Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 475 Embark on the ancient road of the universe

Hearing what Ye Feng said, his mother Wang Shuwen was a little surprised and asked: "Didn't it say that after the sixth spiritual energy recovery, a strong person from outside the territory will come?"

"There are only more than two months left, why are you free now?"

Ye Feng casually found a reason, "Because all the preparations that need to be made have been made! The nine restricted areas have been conquered one after another, and now everyone has begun to cooperate in practicing battle formations."

"Everything is on track. I just need to go there every day and monitor the progress."

Wang Shuwen didn't doubt him. When she heard Ye Feng say this, she immediately became happy, "That's good. You were really busy some time ago. If you have time, take more rest."

Before Ye Feng could say anything, Ye Rou, who heard the conversation between the two, jumped over and said excitedly: "Big Pot, take me to the amusement park tomorrow! I haven't been there for a long time."

Ye Feng reached out and rubbed the other person's head, "Don't you need to train tomorrow?"

"You forgot! Our special operations brigade also has rest time! I can just take the rest time, and I'm still young, so I'm not required to train every day." Ye Rou said confidently.

"Okay! I'll take you to the amusement park tomorrow." Ye Feng didn't refuse and agreed directly.

Soon, Ye Xiangfeng also arrived home, and the family members accompanied by Ye Feng had dinner together.

This clone also has all the functions of a normal body, including digesting food.

After dinner, Ye Feng even watched TV with his family. This scene once again made Ye Feng's parents look surprised, but Ye Feng did not explain too much. This will become the norm in the future.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Ye Feng finished his training and replaced his clone.

I finished breakfast with my family in person and then headed to the amusement park.

According to Guoduo, after traveling to a different universe, the consciousnesses of the two deities can no longer be connected.

In other words, this is the last time that human beings spend with their families, so they naturally cherish it very much.

After arriving at the amusement park, Ye Feng and Ye Rou personally played with each other on the roller coaster pirate ship, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, and bumper cars.

After playing with each other for more than an hour, Ye Feng also knew that the time was almost up.

He finally stretched out his hand and touched Ye Rou's head, then cast an illusion to cover up his figure, and the human being disappeared directly.

At the same time, the clone also came here to take over Ye Feng's position.

When Ye Feng himself appeared again, he had arrived at the top of the regular mountain in the inheritance place.

At this time, a boat-shaped object flew towards him quickly, it was Yin Tian Zhou.

Ye Feng controlled it to shrink and placed it on his forearm as an arm guard.

At the same time, the World Tree itself was also transmitted.

"Let's go!" Ye Feng said looking at Guoduo who appeared beside him.

Immediately afterwards, he used the teleportation formation here to teleport directly to the coordinate point where he originally stayed on the cosmic boundary wall.

The human being sat on one of the branches.

The journey through the cosmic boundary wall will be completed with the help of the World Tree.

In this way, Ye Feng can be in the best condition to meet the challenge of the ancient road of the universe.


The huge size of the World Tree quickly crashed into the cosmic boundary wall.


The power of rules from all around surged in, but it had no impact on the World Tree itself.

After all, Ye Feng's cultivation at the ninth level, coupled with the Dacheng realm's Wanmu Divine Body, has allowed his defense to reach the peak level of the tenth level under normal conditions.

With such defense power, it is simply a piece of cake to reach the ancient road of the universe.

Therefore, Ye Feng moved very fast. It only took more than three hours to reach 100,000 kilometers deep into the wall of the universe.

Even this time, he didn't even need to use the magic power of heaven, earth, elephants and earth. He just used the rules of life to restore the tree roots and walked over directly.

"Sure enough, strength is the foundation." Ye Feng sighed with emotion.

He jumped down from the tree trunk and looked at the gravel road in the void. This time he stepped on it without hesitation.


Terrifying heavy pressure fell from the sky, and Ye Feng's body was immediately covered with a layer of space rules, which directly offset the heavy pressure and quickly moved forward.

