Fang Ming knew what Zhou Huai was planning, but he didn't intend to stop it at all.

No one wants to run away today!

He looked at Zhou Huai and said with a smile, "You really made me wait too long!"

While speaking, he walked towards Zhou Huai.

The smile is friendly, as if seeing a close friend.

Zhou Huai frowned, always felt that Fang Ming was abnormal, you said it yourself, we have never met, so how did we become enemies?

Only an abnormal brain can explain it.

Faced with Fang Ming's approaching step by step, Zhou Yang was unavoidably nervous.

Although it was four against one, but Fang Ming dared to break in alone, and he called out everyone's name and knew their roots, so this person was either very strong, or a lunatic.

He is more inclined that Fang Ming is a lunatic, but the possibility that Fang Ming is very powerful cannot be ruled out.

People are in the last days, who can't be more careful?

The four of them activated their powers at the same time, either braving flames, or exuding cold air, or shining golden light, with the exception of one person, who was standing on horseback, ready to go, obviously he was the force-sensitive type.

Fang Ming didn't care at all.

He is naturally very clear about the strength of these people.

Want to threaten him?

At least two more months.

And how strong will he be in two months?

Fang Ming approached step by step, boom, among the four people on the opposite side, the fire controller couldn't bear it any longer, he opened his mouth, and spewed out a burst of flames, which instantly raised the temperature to scorching hotness, every hair in his hair was about to burn up.

This is a scorching summer day, and the temperature is already uncomfortably high. If you spray another fire, even if you are far away, the temperature will be over 70 degrees, and non-supernatural beings will directly faint from heat stroke.

Fang Ming also opened his mouth, and breathed out a cloud of cold air at the flame.

Visible to the naked eye, the flame was invaded by the cold air, quickly shrunk, and finally completely extinguished.

Water and fire mutually restrain each other, which shows that Fang Ming is superior in abilities.

However, the four of Zhou Huai breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be a user with water attribute abilities. Although the evolution level was higher than them, how much higher could it be if you think about it?

There were four of them!

Fang Ming smiled slightly, you guys are too early to relax!

It's not true that he exhales, but it is true that he cools down the entire environment. When this ability is used to the extreme, the surrounding temperature drops to minus 50 degrees!

——When he broke through level 1, the temperature of the environment could only reach minus 30 degrees, but as he approached level 2, the cooling ability was naturally continuously strengthened.

"Let's go together, kill him!" Zhou Huai didn't retreat any longer, and with a loud roar, he launched an attack together with his three companions.

However, when they wanted to make a move, they found that their hands and feet were not in control.

Only then did they realize that everyone's body was covered with a layer of hoarfrost.


They were horrified that they had been frozen unknowingly.

How can it be!

There are four of them, how strong is Fang Ming's strength to freeze all four of them at once?

This is summer, and everyone wears very little clothes, so facing the ultra-low temperature of minus 50 degrees, it is natural to be frozen immediately.

"Stop, or we'll shoot!" Those ordinary people also played a role, pointing guns at Fang Ming.

There are seven guns in total, probably picked up at the police station.

Fang Ming didn't even look at these people, but approached Zhou Huai and the others.

"Shoot!" Zhou Huai roared.

This is a water-attribute supernatural being, and his ability has been revealed, that is, freezing, so if there is anything to worry about, hurry up and kill this person!

Bang bang bang, suddenly, there was a loud gunshot.

When the bullets came, Fang Ming couldn't dodge, sparks erupted from his body, shining like gold.

"How can it be?"


"He actually has dual abilities!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Although there is no iron rule that a person can only have one ability, isn’t everyone like this? Ability is single. Now Fang Ming suddenly showed two abilities with different attributes, which directly made everyone dumbfounded .

Fang Ming used metal to eat bullets without stopping at all.

Zhou Huai roared, and the golden light on his body flickered like a flashlight, which meant that it was difficult for him to even activate his ability.

He took a hard step back, but what about the metallization?

You must know that any object will lose its toughness at low temperature, and metal will also become extremely brittle. He forcibly metalized his body to resist the cold. As a result, when he fell with one step, his entire left leg was shattered. .

Broken into a piece of metal.

Zhou Huai was dumbfounded, he didn't expect his legs to be broken after just taking one step.

Fortunately, he is now in a state of metallization, as long as he puts the broken metal back on his body, he will be fine.

However, all of this must be done before the metallization ability fades away. If a part is missing when it becomes flesh and blood, the damage to this part will be permanent.

Fang Ming walked quickly.


He just slapped Zhou Huai's face with a big pussy, making Zhou Huai turn around three times in the same place, and also made Zhou Huai's consciousness disordered and lost control of his abilities.

Immediately, his legs returned to their original form, blood gushed out, and his bones were miserable.

On the ground, those metal fragments also became bloody.

"Ah? Ah!" Zhou Huai was taken aback for a moment, and then howled loudly.

Pain, excruciating pain.

Moreover, he lost a left leg in the future!

No, it was just broken at the knee. It can only be regarded as half missing, but it is still disabled.

He is a supernatural being, a supernatural supernatural being, and now he is about to become disabled?

He can't accept it.

Fang Ming laughed and said, "Is this already unbearable? We've only just started!"

"You, don't come here!" Zhou Huaiyong said in a crying voice.

It's crazy, I don't even know you!



Fang Ming approached, grabbed Zhou Huai's left arm, and poured out an endless chill.

Zhou Huai's arm was immediately frozen.

As soon as Fang Ming pulled, the whole arm was "pulled" off, but no blood gushed out, because the low temperature froze the wound.

After that, he took off Zhou Huai's right leg and right arm by the way, turning him into a human pig.

Fang Ming is very satisfied with his work: "Now, you have neither legs to escape, nor hands to push and hurt people."

Not to mention that Zhou Huai's mind has gone blank because of fear, even if he is sane, it is impossible to hear the meaning of this sentence, he will only be inexplicable.

It's over.

He lost his limbs, and from now on he will be a cripple among cripples, so what else can he do?

So what if there are supernatural powers?

With no combat power, who would care about him?

No, who would support such a waste?

He will be thrown out of the settlement and eaten by zombies. If he is unfortunate enough to disintegrate before his brain is eaten, then he will become a totally useless zombie.

That would really be infamous.

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