Fang Ming looked ahead and ignored Wu Yaozhong.

Others thought he was staring at the air in a daze, but Fang Ming clearly "saw" the spider web-like mental power in front of him.

Is this the ability of the male sister?

Even a shrewd person like Wu Yaozhong was tricked and had to obey her.

This ability is a bit strong.

If there is no limit, wouldn't the whole world become her slave?

No, I haven't heard of the "legendary story" of this male sister in my previous life, so she should have died a long time ago.

He looked at the male sister and said indifferently: "How many times can you use your method of controlling other people?"

The male sister is fighting with her teeth.

Because she could sense that her spiritual seed was in Fang Ming's hands.

It needs to be implanted into someone else's body to work, so naturally she can't control Fang Ming.

How can it be!

I have planted spiritual seeds in other people's bodies, but you can still "pull" them out?

Is your ability "scalpel"?

The male sister backed away involuntarily.

Her own combat is very poor, so if the ability fails to work, she is left to be slaughtered.

However, after hearing Fang Ming's words, everyone turned pale with astonishment.

It turned out that Wu Yaozhong was controlled by the male sister!

Not to confuse, but to control.

This is completely different.

Being confused, it means that Wu Yaozhong's ability to control is not good enough, he deserves it, but being controlled... It shows that the male sister's ability is very vicious!

"Kill him! Kill him quickly!" the male sister screamed.

However, her subordinates are only confused by her ability. It is fine to fight with the wind, but to fight against the wind?

I'm sorry, but my own life must be more important.

They all pretended not to hear.

What about a bed partner?

Husband and wife are just birds in the same forest, and they have to fly separately when disaster strikes.

What is a lover?

The male sister took a few steps back, and bang, she tripped over a rock and fell on her back. She seemed to have reacted, kneeling and crawling towards Fang Ming: "Boss Fang, please don't kill me!" I can be your dog, you accept me!"

In order to survive, she is willing to do anything!

The point is, if Fang Ming really has to accept her, she can take the opportunity to plant spiritual seeds and complete a big comeback.

Everyone is very disdainful.

This is kneeling?

They are really blind, they followed this woman to mess around!

"No need." Fang Ming said flatly, and with a clenched right hand, bang, the male sister was immediately squeezed into a ball, and then turned into a cloud of blood.

"Boss Fang, please spare us!"

"Yes, we were just bewitched by the male sister, we couldn't help ourselves!"

"Boss Fang, I will be your dog from now on. If you want me to go east, I won't go west!"

Those people from the Bincheng Gang begged for mercy.

As long as Fang Ming is willing to spare them, with their level 1 abilities, can't they still dominate the mountain city?

Fang Ming smiled lightly, and the gravity ability was activated again.


There were screams again and again, and those members of the Bincheng Gang died one by one.

Wu Yaozhong was trembling. Apart from the 3 supernatural beings who were still fighting Xie Jun, he was the only level 1 supernatural being who survived on the side of the male sister.

"Boss Fang!" He knelt down, he had no ambitions, he just cried and begged for mercy.

Fang Ming glanced at him, since he was controlled by the male sister, he could spare Wu Yaozhong once, but this guy's luck is good, being controlled by the male sister in this way, he was actually promoted to level 1.

You know, Wu Yaozhong didn't dare to use all the corpse beads on himself before.

Blindly rule with high pressure, this kind of power will collapse sooner or later.

But now?

Wu Yaozhong enjoyed the benefits, but he could put all the blame on the male sister.

If Fang Ming hadn't confirmed that Wu Yaozhong could not know that he had a way to release him, he would have thought he was using bitter tactics.

Fang Ming glanced at Shu Jing, nodded slightly, Shu Jing understood, walked towards Xie Jun's battle group, and activated his ability.

After breaking through level 1, the petrochemical ability has been improved, and there are new usages.

Before level 1, she had to look at the target, and then the target would be hit. After the breakthrough, this setting still exists, but she has an additional active ability, which is to stimulate rays from her eyes.

Touch the target, the target will be petrified.

However, this requires a certain "casting time".

But who would interfere with her now?

A beam of light shot out and hit the water-type supernatural user, immediately turning the man's right leg into stone.

The man was startled, but his reaction was extremely fast. He immediately turned his right leg into a flowing water form, and solved the petrification—everyone had just broken level 1, so who is stronger than whom?

But after being hit like this, the water-type supernatural being was also reminded and glanced around.

Nima, what's the matter?

Where is the male sister?

What happened to so many headshot corpses?

No, no, look at their clothes... These corpses are obviously his companions, level 1 supernatural beings!

How can it be!

Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away.

Very decisive.

However, Xie Jun immediately stopped him and punched him.

That person had no choice but to flow again, otherwise, his small body could take a punch from a force-sensitive type?

Three-on-one has turned into three-on-two, and one of them has no fighting spirit and only wants to run. What kind of combat power can he display?

Therefore, Xie Jun fought harder and harder.

On the contrary, the earth-type and water-type supernatural powers were consumed by a large amount of powers, and soon fell into a predicament.

The ability is almost exhausted.

They rely on their supernatural powers for food, and the emptying of supernatural powers means becoming a useless person—much better than ordinary people, but can they match Xie Jun's punch?

This is the disadvantage of spell-casting abilities.

What about the force-sensitive type?

It has great stamina and can fight for a long time.

Shu Jing's main focus is a coordination, as a good support, a series of petrified beams of light, so that the three supernatural beings are complaining, making frequent mistakes, Xie Jun seized the opportunity, and took away the earth type in one wave stranger.

This gap was opened, and the water-type superhumans quickly followed suit. In the end, only the force-sensitive type was left, who was so frightened that he hurriedly begged for mercy, but what's the use of begging for mercy?


The battle is over.

Fang Ming looked at Wu Yaozhong and said with a smile: "Clean up the team, I don't know how many people are here to deal with me, but Boss Wu should know, right?"

"I know! I know!" Wu Yaozhong nodded hastily.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Fang Ming turned around and left, with Xie Jun and Shu Jing following behind.

After the three of them disappeared, Wu Yaozhong turned around, his face was full of murderous intent, almost solidified.

This time, he was almost doomed!

Luckily, Fang Ming's methods were against the sky, and he was actually dragged back.

"Do it, kill all those who supported the male sister before!"

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