Because he had already felt the power of the Ancient Road of the Universe before, this time Ye Feng did not deliberately test or anything, and started to rush forward directly.

Because according to the previous experience left by Guoduo, the longer you stay on the ancient road of the universe, the more dangerous it will be later.

It is best to cross the entire ancient cosmic road within three days. This is a relatively safe interval, otherwise the risk will increase significantly every day from now on.

If you can't go out for more than a week, you'll basically have to stay here forever.

At least according to the records of many era ruins, no one can stay inside for more than a week and still leave alive.

We must know that there are no mortals who can penetrate 100,000 kilometers into the wall of the universe and reach the ancient road of the universe.

At least they are the kind of extremely evil tenth-level powerhouses, or even the tenth-level ones who come to explore the ancient road of the universe. In fact, there are still a very small number. The vast majority are true gods, even high-level gods.

Even a high-ranking god cannot walk out of the ancient road of the universe for more than a week. You can imagine how dangerous this ancient road will be in the later stages.

Because of this, after setting foot here, Ye Feng really didn't dare to waste any time.

Thump thump thump!

A force of rules was injected into the artifact flowing light boots worn under his feet, and he suddenly transformed into flowing light and traveled at extremely fast speeds.

Yes, what Ye Feng wears on his feet is also a magical weapon!

This was his final preparation. After all, there were still the last ten artifacts in the heavenly treasure house. How could Ye Feng not change his clothes properly when carrying out such a dangerous action.

Therefore, he not only carries the quasi-eternal artifact Hidden Sky Boat, the high-level artifact Void Splitting Divine Gun, but also a pair of mid-level artifact Streaming Boots that can increase speed.

Although this pair of flowing light boots is only a mid-level artifact, it has an ability that Ye Feng likes very much, that is, it can transform into flowing light.

This not only greatly increases his speed, but more importantly, in the state of flowing light, his body will also be temporarily transformed into an energy form, which can offset physical attacks. Even the damage caused by energy attacks can Significantly weakened.

Let Ye Feng's life-saving ability be improved again.

At this time, Ye Feng could feel that under the condition of being transformed into a flowing light, the heavy pressure he received was weakened by at least half.

At the same time, it can also increase his speed by a lot.

Of course, in addition to activating the Streaming Boots, Ye Feng also activated another artifact on his body, the Black Iron Ice Armor.

This is a high-level artifact that can effectively resist physical attacks, energy attacks, and even have a great weakening effect on mental attacks and negative states.

In addition to its super defensive power, when attacked, this artifact can also convert part of the attack power into the power of ice to freeze the opponent.

At this time, when Ye Feng's artifact was also activated, only one-tenth of the pressure from above his head remained.

Coupled with the isolation of the power of space, the actual pressure on Ye Feng was almost nonexistent. Under this situation, Ye Feng's speed suddenly accelerated a few points.

In just one minute, Ye Feng had already advanced nearly 10 kilometers.

At this time, Ye Feng looked back and saw that the extremely huge figure of the World Tree itself had become looming.

"This space not only isolates spiritual power, but also limits the field of vision?" Ye Feng frowned.

Otherwise, according to his purpose, as long as there is no obstruction, he can easily see things hundreds of kilometers away.

But there was no pause in the pace of his feet, and he continued to rush forward at an extremely fast speed.

After a few more minutes, Ye Feng's steps paused slightly.

At this time, he had gone 50 kilometers deep into the Ancient Road of the Universe.

At this time, the heavy pressure on the head, which was originally only at the eighth level, directly increased to a level, reaching the ninth level.

This is naturally nothing to the current Ye Feng, but you can imagine that if he waits for the tenth level before coming, does that mean that he will have to bear the pressure of the true god level at this time?

"This is just the beginning! It's really abnormal to have such intensity." Ye Feng couldn't help but say.

After only a slight pause in his steps, he continued to move forward.

However, under this heavy pressure, Ye Feng had to slow down a bit.

Ye Feng is still a little worried whether this kind of pressure will continue to increase as he goes deeper.

