For the next few days, Fang Ming struggled to kill zombies every day.

He can penetrate about 10 corpse nests a day, and dozens of corpse nests are destroyed by him in a few days. The number of super zombies has not decreased, but is still increasing.

Therefore, this war against zombies is not a matter of one or two people, but the joint efforts of all mankind.

In a flash, three days passed.

There is good news from Wu Yaozhong. He has found many relevant talents and is intensively repairing high-tech weapons. What is even more gratifying is that not only the mountain city, but also survivors from all over the country are doing the same thing. matter.

With the repair of the satellite phone, the communication was restored, and these scientific and technological talents also cooperated in the form of remote communication. After all, there are basically no military workers here, and they are only groping with professional knowledge.

Among all the survivor settlements, a force called Taiwu Base made the fastest progress.

They are based out of a military factory and production has now resumed!

However, there is a lack of material.

Therefore, Zhou Zicheng, the person in charge of this base, sent a request to various places, hoping that everyone can deliver the relevant raw materials as much as possible. When the weapons are manufactured, they will be distributed to those who provide the raw materials first.

When Fang Ming first heard this name, he felt familiar, but strange.

First of all, in his previous life until his death, he had never heard of such a power, nor was there such a strong man as Zhou Zicheng, but he seemed to have heard of this name somewhere.


Fang Ming suddenly remembered that at the beginning of the flood, he went out to look for evolution fluid every day, but he met a family of three, rowing a wooden boat, and fell in love with his motorboat. Zhou Zicheng’s daughter actually collected nearly a hundred All the evolution fluids were given to Fang Ming.

For this reason, Fang Ming gave them two extra barrels of gasoline, and suggested that they not stop all the way until they landed. Now it seems that Zhou Zicheng listened to him.

But why haven't I heard of Zhou Zicheng's name in the previous life, let alone the Taiwu base?


In his previous life, Zhou Zicheng had never met Fang Ming, so he might have died in an accident on the way.

Therefore, it seems that Fang Ming just gave the other party a motorboat and said a few words, but inadvertently changed the fate of the family of three and changed the future.

The Taiwu base actually resumed production in a military factory!


How is the energy problem solved?

Are there so many related workers?

Fang Ming decided to make a trip himself. If it was true what Zhou Zicheng said, he was willing to help the other party as much as possible without affecting his strength.

Human beings need weapons too much now!

Fang Ming talked to the girls, and immediately went to Lancheng.

Zhou Zicheng is really good at running, and he can walk farther than him.

You know, when Fang Ming went to the mountain city, he still used a car for a part of the way. How did the family of three do it?

It was nothing short of a miracle.

With curiosity, Fang Ming soon came to Lancheng.

Fang Ming could easily find the location of this military factory because he had communicated with the satellite phone in advance.

In the vast Gobi Desert!

There is plenty of sunlight here, and as far as the eye can see, there are solar panels everywhere.

So, the energy problem is solved.

Fang Ming nodded. Energy is the foundation of modern industry. Without electricity, what machine can run?

Another one, this place is really too deserted!

Within a radius of a hundred miles, if you can still find one family, you will be considered Fang Ming.

So, are there any zombies here?

Yes, it could only be in the military factory.

The point is, when the first wave of catastrophe strikes, is it possible for the military factory to still produce?

Not to mention all the people, at least 90% of the people will leave the factory, or else just sit and wait?

And when the food ran out, naturally everyone ran away.

No people, and certainly no zombies.

Then, if the food problem can be solved, this is an excellent refuge.

Fang Ming walked to the front of the factory building, and there was only a simple wall built with some stones. If there was a wave of corpses, the wall was simply a decoration.

Fortunately, there are no corpses visiting here.

Fang Ming was amazed.

At this time, the roar of the engine sounded, and an off-road vehicle drove over, um, green card, new energy.

"Fang Ming, it's really you!" A man in his 30s jumped out of the car with surprise on his face.

Isn't it the same Zhou Zicheng from back then?

Fang Ming smiled: "I was also very surprised, I didn't expect it was really you!"

"Haha, come in, come in." Zhou Zicheng greeted him and waved to Fang Ming.

Fang Ming leaped lightly and stepped over the 1.2 meter wall.

Zhou Zicheng pulled Fang Ming into the car, and the driver turned around and drove towards the military factory.

On the way, Zhou Zicheng kept feeling that if Fang Ming hadn't given them a motorboat, they would have been robbed halfway. Because of the speed of the motorboat, they had escaped the robbery of many people, otherwise they would have been robbed by others. Materials will suffer.

The point is, he is not alone, he also has a wife and children.

Fang Ming nodded secretly. It seemed that he had indeed flapped the wings of the butterfly, which saved the family from the fate of being wiped out in the early stage.

Zhou Zicheng welcomed Fang Ming into the office, and it will be much quieter here.

His wife and daughter were all inside, and they all smiled when they saw Fang Ming.

"Big Brother!" The little girl called out crisply and sweetly.

Look, call me brother instead of uncle, sensible!

Fang Ming had been prepared for a long time. He put the bag he was carrying on the table, opened it, took out an orange from it, and handed it to the little girl: "Here."

The little girl was almost moved to tears.

Where can I find fruit to eat this year?

"Fang Ming, this is too precious, you'd better eat it yourself." Zhou Zicheng said hastily.

On the contrary, his wife was a little moved, of course not because of her greed, but because of her daughter.

Oranges can add vitamins.

Fang Ming smiled, and simply took out all the things in the backpack, all kinds of fruits, he said: "It's okay, there is an ecological garden in my hotel, and many fruit trees are planted. I only brought so much in a hurry, I will bring you more next time."

Hearing what Fang Ming said, Zhou Zicheng nodded and asked his wife to put away the gift.

Fang Ming directly cut the orange into small pieces and handed it to the little girl. The little girl looked at her father, saw Zhou Zicheng nodded, and then happily took the orange and ate it.

"Brother Zhou, how did you find this place?" Fang Ming asked in puzzlement.

This is indeed a very strange thing.

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