Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 591: Hidden Sky Boat Shows Its Power

The next moment after making the decision, the Void Spear in Ye Feng's hand suddenly disappeared.


Instead, there was an object similar to a long shuttle.

What Ye Feng took out at this time was the quasi-eternal artifact Hidden Sky Boat in his hand, and it was in a reduced form, just right to be used as a weapon.

In the past 30 years, although Ye Feng did not go out to perform missions every year, he had more than a dozen missions of varying sizes.

And every time he went to the Tianxing Mine.

For Ye Feng, it was a gold mine of rising Tianyuan points.

Almost every time he went there, Ye Feng obtained at least 40 to 50 billion Tianyuan points, and at most tens of billions of Tianyuan points.

Not only Tianyuan points, but also Lingshi and other gains were even more exaggerated.

And such a huge income, if used purely for cultivation, even if Ye Feng used various elixirs to assist cultivation every day, it would be far from being spent.

Therefore, Ye Feng used all the extra Tianyuan points to buy various extremely rare materials, even Chaos Treasures.

All these things were given to Gu Aoduo, so that he could upgrade the Hidden Sky Boat.

The Hidden Sky Boat is a quasi-eternal artifact. In theory, it can be upgraded to a real eternal artifact.

Under Ye Feng's investment, after more than 30 years, the Hidden Sky Boat has undoubtedly been upgraded to a higher level compared to when Ye Feng first obtained it.

Even at this rate, it is entirely possible to become a real eternal weapon after brewing for dozens or hundreds of years.

"Haha, it's finally time for me, Gu Aoduo, to show my power." Gu Aoduo, the spirit of the artifact, appeared beside Ye Feng.

For so many years, it has been forced to hide and has been suffocated for a long time.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, "Then I will see what level I can reach after feeding you so many rare resources."

He was not idle when he spoke.

He constantly captured various rules floating between heaven and earth, transformed them into the power of origin, and continuously injected them into the Hidden Sky Boat.

Although the Eternal Artifact is terrifying, it is also very important to fully exert its power.

Just like the Hidden Sky Boat, if it is just thrown to an ordinary True God, it is estimated that the opponent can only exert the power of the best artifact at most.

Even the upper gods can only exert the power of the Supreme God Weapon at most.

Therefore, the realm is one aspect, and the other is related to the rules controlled.

Only the supreme rules can exert the true power of the Eternal Artifact.

But what Ye Feng mastered is not just the supreme rules. The power of origin formed by the fusion of the five supreme rules not only fully exerts the power of the Hidden Sky Boat, but also sublimates it.


At this moment, the fluctuations that erupted from the Hidden Sky Boat instantly overwhelmed this terrifying thunder.

The people who were still worried about Ye Feng the moment before, the next moment, their eyes widened, their faces were full of expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

They saw the strange weapon in Ye Feng's hand piercing out like a spear, and a white light column burst out from the tip, rushing straight into the sky.

This white light column and the sky-reaching light column formed by the purple thunder collided with each other.

There was no devastating explosion as everyone imagined.

Ye Feng sent out a white light column, which actually penetrated the sky thunder with a crushing force.

And pierced straight into the calamity cloud.


In the center of the calamity cloud in the sky, it seemed that a dazzling sun appeared.

The terrifying pressure fell from the sky, and the people watching below were directly pressed to the ground.

The true gods who were originally flying in the sky fell down like dumplings.


The devastating fluctuations were transmitted in all directions at this time.

Mountains and rivers collapsed, rivers stopped flowing, trees broke, and large patches of cracks appeared on the ground.

It can be said that within a radius of one kilometer nearby, except for the Thunder Tribulation Valley reinforced by the formation, there is no place in the rest of the area that is intact.

"This... is this a God King-level attack?" The Sixth Elder Zheng Xiuqiong felt dizzy.

Not only him, but anyone with a little knowledge looked at Ye Feng as if they had seen a ghost.

Of course, they not only looked at Ye Feng, but also stared at the strange weapon in the other party's hand.

"Eternal artifact, that is definitely an eternal artifact!"

"Oh my God! How can he have an eternal artifact?"

"Is this the point? I give you an eternal artifact, can you burst out an attack at the level of a God King?"

"Crazy, this world is really crazy, a true god who has just broken through can burst out an attack at the level of a God King."

Even that devastating blow could not suppress the horror in the hearts of the powerful people around, and the discussion suddenly became noisy.

They saw that Ye Feng's eyes were filled with envy, shock, and awe.

But there was no doubt that they knew that the world would probably change next.

In fact, not to mention them, even Tian Yuan and Jia Xuan in the sky were no less shocked than those below.

"Oh my God, an eternal artifact, I don't even have one, this kid is too lucky!" Jia Xuan said with envy.

"It's not a real eternal artifact, but a quasi-eternal artifact. It should be the power of the origin that sublimated the eternal artifact, so that it can exert this level of attack."

Tian Yuan let out a long breath, "Anyway, he has survived this calamity."

"And the speed of growth is estimated to be much faster than we guessed. With this quasi-eternal artifact, Ye Feng only needs to break through to the upper god, and he can almost intervene in the battle at our level."

Hearing Tian Yuan's analysis, Jia Xuan widened his eyes, and the thousands of words in his heart finally turned into one sentence, "Pervert, pervert!"

"Huh?" Tian Yuan suddenly looked up at the calamity cloud in the sky.

He found that after the calamity cloud blasted a big hole, it did not condense, but slowly dissipated.

"Is this, successfully surviving the thunder calamity?" Even the knowledgeable Tian Yuan became a little uncertain at this time.

Because this situation was also unheard of by him.

"I think it makes sense, right? That little monster can even launch a God King-level attack. The Nine-Nine Thunderbolts can't do anything to him. It's normal for the universe's will to dissipate the thunder tribulation." Jia Xuan muttered.

Anyway, he has accepted a True God who has just broken through and can launch a God King-level attack. So it's nothing to be surprised if the thunder tribulation dissipates in advance.

At this time, more and more people noticed this scene, and as the thunder tribulation dissipated, dots of golden light fell from the sky and all gathered on Ye Feng.

This is the reward from heaven and earth after surviving the thunder tribulation. It helps those who successfully survive the tribulation to quickly stabilize their realm.

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