Fang Ming left the Jingyue settlement with satisfaction and continued to kill zombies.

While killing, he thought about it.

Shu Jing is really wonderful.

Nine twists and turns, if it weren't for his golden waist and iron kidney, how could an ordinary man endure it?

And she really didn't lie, she was still a baby.

For this reason, Fang Ming left her some evolutionary fluid so that the woman could become stronger first and then be incorporated into the second goddess team.

The first team is naturally Liu Yuqi and Meng Jinning, who are the most trusted and favored by him.

In the afternoon, he harvested another 14 corpse beads, bringing the total to 26 in one day, which is still an astonishing number.

He returned to the hotel and was busy throughout the day. Of course, the evening was the time to relax and enjoy himself.

——You can’t indulge in enjoyment every day, but you can’t strain your nerves and kill zombies every day either.

Have a meal!

Mu Qingcheng was helpless. Even though she had countless charms, Fang Ming seemed to have forgotten that she was a person and ignored her. How could she influence Fang Ming even though she was as troublesome as Daji?

When will her superior plan succeed!

She was in a hurry, but what was the use of being in a hurry?

After eating, she had to wash dishes and mop the floor with Yin Xiaoning and the others. Although the work was not heavy, in just a short while, Fang Ming and Liu Yuqi were gone.

This was the only time she could see Fang Ming throughout the day, but she didn't have a chance to speak and use her "spell of seduction", which made her jump anxiously.

Yin Xiaoning saw it in his eyes, but laughed in his heart.

Fang Ming looks young, but she has a very calm mind. She didn't play with Fang Ming before she came to her door, which shows that Fang Ming is a very principled person. He said that he would inspect Mu Qingcheng for a few days, but before Mu Qingcheng passed the inspection, Fang Ming obviously wouldn't touch her.

She was really impressed.

Because of the day and night of contact with Mu Qingcheng, even she was smitten by this woman's charm. If she were a man, he would definitely get her at all costs!

How should I put it, this woman has a charm that cannot be described in words, which makes people intoxicated.


Heshan settlement.

This is a powerful settlement, and the leader is named He Shan. Most of the settlements are ordered by the name of the leader. This person is not from Shancheng, but escaped from the flood in Huacheng. It is precisely because For this reason, he obtained 7 evolution fluids.

He didn't understand it at first, but after he learned the function of the evolutionary fluid, he had already wasted 2 parts. However, even if he only used 5 parts of the evolutionary fluid, his strength far exceeded that of ordinary superpowers.

16% vs. 6%, nearly doubled.

Therefore, he naturally took the position of boss.

"Boss, do you want to vote for me?" Everyone looked at He Shan.

"Don't think about it so much!"

"That's right, boss. We only have a dozen or so girls here. We get tired of playing with them over and over again, and not many of them can be called beauties."

"There are many beauties over there in Jingyue settlement. It's a pity that Mu Daji, who charmed the mountain city, was taken away by Fang Ming."

He Shan was in deep thought.

They have long been eyeing the Jingyue settlement, eyeing those beauties, and even sent undercover agents there a few days ago.

In the apocalypse, beauties are naturally a resource, and they are also quite precious. Because they are "perishables" and everyone wants to play with them, the scrap rate is naturally very high. In this settlement like theirs, there were more than 30 at the beginning. A woman, what now?

There are only a dozen left, and I can't pick out a few who can be considered beauties.

Therefore, they set their sights on Jingyue's settlement.

There were all women there, and they were clean, not one of them had been messed with.


There are also people with superpowers. It is said that the two bosses are very powerful, especially Shu Jing, who can turn into stone depending on who he is.

You can’t lose your power just because you’re trying to steal a beautiful woman, right?

Originally, he wanted to wait, because he always believed that a team composed entirely of women would easily scheming and disintegrating from within - and his guess was not wrong, the Jingyue settlement in the previous life was indeed like this.

However, someone has already reached out to those beauties.

If He Shan waits any longer, he can only play with the rest of Fang Ming.

"We can't lose too much just because we have to snatch a few women." He Shan finally made a decision, "Let's contact the two forces again and let's act together. We would rather lose a few women than lose too many. Brother, otherwise we will only be annexed by other forces, and then it will be difficult to survive, let alone playing with women!"

He's still quite sober.

All the boys nodded in unison, all fascinated.

——There are indeed many beauties in Jingyue settlement.

It's a pity that Fang Ming has taken away the disaster that shook the mountain city, leaving them in mourning.

You know, before the disaster, which man in the mountain city didn't want to play with this big goblin?

Now that we have the opportunity, people have taken a step ahead of us.

He Shan has never met Mu Qingcheng, but has only heard from his younger brothers about Mu Qingcheng's glamorous reputation. Therefore, he is just curious and is not as "unforgettable" as these people. He is just thinking about taking down Jingyue to live together. The land needs to unite several forces.

If there are fewer people, even if you take over this settlement, you will suffer a lot. But if there are more people, you will naturally get fewer beauties.

The head is very big.


Wake up.

Fang Ming still absorbed 3 corpse beads first, which was inevitable, and then he called Yin Xiaoning and Zhang Xiaowei over.

Yin Xiaoning and the two girls thought Fang Ming was going to take them in, and they were all looking forward to it and excited.

Even if they were not willing at first, after a few days, after enjoying the rich life in the hotel, and with Fang Ming's powerful force as a guarantee, they had no reason to be unwilling. Instead, they longed to become Fang Ming's woman.

This is the end of the world. What woman doesn’t admire the strong?

But they all started to take off their clothes when they heard Fang Ming say: "Do you want to become a superpower?"


This immediately caused the two women to stop what they were doing and look at Fang Ming with disbelieving yet expectant eyes.

Fang Ming smiled slightly: "I can make you superpowers, but you must serve me all your life. If you betray me..."

He did not continue, but believed that the two women could fully understand what he meant.

Yin Xiaoning and the two girls quickly expressed their stance: "I will never betray you!"

Just kidding, become a superpower!

Nowadays, human beings can be divided into two levels, ordinary people and people with superpowers. Ordinary people are nothing but superpowers. People with superpowers are the superior rulers. Therefore, if they can become people with superpowers, it is equivalent to completing a class leap.

So excited!

Fang Ming nodded. After so many days of inspection, he felt that Yin Xiaoning and Zhang Xiaowei were still worthy of training. The most important thing was that he had too many corpse beads in his hand and could not use them all. It would be a waste to have them rotten in his hands. !

Waste is shameful.

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