time and pay attention to what is going on outside.

While I feel sad, I also secretly feel lucky to be able to stay in such a safe place.

Suddenly, everyone felt a vast fluctuation coming from above their heads.

This immediately made everyone look up, and they were surprised to find that countless thick fogs were rolling over the town, gradually forming the shape of a giant dragon.

"Dragon King!" someone shouted loudly.

"Hey, what's going on? Why did the Dragon King suddenly appear?" Some people also asked in confusion.

"Could it be that the restricted area has changed? Didn't you say that before? After the fifth spiritual energy recovery, those seventh-level experts in the restricted area can come out at will." Someone also analyzed.

But there is no doubt that more and more people are attracted by this scene and come to the streets.

Just when everyone was about to guess what the Dragon King was going to do, they suddenly saw this giant dragon of dense fog, quickly shrinking toward the center and turning into a giant ball of cloud and fog.

Then a mutated parrot broke through the clouds and appeared in everyone's eyes.

No one would not know the parrot in front of them, because he has appeared in the news more than once. This is the parrot messenger and the most important bridge for the Dragon King to communicate with them.

However, this is also the first time for the Parrot Messenger to appear in such a high-profile manner.

Under the gaze of everyone, the mutant parrot cleared its throat and then said: "Now many cities around the world are being attacked by mutant creatures."

"The Dragon King can also feel that many believers are calling his name and praying for protection."

"In this critical moment, our Dragon King Palace has the right intention to protect the believers. Even the Dragon King will personally take action. Mutated creatures that dare to harm believers will have to bear the punishment of heaven."

"However, Lord Dragon King is also limited in his ability, so he can only give priority to rescuing cities with more believers."

"Believers who cannot receive rescue in time can go to nearby cities and receive shelter."

The mutated parrot's voice, blessed by spiritual power, echoed in the sky above Sunset Town, allowing everyone below to hear it clearly.

This is the Internet age, and the words of the mutated parrot will soon spread.

Of course, due to the special nature of Sunset Town, many representatives of overseas forces will stay here just to get first-hand information.

Ye Feng's words were mainly meant for them.

On the one hand, he said that he would go to the rescue, and on the other hand, he said that the rescue was prioritized, and everything was calculated according to the number of believers.

You must know that a month ago, when Ye Feng cooperated with the Miller family, he had already made it clear that he needed the power of faith.

It is precisely because of this that forces from all over the world have done more or less propaganda about the Dragon King.

However, in some places, it is not easy to promote faith, especially in places where other religious beliefs exist.

These places are completely resistant to the existence of the Dragon King.

However, in the current crisis, neither God nor Jesus can save them, only the Dragon King can.

Ye Feng believes that anyone who is not stupid should know how to make a choice.

Of course, there must be people who are stupid and incapable of thinking. It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng will give conditions, only to rescue those cities with more believers.

The purpose is naturally to highlight its differentiation.

Doing this can make those areas that have long believed in the Dragon King feel valued and make them more pious.

At the same time, only by doing this can the Dragon King's kindness not appear so cheap.

Otherwise, those who believe in the Dragon King will be rescued, and those who do not believe in the Dragon King will also be rescued, so why should others believe in the Dragon King?

Of course, there will also be situations where there are people who believe in the Dragon King in this city, but because of insufficient faith, these people are given up.

But Ye Feng also said that as long as they go to other cities, they can get asylum.

Ye Feng will even try his best to clean up the mutant animals near the highway, thereby reducing the risk of these people going there.

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