As soon as he entered the wooden village, Ye Han discovered that the wooden village was really big, otherwise it would not be able to hide so many troops, but the scene is a bit chaotic now.

But Ye Han soon discovered that Donald and the others seemed to be in danger.

At this time, Donald formed a circle with a hundred golden soldiers and fifty mecha fighters, resisting the crazy attack of Muzhai monsters, and two Lv10 elite monsters were also attacking.

Just when Ye Han was about to go up to help, he felt a stronger breath coming.

"It's that Lv19 monster leader!"

Ye Han did not expect that they would encounter a boss-level monster just on the mountainside. If this boss-level monster joins the battlefield, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Gunaza, you take the Golden Legion to support Old Tang, and the farmer, you take the Mecha Legion to continue destroying the enemy!"

After that, Ye Han threw his dragon slash directly at the leader monster, and at the same time, he mutated. Facing the Lv19 monster, Ye Han didn't dare to be too big.


Because of Ye Han's obstruction, the boss blame could not go to Donald's side smoothly, so he took advantage of the situation and focused on Ye Han.

"Damn it, kill."

Oh, it's worthy of being a leader blame, you can say a few more words.

Ye Han didn't give in at all. A Lv19 monster was not so powerful in his eyes, but he didn't know if he would explode a diamond treasure chest after he was killed.


As soon as they fought, Ye Han discovered that the weapon used by the boss monster was a soft sword, and the opponent was using it too fast. Apart from seeing the flash, he couldn't see the true appearance of the soft sword at all.

Ye Han had no choice but to dodge while choosing a suitable place to fight.

Soon Ye Han and the boss monster gradually moved away from the main battlefield.

When they came to a rocky hill, Ye Han and the boss monster landed on two big rocks respectively.

"Can you understand me?"

Ye Han asked.

It's a pity that in addition to doubts in the eyes of this leader strange, there are still doubts.

"It seems that you really don't understand us." Ye Han is basically sure that the language recognition of these monsters has been distorted by the system. Although they use the same type of script, they can't understand Ye Han's survival. The words of the hero or the hero.


The efficiency of the monster is still very high. He didn't intend to listen to Ye Han's words at all. With a wave of his hand, several fine nails came towards Ye Han's door.

This guy also uses hidden weapons!

Ye Han became more vigilant in his heart, turning the Flying Dragon Slash in his hand, and still easily shot down all the nails.

But Ye Han didn't dare to take it lightly. He usually knows hidden weapons. He has more than one hidden weapon in his hand, and he also has hidden weapon killer moves.

Sure enough, after the thin nails were shot down by Ye Han, the leader monster began to spread the thin nails like a fairy.

Since there were too many fine nails, Ye Han had to start to evade. The stone he stood on before became a sieve directly after being attacked by the fine nails.

"Ssangyong goes to sea!"

After being chased all the way, and now being attacked by so many fine nails, Ye Han's heart also burst into flames.

Using his own skills, the two flying dragon slashes were rotating and hidden among the huge stones, constantly approaching the leader monster.

The boss monster noticed Ye Han's Flying Dragon Slash at the beginning, and when the flying dragon cut rushed out, the boss monster was already prepared and quickly fled, so that the flying dragon cut back without success.

However, because the boss blame was unable to attack Ye Han in a short time, this gave Ye Han time to start thinking about how to kill the boss monster.

At this moment, Ye Han lost his trace of the boss monster.

"Strange, I was still in front of me just now, how come this is gone?"

Ye Han frowned deeply, and fell on a tall stone pillar, watching the surroundings.

Suddenly Ye Han felt something wrong behind him, and threw the Flying Dragon Slash out, only to hit a phantom, and then the boss monster disappeared again.

"How does it feel a bit like ninjutsu?"

Ye Han has also played ninja games in the past, using hidden weapons and hiding in the dark, which are all in line with the situation of a ninja. It seems that he is facing a professional ninja monster.


There was a voice in his ear again, this time Ye Han made a clear judgment, even if he didn't see things clearly, he could know that these were two darts.

Ye Han's head tilted, one dart successfully dodged, and the other hand waved the Dragon Slash in his hand, easily knocking down the other dart.

"Hmph, I finally found you."

A flash of light flashed in Ye Han's eyes, and he instantly locked the place where the boss monster was hiding, which was behind the huge rock behind him.

"Shuanglong strangling!"

Never let him run away this time.

The two Flying Dragon Slashes attacked again. This time, the Flying Dragon Slash was faster and more powerful. It attacked the leader monster almost instantly, without giving the opponent a chance to escape.


Along with the huge boulder, Ye Han and the flying dragon who was sure he had hit the opponent, but felt that they did not completely kill the opponent.

As Ye Han slowly walked over, a background flashed behind him again.

And Ye Han himself felt that a poisonous snake was staring at him.

"This is a dead puppet!" Ye Han looked at a pile of stone ruins, scattered with fragments of dolls, and immediately judged it.

The next moment, Ye Han's chest was pierced by a soft sword.


With the soft sword being pulled out, Ye Han fell from the boulder.

But soon.

Ye Han's body turned into a few feathers and fell on the ground, while his body teleported to the back of the leader monster, with two flying dragons resting on his neck.

"It's a pity, you are not the only one who can die."


As Ye Han's self exploded with enough energy, Ye Han's strength instantly rose to Lv19.


The two flying dragon cuts tightened, and directly cut down the head of the leader monster.

[Ding, congratulations on slaying the Lv19 boss monster, get the double puppet X3, and earn one hundred thousand points. 】

There is no treasure chest, even if you don't give a diamond treasure chest, you have to give me a platinum treasure chest.


Ye Han complained in his heart.

But soon he realized that there were not one substitute puppet, but three!

This means that I can die three times, which is equivalent to having three lives. Well, this is also very good.

Ye Han is interested in the soft swords and hidden weapons of the boss monster, but none of them exploded, and the body of the boss monster disappeared very quickly. Ye Han was not given a chance to touch the body at all. This is the ruins, and the zombies outside. Monsters are all different.

After a brief glance, Ye Han walked towards Muzhaizi, and when he hurried back, the entire battlefield had come to an end.

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