Forget it, let's go upstairs and have a look.

Fang Ming began to search the first floor, but after a round, there was still nothing.

What about the second floor?

He didn't give up, he came all the time, and he would definitely search the whole shopping mall.

However, the 2nd floor did not gain either.

3rd floor, also no.

He came to the 4th floor, turned half a circle, and suddenly, the mental wave suddenly had a different feedback.


He followed the guidance of the spiritual wave and entered a... gold and jewelry store.

Could it be that the Podocarpus pine planted here is also a spiritual tree?


The direction of the mental wave is clearly not these potted plants, but!

He looked at a display case full of jade articles.


Without hesitation, he smashed the showcase and reached out to grab a handful of jade pendants.

Throw, throw, throw.

In the end, there was only one jade pendant left in his hand.

Now, even if there is no feedback from the spirit wave, Fang Ming can be sure that this thing is absolutely extraordinary.

Because, he found that when he held the jade pendant in his hand, a weak energy was transmitted into his body, but it was far from the effect of corpse beads and spiritual peaches.

In the previous life, the corpse king was the first to break 3 with this thing?

Fang Ming was not sure.

So, he kept looking.

I've searched all over and found nothing.

So, is it this jade pendant that emits weak energy?

Well, since the effect is similar to Lingtao, it should be called Lingyu.

Fang Ming took Meng Jinning back, and it was already early morning.

The two went to bed quickly, and they had to kill zombies the next day.

Hey, I don't need it.

Fang Ming smiled, he is already level 2, and the corpse beads of level 1 are not effective for him, so he can take 10 days off.

I will rest tomorrow!

The next day, Fang Ming woke up, only to find that his strength had changed again.

The improvement is less than one thousandth.

Not much really.

"I sleep with the jade pendant close to my body for almost 6 hours. There is obviously no limit to it. Putting it on my body can always strengthen my strength."

"So, 24 hours a day, that's about 3.3 per thousand."

"If I only have one major category of ability, it's exactly 1%."

Therefore, Yupei can also increase the evolution level by 1% a day - for people other than him.

Fang Ming suddenly realized, no wonder there was a level 3 corpse king so early in the previous life, that's how it was.

However, he can eat 3 pieces of Lingtao a day, and there are no 3 pieces of jade pendant that can be worn at the same time, so the improvement effect on him will be reduced to 3 pieces.

But it's still a good thing!

"Originally I needed 55 days to upgrade to level 3, now?"

"More than 40 days is enough."

Fang Ming is very happy, who doesn't want to become stronger and stronger?

It's only been more than 40 days, faster than him breaking through from level 1 to level 2.



Oriental settlement.

Now this place has been occupied by the magpie's nest. All the people from the Bincheng Gang are here, and the speaker has changed from Wu Yaozhong to the male sister. Although many "old people" in the settlement have expressed dissatisfaction, what can they do?

Those people from the Bincheng Gang were able to escape here alive. Every one of them is naturally an elite among the elites. There are as many as 32 superpowers. How can the Eastern Settlement fight against them?

Besides, the boss of my family is fascinated by the male sister and doesn't want to resist. The rest of them lack a backbone, isn't it just a mess?

What resistance can there be?

Therefore, some people simply left the oriental settlements.

It's okay if I don't play with you at the head office.

The male sister finally waited for this day.

She has 10 subordinates of Level 1 abilities.

They acquired new abilities one by one, experienced and experimented there, and some even used living people as targets to see how strong their own abilities were. Therefore, people who were frozen into lumps of ice, A charred corpse.

Like hell on earth!

The male sister didn't care, she was only proud of having so many powerful subordinates.

Naturally, these people belonged to the Bincheng Gang—except for Wu Yaozhong.

Because I have followed her for the longest time and been influenced by her ability for the longest time, I am the most devoted to her.

Spiritual seeds?

She is still reluctant to use it.

Can't wait, now the power she has is strong enough to completely suppress Fang Ming's side.

Therefore, she issued an order as the lord to let everyone come here to discuss the matter the next day.

As the day passed, everyone came over one after another.

Only one side is missing.

Wanjiang Resort Hotel.

Fang Ming didn't come, Xie Jun didn't come, and the woman who was stronger than Xie Jun didn't come either.

The male sister took the opportunity to go crazy, accusing Fang Ming of being arrogant, and she even ignored her, the leader, and directly voted to kick Fang Ming out of the alliance.

This makes it impossible for everyone.

Isn't your male sister a woman of Fang Ming and also the spokesperson?

Why did it suddenly jump backwards?

Most people still remember the horror of Fang Ming, how long has it been, how can they forget?

So, they persuaded immediately.

"Male sister, it's better to have a long-term plan."

"That's right, Boss Fang is too strong. If you haven't seen the scene where he killed Zhu Yan, he is definitely a level 1 supernatural being!"

"Sister, think twice!"

They are not afraid that the male sister will become the second Zhu Yan, they are only afraid that the male sister will drag them to die together.

The male sister laughed loudly: "Fang Ming is a level 1 supernatural being, am I not? Aren't my brothers?"

One person immediately jumped onto the meeting table, stretched out his hand, and the endless chill spread out. Everyone in the meeting felt that their blood was frozen, and it was difficult to move a finger!


They were shocked, this is definitely a Level 1 supernatural user, otherwise how could there be such a crush?

And such supernatural beings...there are as many as 10 male sisters!

The mountain city is really about to change.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, you have to show your loyalty quickly.

Immediately, many people expressed their opinions to the male sister, and in the future, as long as the male sister said a word, they would attack with swords and swords, and there would be no excuses.

"Fang Ming harmed the alliance before, I suggest that the leader of the alliance should eradicate him directly!" Someone suggested, obviously seeing the male sister's plan to eliminate Fang Ming's side.

Sure enough, the male sister gave him a look of praise.

This dog is nice and has good eyesight.

The male sister nodded: "Humanity is already on the verge of extinction. There are threats of zombies and enemies like rats, but Fang Ming is still fighting internally. This black sheep must be eliminated."

"Today, I will take the lead. Who wants to follow me?"



"And I!"

The Bincheng gang had never seen Fang Ming's strength, so naturally they shouted loudly to support the male sister's platform, and on the Shancheng side, although many people also fell for the male sister, but when they thought of Fang Ming's Terrible, but very guilty, although he also stood up and called "I", but the voice was very low and weak.

The male sister sneered.

For Fang Ming's position in everyone's mind, she had no choice but to take down Fang Ming. As the saying goes, there are no two kings in a country, and there can only be one queen in the mountain city!


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