Fang Ming turned around and forgot about Chen Xiaolu.

Just enjoy the beautiful scenery, besides, he has more and more beautiful scenery in his hand.

On the contrary, Liu Yuqi and the girls discussed it after hearing about it.

However, they also agreed that Chen Xiaolu was not qualified to join Fang Ming's harem.

In fact, everyone owed some money, but who made Fang Ming's obsessive object all the time, so he made an exception, but a married woman who is still a mistress, how can she be qualified to join Fang Ming's harem group?

Doesn't this lower the level of Fang Ming's family?

In the next few days, neither Fang Ming's small days nor the situation in the entire mountain city remained calm.

Because Fang Ming is too strong, it is easy to sweep the zombies, completely without any danger, and several big forces in the mountain city have formed an alliance, at least agreeing not to attack each other, otherwise the other few will join forces to wipe out the zombies. If they are eliminated, the power of each settlement will be greatly released, and they can all be devoted to the battle against the zombies.

These days, several forces have joined this big alliance one after another. Compared with the previous life's looseness and mutual opposition, this life has undoubtedly undergone huge changes.

It's completely different.

Who caused this change?

Of course it was Fang Ming.

But Fang Ming didn't care, he just kept pursuing his own strength.

On the 7th day after the Scarlet Conference, Meng Jinning was the second to complete the breakthrough.

Level 1!

She is a force-sensitive type, so breaking through to level 1 did not produce any new abilities, but her strength and agility have skyrocketed a lot, her individual combat ability is incomparable, and she can be a general among thousands of troops first level.

If the spellcaster is not prepared in advance, it is easy to be taken away without anyone seeing it.

Meng Jinning couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately acted alone, broke into the corpse nest, hunted down level 1 zombies, and collected corpse beads.

Fang Ming didn't stop them, but just held up the battle in secret.

She succeeded, but also got hurt.

After all, she is not Fang Ming, she only has strength and speed, and injuries are inevitable, but Fang Ming stepped out immediately, her healing ability activated, and her injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Honey, you're awesome!" Meng Jinning said sweetly.

Fang Ming smiled: "You have to be more careful in the future."

"Yeah." Meng Jinning was kind, she was excited, no matter what Fang Ming said, she would definitely agree.

Fang Ming didn't say anymore, this girl just broke through level 1, she is happy, so she won't hit her anymore.

He planned to let Meng Jinning lead the team, Liu Yuqi and other women as assistants, and let them kill zombies together, because no matter how high your evolution level is, you still have to use it in actual combat.

No practical experience?

Even if your strength should be stronger, you may be killed by someone.

Experience is very important.

The two returned to the hotel, and Meng Jinning received a hero's welcome.

The second level 1 ability user!

Naturally, it is worth celebrating.

Do other forces have Level 1 abilities?

How can there be!

Fang Ming just smiled. In half a month, Xie Jun will also break through to level 1. According to "history", other forces will have to have their first level 1 ability user appear two days after that.

How big is the difference?

And what is more exaggerated?

While most people are still struggling to break through level 1, Fang Ming is about to become level 2!

This is the most terrifying gap.

The next day, Fang Ming asked Meng Jinning to lead the team, and Liu Yuqi and others set off together to a corpse nest, while he sat in the dark.

Destroying a corpse lair is not as simple as killing a level 1 zombie. Meng Jinning has to lead all the girls to kill it together, so at least a few thousand zombies must be killed, which is naturally a difficult task.

Fortunately, Meng Jinning was strong enough to hold an iron rod and was invincible. It only took 3 hours for them to level the nest of corpses.

With Gu Yireba as the therapist, Fang Ming didn't need to take action, and the injuries of the girls were under control, but they couldn't heal immediately like Fang Ming did.

After all, the difference in ability level between the two is still huge.

Fang Ming nodded and decided not to follow them anymore.

Chicks always have a day to spread their wings and fly high, and now is the time.

He went to hunt zombies by himself, even though he already had about 500 corpse beads in his hand - consuming 3 beads every day, he still saved so many.

In a flash, another few days passed.

Because there are no level 2 zombies, but the survivors are getting stronger day by day, so the situation on the human side is also getting better day by day. Many optimists think that the turning point of this war has come, and human beings are about to launch a big counterattack horn.

The alliance in the mountain city is also getting stronger and stronger. Although everyone is an independent settlement, they seek common ground while reserving differences. At least they have reached an agreement that humans will not attack each other. But no one who joins this alliance dares to violate it.

Otherwise, dozens of forces will besiege together, just ask which force can withstand it?

Fang Ming could receive the new list of allied forces from Wu Yaozhong almost every other day or two. He didn't take it seriously, and basically passed it with a glance. But this day, after he glanced at it, he just threw the list out. But he quickly tightened his fingers and grabbed the list back.

He looked at the second-to-last name.

——This time, a total of three new forces have been added, which are naturally written at the end, and the penultimate name is "Xinmin Base"!

The enemy is here!

However, according to memory, the Xinshi Base should not come to the mountain city until about 10 days later. Why did it appear earlier?

Where did I flap the butterfly's wings to make such a change?

No matter what the reason is, since you are here... then die!

Fang Ming didn't even bother to eat dinner, so he directly killed the location of the Xinmin base in his memory.

However, there is nothing here.

Where is anyone?

Let alone people, there are not many zombies.


Could it be that there are other forces who gave this name, but it's not actually the enemy from the previous life?

Fang Ming thought for a while, then turned and went to the Eastern Settlement.

"Boss Fang!" Wu Yaozhong immediately greeted him.

Fang Ming was too lazy to talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Where is that Xinmin base?"

Wu Yaozhong was taken aback: "Did Boss Fang have any misunderstanding with them?"

"No." Fang Ming shook his head, just when Wu Yaozhong breathed a sigh of relief, he said again, "They are my enemies, it is very certain, there is no misunderstanding."

Wu Yaozhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still persuaded him: "Boss Fang, Xinmin Base has joined the alliance, and we will be allies who advance together and retreat together. Moreover, Boss Fang has also signed an agreement not to attack allies, otherwise we will be attacked by groups." .”

"Boss Fang, how about I mediate for you?"

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