Buzzing buzzing, mental waves gushed out one after another, covering a range of 20 meters up and down.

Even if it is in the strata, what is buried can hardly escape Fang Ming's perception.

Spirit waves are invisible and invisible, but they can reflect everything.


Fang Ming found that the mausoleum was surprisingly deep.

Entering from this entrance is a long passage, the length of which exceeds 20 meters, because Fang Ming did not perceive the end.

He only hesitated for a moment before deciding to go in.

What is there that attracts a large number of zombies to surround, but why didn't they go in?

It doesn't make sense, isn't this a contradiction?

Fang Ming thought of a metaphor.

——A man who was in debt and desperate, stood at the door of the bank hesitatingly, wanted to go in and rob, but was afraid of being shot.

So, there is something in it that attracts zombies, but makes them afraid?

Zombies are also afraid?


Even if level 1 zombies start to evolve, they may recover vision, hearing, etc., and have a little wisdom, but fear of death is still not an option for them.

So why?

Fang Ming frowned and walked into the mausoleum.

As soon as he entered, the gloomy meaning became more obvious. He immediately released the flame ability, and his body warmed up.

Strange, is there a thousand years of ice in it?

Otherwise, how could it be so gloomy and cold?

Fang Ming continued to move forward, and the mental wave was constantly giving feedback.

There is no living thing, and there is nothing special, but the passage is long and never ends.

The passage was all the way down obliquely. After walking for dozens of meters, Fang Ming found out through mental waves that there was a...tomb in 20 meters?

It should be, since this is a mausoleum, shouldn't there be a tomb?

He continued to move forward, and in his mind, the whole picture of the tomb was also outlined.

It is a cuboid, about 8 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 4 meters high. There is a coffin in the middle of the tomb, and there is a corpse in the coffin.


With the mental waves swept over, Fang Ming could "see" clearly that the corpse was not decomposed.

Is it because the temperature is too low?

Fang Ming thought.

In addition, there is a groove on the ground, and there is a mercury-like liquid in the groove, which is exuding a trace of cold air.

At this time, Fang Ming also walked into the tomb and saw the coffin and the groove with his own eyes.

The coffin is vermilion, the ancient one, and it looks old.

In fact, you don’t even need to look at the coffin. You only need to look at the bricks that make up the tunnel. They are by no means fired in modern times, and there are various patterns on the coffin lid, including birds and animals.

Fang Ming's heart moved, and he took out the thermometer.


It's just that the thermometer was just taken out, and it actually cracked and broke.

Let me go, how low is the temperature?

Fang Ming didn't intend to open the coffin because he knew it was a corpse. Although it didn't rot because of the low temperature, there was absolutely no spiritual thing on it.

——Spirit wave will not lie to him.

So, what's so good about dead people?

He turned his attention to that groove.

On the liquid in the groove, to be precise.

He walked over.

However, after only taking two steps, the flame he released was greatly suppressed, and it was extinguished all of a sudden.

It was extremely cold.

If Fang Ming's current physique had not been extremely strong, he would have been frozen to death immediately.

Fang Ming hissed, and instead released the shroud of darkness.

A piece of darkness opened up, and he also became the darkness, not to be invaded by the darkness.

However, Fang Ming immediately discovered that his abilities were being consumed at an alarming rate.

He no longer observed first before doing anything, but directly used the container to collect the liquid in the groove.

One bowl, two bowls, three bowls... He took away all the liquid, and the chill that seemed to be able to freeze everything disappeared, and the room temperature was rising at an extremely fast speed.

Of course, the ground should actually have a constant temperature, and the temperature here will stabilize after approaching.

Fang Ming took another look, and Spirit Wave also told him that there was nothing strange here anymore.


Fang Ming immediately exited the tomb and walked out along the passage. He obtained a large amount of mysterious liquid, which can be studied slowly when he goes back, and there is no rush to explore right now.

Although he didn't know what it was, it was so cold that he almost froze. Could it be an ordinary thing?

10 corpse beads are nothing to him, just a matter of a few hours, and in two days, when the level 2 zombies appear, the number of level 1 zombies will increase by 10 times as if they were knocked over. Level 1 corpse beads are naturally even less valuable.

Therefore, 10 corpse beads were exchanged for this thing, worth it!

Bang, Fang Ming rose through the air and headed back towards the mountain city.


An hour later, the Catacombs.

Ka, Ka, Ka, a strange sound sounded. If Fang Ming was still here, he would have seen an extremely frightening scene, because the coffin lid was actually moving!

Slide back slowly.

After slipping about 10 centimeters, I saw two hands protruding from the coffin!

This can definitely scare people's hearts out.

A pair of hands, like an old man in his 70s or 80s, full of wrinkles, black and skinny, but with great strength, pressed a pile on the coffin lid. fell to the ground.

A "person" in a red dress straightened his upper body. Like his hands, his skin was black and wrinkled, and his hair was as dry as grass. But in the next moment, he stretched his waist, and all he could see was his face and neck. A large number of black old leathers fell from the chest and hands.

There was also hair, which fell off like a bird's nest that had been pulled out.

But what was replaced was not rotten meat, but a... an incomparably glamorous woman.

She has long black hair, her skin is full of snow and frost, and there is an aura of calmness and prestige between her brows. When she opened her eyes, two rays of light shot out, directly penetrating the earth and shooting into the sky. into the sky.

She stood up, her height was estimated to be 180, like an empress, full of oppression.

"Have I absorbed all of the Nine Phantom Liquid?" The woman spoke slowly, although it was indeed Chinese, but she had a strange accent.

"No, why is my cultivation at Linghai level?"

"The Nine Phantom Liquid is enough to push me to the Transformation God level, how could it be over at the Linghai level?"

"But the Nine Phantom Liquid is obviously gone!"

"It was stolen?"

"Damn it, the time is far from over, my body is strong on the outside but dry on the inside."

The woman's phoenix eyes stared, revealing endless killing intent.

"Those who ruin my chance, no matter who you are, I will definitely find you, kill you, and get back the Nine Ghost Liquid!"

"But now, I have to stabilize first, otherwise there will be big trouble!"

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