Fang Ming smiled: "I'm going to give it a try and see how strong the level 2 zombies are!"

He jumped out and went straight into the pile of zombies.

The darkness enveloped him, and he felt like he was in a deserted place, and it seemed as if he didn't exist. Unexpectedly, not a single zombie changed its attack route and attacked Fang Ming, but maintained its original trajectory.

"Fang Ming is really getting more and more powerful!" Xie Jun sighed.

When he first met Fang Ming, he thought he was just a little weaker than him, but if he worked hard and evolved, he might still be able to catch up.

But now?

The gap was so big that he could only look up completely.

"Take action, we must stop the zombies and not destroy our home!" Meng Jinning said loudly, with an iron rod in his hand.

This was specially made by someone. It was made of space materials. It was mainly made to be hard and tough, which was just right for a force-sensitive person like her.

Xie Jun also showed his weapon.

Although he is also force-sensitive, he uses a thick knife. Of course, the material is also space-grade, but he does not use it because it does not need to be sharp. He just uses the weapon to explode his terrifying power.

The force-sensitive type charged directly, while the caster "singed" from behind. Suddenly, ice arrows and fireballs danced wildly.

However, Meng Jinning and Xie Jun had to look at the fierceness. The two rushed into the pile of corpses and swept them with sticks and knives. The zombies were like a goddess scattering flowers, running rampant and invincible.

You must know that they all have the strength to dig through the corpse nest on their own, so as long as they don't encounter level 2 zombies, what do they have to fear, and who can stop them?

Level 2 zombies?

Of course it was left to Fang Ming.

And the goddess army formed by the hotel has begun to show its power. Although most of them have not reached level 1, is it not easy to deal with ordinary zombies?

kill! kill! kill!

Fang Ming placed poison in the dark, and all the zombies he passed turned into skeletons. He seemed to be walking, but he was extremely fast, killing all the way to the back of the zombies.

Well, I saw level 1 zombies.

There are 19 heads in total!

Normally, it would be difficult for Fang Ming to find 10 level 1 zombies in a day. Now, there are 19 level 1 zombies in one zombie wave.

After the level 2 zombies appeared, the level 1 zombies seemed to have lost their restraints and popped out.

Fang Ming rushed over, and under the squeeze of gravity, all these level 1 zombies were instantly killed.

Level 2 against level 1, this is bullying people - and also bullying zombies.

If the level 1 zombies see it, then the level 2 zombies must not be far away.

Sure enough, Fang Ming saw the target.

This is a zombie that looks like a meat ball. Its main feature is that it is round. The diameter of the entire torso must be 5 meters - why should I say diameter, because it is indeed a sphere.

There is a head growing out of a huge meat ball, plus two short legs and short hands, which looks very funny.

Fang Ming was a little awe-inspiring.

This is a jumping corpse!

He was "lucky" to see it in his previous life, but of course he had to run away. Even a level 2 superpower user would find it difficult to benefit from it, and might even be in danger of being killed.

The biggest feature of the jumping zombie is that it moves by bouncing, and its attack method is also impact. Once it hits the target, it will suck the person directly into its huge belly, and use the terrifying rotten liquid to destroy the life. .

If a level 2 superpower user is swallowed by a jumping zombie, it will be really difficult to escape.


The meat ball suddenly bounced up, jumped 10 meters high, and hit Fang Ming.

It's extremely fast and very elastic, making people want to take a few shots.

Fang Ming didn't dodge, just smiled.

He was immediately knocked upside down.

This kind of impact should be enough to break the bones of a level 2 superhuman, but Fang Ming opened up the darkness and turned himself into darkness, but he didn't receive a trace of the impact.

However, Rouqiu's belly opened, and it had already wrapped or swallowed him.

Tiao Tiao Zang was a little stunned. This enemy seemed to be very powerful when he came all the way, but he was dealt with so easily?

Of course, the level 2 zombie already has some IQ, but not much, so it wondered for two seconds and stopped entangled in this matter.


It just wanted to move, but suddenly found that it had "leaked air".

what happened?

It is very puzzled, because its field of vision is actually getting lower.

——If someone is watching from the side, they can see clearly that there is a huge opening in the belly of the meat ball, and a semi-liquid and semi-solid green mixed with black is gushing out.

Therefore, it naturally seems to be leaking air, and its body is shrinking rapidly.

A mass of darkness also "walked" out of its stomach.

Fang Ming walked out 10 meters away, the darkness closed, and he smiled slightly.

If it wasn't a jumping corpse, he might have some troubles to clean it up, but the jumping corpse swallowed him, and it happened to poison him.

Breathing this poison into your nose can turn zombies into bones, but you still swallowed it in your stomach?

So what if you are level 2?

Damn or die.

Under Tiao Tiao Zang's puzzled eyes, its stomach has been completely corroded, leaving only a piece of skin, hands, feet and head.

However, level 2 zombies are strong after all, this layer of skin is extremely tough and resistant to decay, and it is not bad!

So, if the poison is released from the outside, how long will it take to bring down this big guy?

After such a long time, the poisonous supernatural power user may have been killed by the jumping corpse.

After all, poison belongs to the caster, so how can one compare strength and speed with Jumping Zombie?

Fang Ming walked over and easily put away the corpse beads.

Absorbed directly.

A warm current hit, and Fang Ming felt that his three major systems had improved a little bit.

Only 3 pieces can be 1%, of course only one is lost.

As soon as the level 2 zombies fell, the tide of corpses disintegrated immediately.

Because there were no level 1 zombies as leaders, if those zombies smelled human, they would naturally continue to attack. If they didn't smell it, they would just wander around in a daze, and some would drift away.

Fang Ming walked back, Xie Jun and the others also quickly ended the battle.

"How is it?" Meng Jinning asked.

Fang Ming nodded: "Level 2 zombies have appeared, I have already obtained the corpse beads and absorbed them."


Although everyone was mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but feel chills in their backs.

As for the wave of corpses just now, which force in the entire mountain city can stop it?

"Oriental settlements should be fine, after all, they have a lot of guns and ammunition."

"I hope that other settlements can immediately realize that something is wrong and move to the eastern settlement."

"Otherwise, this time will definitely be a catastrophe!"

Fang Ming remained silent. After this wave of corpses erupted in the previous life, the number of survivors was directly cut in half, which shows the great destructive power.

"I'm going to kill level 2 zombies. You guard the hotel. There may be a second wave. If you find a wave of zombies coming, call me immediately," he said.

Everyone nodded in unison.

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