Global Catastrophe, I Have Mastered Countless Supplies

Chapter 100 Know How To Be A Good Person!

Yo, quite a man.

Fang Ming thought about it, and put the corpse beads away.

If you don't accept it, there must be lumps in Wu Yao's center, and you have to be on tenterhooks all the time.

That's why Wu Yaozhong heaved a sigh of relief when he accepted it.

Seeing Fang Ming take away the corpse beads, Wu Yaozhong was really relieved in his heart. Compared with reluctance to give up, he cared more about the long-term development of the settlement.


Maybe you can make friends with Fang Ming through this!

Is the friendship of such a strong man worth a corpse orb?

It's worth it, it's far more than that.

"Then, Boss Wu, let's see you next time!" Fang Ming threw the corpse bead in his hand.

"No, Boss Fang, go slowly." Wu Yaozhong said hastily.

After Fang Ming left, everyone surrounded him.

"Boss, why did you give him the corpse bead?"

"That's what we fought so hard for!"

"And it was Zhu Pi who made the mistake, so what does it have to do with us?"

Everyone was puzzled and a little angry.

Wu Yaozhong looked serious, and said, "Didn't you see that Fang Ming took the corpse bead directly with his hands just now?"


Everyone was a little dazed.

Wu Yaozhong shook his head: "I can't blame you—the zombie wave broke out yesterday, didn't we kill two level 1 zombies? I accidentally cut open one's head and found the corpse beads inside. When I touched them, the corpse beads were killed by me." Absorbed, but when I took out the second corpse bead, there was no way to absorb it."

"What does this mean?"

"There is a limit to absorbing corpse beads every day, only one."

"Now think about it again, Fang Ming was able to hold the corpse bead just now, what does that mean?"

"He has absorbed one!"

"That is to say, today he has obtained two corpse beads!"

"They only have two supernatural beings, and we have heard before that there are only two supernatural beings in their force, and the total number is pitifully small. Most of them are women. What kind of combat power can they have?"

"So, they captured two corpse lairs with just two people, which shows how strong they are?"

Hearing his analysis, everyone woke up like a dream, and then became terrified.

No wonder Wu Yaozhong apologized immediately, and no wonder Zhu Pi and the others died so easily.

Fang Ming is too strong, too strong.

Then Wu Yaozhong smiled: "Although we lost a corpse bead, Fang Ming is willing to accept it, which means he doesn't mind, and we don't have to worry about him suddenly finding us to settle accounts on a whim. Moreover, I also specially passed a corpse bead If you please him, maybe you can build a relationship."

"Such a strong man!"

He is full of longing.

The rest could not help but nod.

As expected of the boss, he is far-sighted, and has subtle observations and quick thinking. It is indeed not comparable to them.

They returned to the settlement, and Fang Ming's reputation spread through their mouths, and gradually spread throughout the mountain city, making his reputation even higher.

After all, Wu Yaozhong was the stepping stone this time!


Fang Ming and Xie Jun returned to the hotel, but unfortunately, there was no one to shop today.

The establishment of the Goddess Legion is a long way to go.

Then continue to tease the silly sister Gu Yireba.

After dinner, Fang Ming half-demanded and half-forced Guyrebala to the balcony, then sat down and let her sit on his lap to massage himself.

After pressing the button for half an hour, Gu Yireba dimpled like a fire.

No matter how innocent she was, she knew that Fang Ming was playing tricks on herself, and she was so angry that she rushed forward and bit her.

"You are so hateful, you have no intention of letting me go, but you insist on teasing me!" She said angrily, with watery eyes, charming but pure, two opposite temperaments can appear in the same person body.

Fang Ming chuckled, bit her earlobe and said, "Finally enlightened?"

"Hmph, you and Sister Mi are making out in front of me every day, do you think I'm a wooden person and don't feel it at all?" Gu Yireba said angrily, his pretty face flushed, "And you asked me to give you a few times? Massage, do you think I'm stupid for not knowing what that is?"

Fang Ming laughed out loud at what she said, which seemed to be annoyed, but actually acted like a baby.

Is Guy Reba really stupid?

How can it be!

Which one in the entertainment industry is not a little bit different?

Therefore, Gu Yireba finally came to his senses and made a decision. Naturally, he should make good use of his own advantages and increase his weight in Fang Ming's heart.

What is her personality?


Therefore, she strengthened this point, using innocence to form a contrast, and sometimes refusing to welcome is a higher level of charm and temptation.

Fang Ming sees through and doesn't tell the truth, women compete for favor, as long as they don't kill each other like in ancient times.

They are all trying to please him anyway, so why not enjoy it?

"Fang Ming, you, you have to be gentle, this is the first time for me!" Gu Yireba curled up in Fang Ming's arms, and said in a kitten-like voice, gently scratching.



The 62nd day of the catastrophe was also the third day when level 1 zombies appeared.

Fang Ming had a hard time getting out of bed.

It wasn't that his waist couldn't bear it, but that there were too many people on the bed, and it was a bit difficult to climb out.

Come to the balcony, as usual, absorb 3 corpse beads first, so that he is 6% of level 1, and 99% of the supernatural beings are now only 6% - there is no level 1 in front, so he has A full level 1 lead.

And this advantage will continue to expand.

But is Fang Ming complacent?

Absolutely not.

He is indeed ahead of other supernatural beings by a large margin, but the threat in this world is not only supernatural beings, but also zombies, sea beasts, rat plagues, corpse birds, etc. Zombies are not bad, their evolution speed is similar to his, and even Go slower, but sea beasts are different.

——Just look at the big octopus before. If it weren't for Fang Ming's ability to overcome it, would this thing have an opponent?

They may be invincible at this stage.

Oh, ordinary zombies are not afraid of it, because they have no intelligence at all.

Fang Ming is not complacent at all, and even feels that his evolution is too slow.

"I dare not go to sea at all."

He sighed. As a young man with only a second grade in middle school, he has always had the ideal of conquering Rejing. Of course, it was unrealistic before, but what about now?

Very possible!

It's a pity that there are too many monsters in the sea, otherwise Fang Ming would be absolutely invincible if he went to the island country now. If he killed it slowly, he could kill all the supernatural beings in the island country and play with all the beauties in the island country.

"Continue to find level 1 zombies today!" Fang Ming took Meng Jinning and set off.

With his own woman, Fang Ming will be much more relaxed, and he can also carry Meng Jinning into the crowd of zombies and hit Huanglong directly, saving a lot of time and abilities.

——Hold Xie Jun?

Don't say that he responds, even Xie Jun will get goose bumps all over his body.

At the end of the day, Fang Ming harvested 8 more corpse beads.

go home.

Because of the corresponding corpse beads, Fang Ming decided to ask Zhou Mi to try again. Gu Yireba has wood attributes and does not overlap, so Fang Ming asked them to try together.

Interestingly, Zhou Mi still failed, but Guy Reba succeeded once!

She has awakened healing powers.

This has no combat effectiveness and can only be used for logistics.

But for the Goddess Legion, logistics is of course also very important.

This ability is not bad.

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