Such a meeting was also held in several large settlements in previous lives, but the result... can only be described as tragic.

Because three of the participating forces have long colluded with each other and launched an attack on the day of the meeting, intending to wipe out all other settlements and swallow up their territory and population, but they failed to win and were all wiped out.

However, this battle also dealt a severe blow to the surviving forces, and they were unable to hunt level 1 zombies and obtain corpse beads for many days.

You must know that the forces participating in the meeting are all top-notch in the mountain city. Their development lags behind, which naturally means that the development of the entire mountain city will be slower.

Will the evolution of zombies wait for you?

Once you fall behind to a certain extent, even if four, five or even ten settlements unite, it is impossible to kill a high-level zombie.

Therefore, the "Blood Conference" incident seriously led to the decline of the mountain city.

"Fang Ming, do you want to go?" Xie Jun asked.

Fang Ming smiled: "Let's go and see the excitement."

With his strength, he is qualified to say "watch the fun".

Xie Jun nodded. He still hopes that human beings can unite to stop, or at least reduce internal friction, concentrate on eliminating zombies, and strive to recover human territory as soon as possible, and reproduce the rich life before.

Fang Ming glanced at him, and could understand his thoughts somewhat.


Xie Jun was a strong man in his previous life, and he will only be stronger in this life. Therefore, he cannot understand the suffering of the bottom human beings.

—— In Fang Ming's previous life, after the level 1 zombie came out, he quickly became the lowest existence, not much better than ordinary people, so he has a deep understanding.

Even if all the zombies and even the evolutionary beasts are really wiped out, humans can't go back.

Because, there are supernatural beings among humans.

People with supernatural powers will become stronger and stronger, just like immortals in mythology, how can they get along with ordinary people on an equal footing?

Standing out from the crowd, how can you dance with the chickens?

The ugly duckling has turned into a swan. Didn't it just fly away after a fright to find his companion?

Therefore, it is an inevitable trend for supernatural beings to rule the world.


After tasting the sweetness of power, will the supernatural being want his offspring to always sit in this position?

But can supernatural powers be inherited?

Even if it can be inherited, can it be guaranteed to be as powerful?

what to do?

Keep the zombies and keep providing corpse beads.

Look, with such a huge practical need, the supernatural beings are not willing to eliminate the zombies, the most they can do is to control their number and scale.

Moreover, as long as the zombies are not destroyed, ordinary people will not stand up against the supernatural beings for a day, because they need the protection of supernatural beings.

In this way, a perfect closed loop of governance is formed.

Fang Ming shook his head. Xie Jun was a lone ranger in his previous life, and he lived in a hotel in this life. He couldn't get in touch with the people at the bottom, so he would naturally be idealized, too optimistic, and too naive.

Dude, the cruelty of this world is far beyond your imagination.

However, Fang Ming didn't persuade, just smiled.

This kind of sentiment has to be experienced by oneself. Others say it is useless.

Take your time to experience it.

Fang Ming went upstairs to have dinner, only to see Lin Miaomiao came up, eating some fruit, the little girl is now the favorite of the group, every woman likes her, so she often brings her to play, and eat by the way, but Xie Jun never came up.

——This person is very measured, knowing that the above is Fang Ming's female family.

"Master!" Yin Xiaoning and Zhang Xiaowei greeted him, both in high spirits.

They were of course happy to become supernatural beings, and they were naturally full of gratitude to Fang Ming.

The two women knelt down and brought slippers for Fang Ming to change into. Fang Ming didn't need to do anything during the whole process, and they focused on one service.

Fang Ming went to take a shower first, and when he came out, Yin Xiaoning and the others immediately started serving dishes and rice.

A table full of mouth-watering dishes.

Fang Ming never talked about rules, but all the girls waited for him to move their chopsticks first, just like the big family in ancient times, wives and concubines had to wait for the master to move their chopsticks before they dared to eat.

Fang Ming laughed, do you think I'm a feudal lord?

He looked at Liu Yuqi, did this woman bring it up?

"Let's eat." He took a bite first, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.

Mu Qingcheng also joined this table today, and she almost burst into tears.

It's not easy, and finally succeeded in taking the position.

While eating, she was thinking about it.

She wants to help Fang Ming become the overlord of one side, no, the overlord of China, um, wouldn’t it be better to be the overlord of the world?

At that time, as Fang Ming's woman, she will be worshiped by all. Imagining this picture, she can't help but be moved like a fire. Looking at Fang Ming, her eyes are full of water and spring, let alone a man with this appearance. , Even women are moved when they see it.

Therefore, Liu Yuqi's daughters all unconsciously cut their legs, and the speed of eating naturally increased.

Hurry up and eat quickly.

Fang Ming couldn't help but secretly startled, is this the influence of mental power?

Bewitchers are inherently terrifying, but Mu Qingcheng can also incorporate her own charm, making her invincible.

But she has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, she has no fighting power. Once someone is immune to her charm, she can only be slaughtered by others.

——Is there such a thing?

Yes, not to mention Fang Ming, at least the ordinary zombies outside cannot be affected by her.

Ordinary zombies, Tianke bewitchers, have no consciousness, how do you influence and control it?

After dinner, Fang Ming was half dragged into the room by Liu Yuqi and the others.

The battle begins!

The result was, of course, a resounding victory for Fang Ming.

Plenty of physical strength, coupled with a golden waist and iron kidneys, are they fake?

After all the girls were settled, Fang Ming couldn't sleep for a while, so he sat on the balcony enjoying the night breeze and admiring the night view of the mountain city. Although there were almost no lights on in the whole city, Fang Ming could still get an overview with the help of the moonlight.

After a while, the fragrant wind came, and Liu Yuqi walked to his side and snuggled into his arms.

"Is it your idea to wait for me to move my chopsticks before eating?" Fang Ming asked casually.

Liu Yuqi shook her head: "What Mu Qingcheng said, I think it's quite right. You were born and died outside, and we just waited for you to move your chopsticks first while eating to show our respect to you. Isn't that right?"

It turned out to be Mu Qingcheng, this woman was quite ambitious, and Liu Yuqi used to dream of being a wealthy family. After this dream came true, she began to dream of being a queen, and she hit it off with Mu Qingcheng.

"You guys—" Fang Ming laughed, but didn't blame him.

This kind of trivial matter doesn't matter, leave it to Liu Yuqi to deal with it.

Liu Yuqi adjusted her position in his arms to make herself more comfortable, then bit Fang Ming's ear and said, "Husband, we are basically settled down now, can we...have a baby?"

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