Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 617 Entering the Origin Space

Killing the god-king-level void beast does not mean that this battle is completely over.

Because there are still 15 giant void beasts outside that are in the realm of higher gods.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. What's more, these 15 giant space beasts are not mosquitoes either. Their combined size is quite large.

They were still fighting hard before, but after sensing the death of the God-King-level void beast, they immediately fled.

The Ten Thousand Thunders Heavenly Punishment Formation formed by Chen Dalong and the others could not stop so many people even if they wanted to.


The World Tree's body immediately teleported and left the cosmic boundary wall.

As for the human being, he took the Hidden Sky Boat one step ahead, caught up with the fastest escaping giant beast in the void, and suppressed it.

When fighting the God-King-level void beast before, the gap between the two sides was too huge. Apart from providing energy to the Hidden Sky Boat, Ye Feng actually had no effect.

But it was different now. To deal with these giant void beasts in the realm of high-ranking gods, he raised his hand and smashed hundreds of void prisons down.

With the supreme rules and the blessing of the original power, every void prison released can easily suppress the upper gods.

At this time, hundreds of them were used, and the giant void beast was immediately unable to move, and even the opponent couldn't even self-destruct.

After taking care of one, Ye Feng immediately went after the second one.

The World Tree itself is doing the same thing, and it is more straightforward. Basically, if the tree roots are tied up, the opponent will be unable to move.

Then directly use the tree roots to drag them to teleport.

A minute later, there were 15 giant void beasts hanging on the roots of Ye Feng's tree, and none of them escaped.

And these giant beasts of the void seem to be aware of their own fate, and they are all struggling in fear.

But the original power is flowing on every tree root, making them unable to move at all.

After all, this is the power formed by the fusion of the five supreme rules, which has an unparalleled suppression effect on any power of rules.

Seeing that everything ended smoothly, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Boss, how did we perform this time?" At this time, Chen Dalong and others flew over and said with a smile.

"Well, you all performed very well. After you return, contribution points will be distributed according to your contribution. Then you can redeem the rewards." Ye Feng nodded and gave everyone affirmation.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly showed smiles on their faces, especially those members of the Four Dao Traditions, who showed anticipation.

They don't care about any rewards.

The only thing they look forward to is to collect enough contribution points quickly to enter the inner world.

Soon everyone was taken back by Ye Feng into the inner space of the Hidden Sky Boat.

The World Tree itself dragged 15 giant void beasts into the interior of the cosmic boundary wall.

Suddenly, the will of the universe condensed the golden giant sword again, and quickly chopped off these 15 giant void beasts one by one.

And Ye Feng once again received the reminder of the will of the universe. After entering the original space, he will be able to obtain more rewards.

"Very good! Then let me see how much this original space can improve me." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

Then, he quickly communicated with the will of the universe and told himself that he wanted to enter the original space.

How effective it can be in the future will also determine how hard Ye Feng will work in the future.

Following Ye Feng's communication, a huge void passage soon appeared next to the World Tree itself.

"Can we reach the original space by passing here?"

Ye Feng didn't hesitate and walked in immediately.

As he entered the passage, Ye Feng felt that he had lost his sense of direction and even his sense of space.

You must know that Ye Feng has mastered the rules of space, and has reached the level of a true god. Logically speaking, no matter where he goes, even in some hidden spaces, this situation cannot happen.

But now it has actually appeared, but Ye Feng is even more looking forward to it.

At the same time, Ye Feng, who was outside the universe wall, slowly drove the Hidden Sky Boat and began to return.

Previously, I had led everyone to stay outside the cosmic boundary wall, just to prevent the will of the universe from sensing the existence of other creatures.

This ensures that the credit of World Tree itself will not be shared by other people.

Although these people should not be able to feel the will of the universe when they stay in the Yintian Boat, Ye Feng must avoid situations that can be avoided as much as possible.

When Ye Feng rushed towards the earth, the World Tree itself had already arrived in a special space.

This is a space filled with colorful auroras. The area is not large, just equivalent to the Asian continent.

With the size of the World Tree, it is necessary to release the magical powers of the heaven, earth, and heaven in order to move freely here.

"What a rich source of power." Ye Feng's consciousness continued to sweep outwards, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous.

At this time, another thought came into his mind, about the rules of the original space.

"I can only stay here for one day, or do I need to leave after absorbing all the essence provided here?"

Ye Feng instantly felt the urgency of time.

According to this rule, if you cannot absorb all the source power here within one day, you will be at a loss!

Almost subconsciously, Ye Feng used the time acceleration rule, intending to speed up time to 10,000 times.

In this way, one day is equivalent to 27 years for him.

But soon Ye Feng's face changed, "Why can't I use the power of rules here?"

Ye Feng didn't know whether this was intentional by the will of the universe, but he also personally experienced the specialness of the origin space.

You know, even when facing a strong man in the God King Realm, the other party could not suppress him, and even the rules could not be used.

Ye Feng immediately tried to absorb the origin power here.

Very easy to absorb!

The origin power here is like what he condensed himself, and there is no resistance to him at all.

Ye Feng can directly use these origin powers to expand his own divine domain, and its efficiency is dozens or hundreds of times faster than using divine power to build it.

Just absorbing for a short moment, it is comparable to the effect of his usual whole day of practice.

You must know that what Ye Feng called a whole day is to maintain a 1,000-fold time acceleration state for a long time, which is close to three years.

From here, we can judge how terrifying the effect of practicing in the origin space is.

"But if there is only one day, it is not enough anyway!"

Ye Feng looked at the vast amount of origin power in this space, as if he saw a huge gold mine, but he had no time to take it all away.

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