However, 10 minutes later, when he went hundreds of kilometers deep and found that the pressure had not changed, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If this kind of pressure continued to increase and the power increased by two major levels, he really doubted how anyone other than himself could cross this ancient road in the universe.

However, his good mood did not last long. After he advanced for dozens of kilometers, he was dumbfounded when he looked at the situation ahead.

"Where is the road? Why is it broken?" Ye Feng patted the Hidden Sky Boat on his wrist guard and asked.

Guoduo's somewhat helpless voice came from inside, "You must know that the information I gave you was from three eras ago. It will definitely change after such a long time!"

"You should be lucky that the cosmic catastrophe will not affect such a deep part of the cosmic boundary wall, otherwise the road will be destroyed."

Ye Feng was speechless for a while, then asked after a moment: "What should we do now?"

"According to the information, the ancient cosmic road should be at your 1 o'clock direction, but it's just broken. Now you have to find a way to cross it." Guoduo's voice also became a little serious.

Ye Feng looked far into the distance and found that there was indeed a faint gravel road more than ten kilometers away.

But these ten kilometers are not so easy to pass.

After all, this place has reached the void chaos layer, and it is impossible to fly normally. If you fly forward, the next moment because of the void chaos, you will reach any place in the front, back, left, or right.

Of course, if that's all, it doesn't matter to Ye Feng. The worst thing is to spend a little more time to find the best route.

The problem is that during this process, a crack in the void leading to the dead layer may appear at any time.

If he was involved, with Ye Feng's current cultivation level, he would almost certainly die.

Therefore, these ten kilometers will be Ye Feng's first big crisis since he set foot on the ancient road of the universe.

However, Ye Feng did not act immediately. He looked at the surrounding environment, and soon his eyes fell on a green and winding vine more than ten meters thick in the void to his right.

"Xiao Gu, how dangerous would it be if I stepped on those rule objects?" Ye Feng asked.

Because he was only 5 kilometers away from the green vine.

If you follow this vine, you will reach the floating iceberg on the other side, and the distance between that iceberg and the gravel road is only 1 kilometer.

In other words, after the conversion of these two places, Ye Feng's distance across the void chaos layer can be reduced from more than ten kilometers to 6 kilometers.

"It's hard to say. It's unknown what kind of damage each rule-based object will cause."

"But that green vine must be a rule related to the wood attribute. You have mastered the rules of life, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"But that iceberg is an ice type rule, so it's hard to say." Guoduo's voice came from the arm guard.

"But no matter how dangerous it is, it's definitely better than facing the crack in the void, right?" Ye Feng said.

"That's for sure. After all, no matter what kind of rule-based object it is, it will cause harm based on your current cultivation level. At least it won't kill you." Guoduo answered in the affirmative.

"Okay!" Ye Feng came and sat down cross-legged closest to the green vine.

Although the decision was made to do so, it was not something that could be done immediately.

Because according to the information given by Guoduo before, although those space cracks will appear randomly, they are not irregular.

Basically, as long as a space crack appears in an area, the probability of a space crack appearing within the next hour will be greatly reduced.

Of course, just reducing it does not mean that it will never happen. At least it can reduce the risk.

At this time, Ye Feng was waiting for the space crack to appear again in this area, and he would cross over after it was over.

Of course, although this is a method, not everyone can afford it.

The reason is naturally because you have to bear the heavy pressure of a higher realm all the time.

Like Ye Feng, it's better. If the other tenth-level strong men have to bear the importance of the true god level all the time, they will suffer.

This is not just a matter of whether the body can bear it, the consumption will also be extremely huge.

However, Ye Feng had known this information for a long time and had naturally made full preparations.

Nowadays, his space bracelet contains a large amount of spiritual energy fruits, and the total amount of spiritual energy contained in it is as high as 10 billion points.

It can be said that taking the World Tree itself and the spiritual energy fruits stored in the past few months.

Even if Ye Feng consumes 100 million points of spiritual energy a day, he can still last for more than three months.

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