Fang Ming found the third wave of corpses.

After fighting the second level 2 zombie, Fang Ming did not dare to look down upon these big monsters that had just appeared.

Really strong.

Moreover, fortunately, if the king does not see the king, the level 2 zombies will never encounter each other - unless there is an order from the level 3 zombies, otherwise, as long as four or five level 2 zombies join forces, Fang Ming feels that he is a little bit embarrassed.

He found the third level 2 zombie.

This zombie has a water attribute, and comes up with a mouthful of ice mist, which lowers the ambient temperature to about minus 80 degrees. However, Fang Ming also has the corresponding superpower, so it is naturally a trivial matter and can be easily solved.

relatively easy.

He can kill level 1 zombies instantly, but for level 2 zombies, it will take a minute anyway.

Keep going.

Fang Ming is looking for more corpses.

However, after killing 6 level 2 zombies, Fang Ming had to retreat and rest.

All three systems consumed too much power and had to retreat to rest.

It took him two hours to get back to his best before heading out again to kill zombies.

After killing three more level 2 zombies, he received a call from Liu Yuqi.

——There is another wave of corpses at home.

He rushed back immediately. What he didn't expect was that this time, three waves of corpses hit the hotel together!

Fortunately, the three waves of zombies acted independently, otherwise... if three level 2 zombies got together, Fang Ming would really have to work hard to deal with them.

But now, the three zombies are separated, and each one can't last more than one minute!

After the big zombies are killed, the small zombies naturally go their own way, some disperse, and some continue to attack, but it is only a level 1 zombie leading the team, which is easy to solve.

Shu Jing and Hong Xiaoyue also temporarily brought the people from Jingyue's settlement to the hotel, so that they could concentrate their defenses. This is probably why the three waves of corpses were attracted.

After solving the trouble here, Fang Ming went to the Eastern Settlement without stopping.

Because Fang Ming’s hotel no longer accepts people, the Eastern Settlement has become a sanctuary for refugees. Survivors will come out of every corner every day, making this settlement bigger and bigger.

The original community could not accommodate so many people, so three neighboring communities were included.

The territory is larger, there are more people, but there are also more places to defend.

Especially when a zombie wave breaks out, this target is too big, attracting five zombie waves to attack from all directions.

When Fang Ming arrived, the settlement had shrunk inward with seven lines of defense, and the area had also shrunk tenfold. Machine guns fired until the barrels turned red, and some of them exploded as soon as they hit.

Existing thermal weapons are really difficult to fight against zombies.

Fang Ming rushed out and activated his poison ability.

To carry out large-scale massacres, the ability to poison is absolutely the first, and no other ability can match it.

After running around in a circle, countless zombies turned into bones.

Fang Ming is looking for high-level zombies.

After finding the level 1 zombies, he didn't stop at all. Wherever people passed by, the zombies fell. It was so easy to kill the level 1 zombies with level 2 poison.

After searching for a long time, he finally found the first level 2 zombie.

This is a normal looking zombie, female, with a pretty good figure, but when Fang Ming approached, it opened its bloody mouth, and it could swallow Fang Ming in one gulp.

Wood attribute!

Its body has turned into vines, which can grow rapidly and entwine towards Fang Ming. Its body is also like an old vine soaked in water. It is extremely tough, hard to break with sharp blades, indestructible with great strength, and is not even afraid of fire attack.

Almost invincible.

Unfortunately, Fang Ming's abilities are too comprehensive.

Can't these previous abilities hurt you?

Then change it!


The zombie was quickly frozen, causing its toughness to drop sharply, and Fang Ming beat it violently with a metal fist. Bang, the zombie was finally torn apart.


Fang Ming took out the corpse bead and went to find the next level 2 zombie.

All five level 2 zombies were killed, and Fang Ming was so tired that he managed to walk into the settlement and sat down on a rock, not wanting to move a finger for a long time.

"Boss Fang!" Wu Yaozhong came over with a group of supernatural beings, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder the zombies suddenly became chaotic. It must be Fang Ming who killed the leader of the big zombies.

"Boss Fang, this wave of corpses is too scary."

"The number of zombies is much higher than before. Those of us with level 1 abilities are almost exhausted."

"what's up?"

Everyone was chattering, they were so curious.

Fang Ming only said a few words: "Level 2 zombies have appeared."

Suddenly, everyone was silent.

In the past few days, two more people in the settlement have broken through level 1. It was a great joy and filled everyone with confidence, thinking that life would get better day by day, but now Fang Ming said that level 2 zombies appeared!

This, this, is it still letting people live?


The tide of zombies has receded, what does that mean?

Level 2 zombies must have been killed.

Who did it?

Is there anything else to say!

So, Fang Ming is a level 2 superhuman?

Oh my god, there aren't even many Level 1 supernatural beings here, but Fang Ming is actually Level 2?

No wonder the male sister gathered 10 level 1 supernatural powers and all of them were easily eliminated by Fang Ming, who is level 2!

If the male sister had known earlier, shouldn't she put down her intention of "rebelling" and rack her brains to think of how to please Fang Ming?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Fang Ming waved his hand to let the crowd disperse.

He was exhausted enough, but he was not in the mood to popularize science with everyone.

Wu Yaozhong knew what was interesting, and quickly let the crowd disperse, while he stood guard not far away, lest anyone would not open their eyes and disturb Fang Ming at this time.

——For example, some Yingying and Yanyan think they are pretty and want to show their faces in front of Fang Ming. What if Fang Ming takes a fancy to them?

Wu Yaozhong usually doesn't care about such things, but now that Fang Ming has pushed everyone away, you still move forward?

Now that Wu Yaozhong respected Fang Ming like a god, he naturally had to stand guard.

Fang Ming rested for another three hours, and finally recovered again.

Fortunately, the phone did not ring during the period, indicating that the hotel did not encounter any more corpses.

Keep killing!

Fang Ming made persistent efforts.

The more level 2 zombies he killed, the greater the harvest. In addition, the more level 2 zombies he killed, the more people survived.

No matter how Fang Ming is human, he still wants to do his part without endangering himself.

After all, if there were only him and the girls left in the future... this world would be too boring.

Therefore, Fang Ming wanted to kill level 2 zombies as much as possible while ensuring his own safety.

After one day of killing, the terrifying tide of corpses is finally coming to an end.

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