Ye Feng did not expect that the Supreme Rule's resistance was so strong.

This means that if they are suppressed at the same time, the opponent may be suppressed to the tenth level in two or three seconds.

And as long as he persists longer than the opponent, even for just one second, it is possible to achieve a decisive blow.

After all, he has time acceleration rules. To him, one second is 100 seconds, or even 1000 seconds, which is enough to crush the opponent to death.

But if you want to do this, there is another problem, that is, you must have the ability to hide.

And it can still block the hidden ability of the battle formation and fortress formation.

This is not simple. Generally speaking, even those powerful true gods need the help of secret techniques.

The reason why Ye Feng dared to try was naturally because of the supreme rule.

Space seal!

Space is hidden!

The two spatial rules were immediately put into effect. Under the blessing of the supreme rules, the effect they could exert was far beyond the normal upper rules.

In everyone's perception, Ye Feng's aura was declining rapidly, reaching the tenth level in an instant.

Of course, this decline in aura is not an illusion. Ye Feng's strength will indeed be limited to the tenth level under the effect of the space seal.

It's just that the seal you set can be easily lifted.

As for space concealment, it is used to try and hide from the detection of the formation.

Facts have proved that the supreme rule is still powerful.

Even in the face of it, war fortresses, which can be called civilized artifacts, can still be effective.

The suppression on Ye Feng quickly disappeared, and even the locked feeling was gone.

"This should be considered a success, we have another trump card." Ye Feng had a smile on his face.

Others could more or less feel something unusual about Ye Feng, but no one asked any more questions.

The flying boat followed the large army and flew quickly, getting closer and closer to the Tianxing Mine.

Soon they were close to a distance of 100,000 kilometers. When they got here, with their demigod vision, Ye Feng could already see some scenes inside the Tianxing Mine.

It was indeed a meteorite belt floating in the universe.

Countless humans are either driving machines or riding huge beasts, quickly smashing the meteorites in front of them. From time to time, a flash of red light will appear, which is the star stone hidden in the meteorites.

Since those who mine here are at least seven-level experts, the efficiency can be said to be extremely high. A team of 10 people can quickly sweep away meteorites within a hundred kilometers.

However, compared to the huge meteorite belt, their speed is still too slow.

Ye Feng estimated that the length of the meteorite belt in this Tianxing Mine was nearly a light-year at least.

It is precisely because of this that Tianyuan Shenting and Honghuang Temple each dispatched 5 war fortresses to suppress them here.

You must know that a war fortress, no matter where it is placed, is the core hub of the battlefield.

Generally speaking, there is only one war fortress in a star field, but there are five here, which shows its importance.

As the large army approached, a huge metal fortress suddenly appeared in front of them.

This scene made Ye Feng raise his eyebrows slightly. It was obvious that this war fortress had a powerful hidden formation.

At least he hadn't noticed anything unusual here before.

And as the full picture of the war fortress emerged, Ye Feng was also a little surprised at how huge this thing was.

Rather than saying that this is a fortress, it is better to say that this is a metal planet. The diameter of this metal planet exceeds 100,000 meters.

One by one, the airships flew along the passage into the war fortress.

Ye Feng's flying boat also followed and was guided to a huge metal platform.

When he led the team off the spacecraft and looked at the steel dome below and the giant star passages extending in all directions like a honeycomb, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

If such a giant creation were placed on the earth, even with the combined efforts of all mankind, I don’t know how long it would take to create it.

Moreover, this war fortress is different from other places, which gives Ye Feng a sense of technology.

Ye Feng has never seen such technological products on Tianyuan Star.

But he didn't find it strange. After all, in an ancient universe like the prehistoric universe, technological civilization must have been born.

It's just that in terms of combat power, it can't match the current cultivation civilization, and it has declined.

But important products of scientific and technological civilization are obviously handed down, such as this kind of war fortress.

Compared to Ye Feng, who saw everything as novel, the others behaved much more normally.

Especially Jiang Minying is a frequent visitor here.

Therefore, Jiang Minying led the team and boarded the circular rail car directly towards the destination.

According to what Ye Feng learned, the largest area of ​​this kind of war fortress is actually the weapon systems distributed everywhere, followed by the area where the troops are stationed.

These are not open to the public. Generally speaking, the areas that a team like Ye Feng's self-organized team can go to are the trading area and the mission area.

Of course, if he revealed his identity as a direct disciple, that would be a different matter.

But Ye Feng came here just to complete the mission, so there was no need to have any special privileges.

What they want to go to at this time is the mission area.

The largest building in the mission area is the mission hall, followed by various training rooms and temporary residences built around the needs of their teams.

"Brother Ye, what tasks should we choose?" Xiao Yun'er looked at the huge task bar in the task hall and asked Ye Feng.

There were hundreds of tasks on it, divided into four levels from difficult to easy: ABCD.

At this time, Ye Feng also looked up, looking at the constantly scrolling task bar, and made a selection in his mind.

Although there were many tasks, for him, the range of options was not that large.

Because they, the direct disciples, had requirements for the difficulty of the tasks, and they had to be A-level tasks.

Ye Feng naturally had no opinion on the requirements for the difficulty of the tasks.

He chose the kind that could be completed quickly, so he gave up on things like garrisoning, guarding, or patrolling tasks.

Apart from these, there were not too many to choose from.

Just as Ye Feng frowned and thought, suddenly there was a commotion in the task hall.

"Look at Luo Qiu's Aurora Squad."

"Why are all of them injured? Oh my god, they've lost some members."

"What happened in the Tianxing Mine?"

Discussions were heard all around, and many people looked nervous and uneasy.

You have to know that the Aurora Squad is the most powerful team of the Tianyuan Divine Court in the Tianxing Mine, and they have always been successful.

Ye Feng couldn't help but look over, as he had heard of Luo Qiu.

Because the other party is also a direct disciple, and a direct disciple of the great elder Lu Ming, it is said that he also masters the rules of time acceleration.

He is one of the strongest demigods of the younger generation of the Tianyuan Divine Court.

Such a genius was injured, even Ye Feng had to pay attention.

Just when Ye Feng was thinking about how to get information.

Xiao Yun'er on the side spoke directly, "Brother Luo Qiu, how did you get injured?"

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