After breaking through level 3, Fang Ming's wind attribute ability finally evolved into the ability of wind wings.

Very handsome, flying in the flesh, fulfilling the long-standing dream of human beings.

Fly like a bird!

However, Fang Ming only flew for a short distance before stopping and switched to running on two legs.

Indeed, flying with wings is very handsome and cool, but the speed is too slow, far inferior to running with legs.

The wind wing is very good for breaking out and crossing terrain, but forget it for long-distance travel.

Not even close.

Before Fang Ming set off, he made a plan, and the first stop was to go to the third brother's house.

Why the third brother's house?

Isn't Xiaori's house and Xiaohanzi's house very close to us, why not go there first?

Because the sea has risen.

The chances of zombies crossing the ocean are not high, but corpse birds may fly over.

Firstly, Ah San's family came to be neighbors with us, secondly, there were too many people coming to Third Brother's family.

The more people there are, the more zombies will naturally be. If the living people of the third brother's family are eaten up early, and they are led by a powerful zombie to kill Huaxia, what terrible damage will it cause?

After so many considerations, Fang Ming decided to put the first stop at the third brother's house.

All the way south.

Fang Ming climbed over the roof of the world. The terrain here is too complicated to walk on. Fortunately, he has wind wings and can fly directly over it.

Then, he entered the third brother's house, and suddenly, a heat wave hit.

China has already entered mid-October, and the weather is no longer hot, but here is different. Not only is it still hot, but it is even hotter than in July and August in China.

Fortunately, Fang Ming has water attribute abilities, and releasing a little bit of cold air is enough to block all the heat waves.

He walked all the way and saw countless zombies.

The land area of ​​Ahsanjia is less than one-third of that of Huaxia, but its population is slightly more than that. It is conceivable that the population density of this country is astonishing.

Fang Ming came to the most prosperous city of the third brother's family.


He wandered the streets, but under the darkness, no zombie could spot him—not even a level 2 zombie.

This is the suppression of the evolutionary level.

Along the way, he did not see a living person.

This turned into a full zombie kingdom?

Fang Ming frowned. It would not be good news if the third brother's family fell, which meant that there might be 1.4 billion zombies spreading to all parts of the world.

Buzzing buzzing, mental waves are continuously sent out, sending back pictures like radar, and it is still three-dimensional, with every detail.

But the more carefully he checked, the tighter his frown became.

Because he really didn't see a living person.

Not even any living things, it was frighteningly empty.

Tancheng should have a population of more than 20 million before the catastrophe, right?

They all turned into zombies?

Fang Ming couldn't believe it.

But think about it again, the Asan family has always had a lot of weird operations. Maybe when they first saw zombies, everyone would think that drinking some Ganges water or sprinkling some cow urine on the wound would heal them. All turned into zombies.

In other countries, such an approach is ridiculous to the point of inconceivable, but in the third brother's house, it is a basic operation, not even a miracle.

Fang Ming took a few more steps, and suddenly, his steps stopped.

With mental wave feedback, he "saw" a big guy.

His mental wave can now reach out 30 meters away, and since he found this big guy and stopped now, he has walked 10 steps, a total of 10 meters, but even if he has an extra 10 meters, he still can't fully detect this guy. up!

What is this big guy?

Unfortunately, Fang Ming has only reached the tail so far, so he is not sure what it is.


A piece of soil on the side broke open suddenly, and a huge monster came out.

This is a reptilian creature with four legs, long tail, covered with scales, and a triangular head with snake-like eyes that open and close left and right instead of up and down. The eyes are shiny green.

Finally, I could see clearly that it was a lizard.

super big!

Counting the tail, the length is about 60 meters, and the height is about 10 meters. As soon as the tongue is stuck out, a red tongue has come to Fang Ming, curling towards his waist.

Fang Ming smiled.

He is a level 3 evolutionary, who else should he be afraid of?

Gravity starts.


The long tongue hit the ground heavily like a steel bar, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

The big lizard didn't seem to expect it, blinked its eyes, and showed a strange expression in a human way.

Fang Ming turned his arm into a sword, and slashed at the tongue on the ground.

It was cut with one sword, but this tongue has such a strong toughness, let alone failed to cut it off, even failed to cut it in.

When the power of the sword was exhausted, the tongue bounced back the sword.

Fang Ming withdrew his hand, and the long sword became the shape of a hand again.


At this time, the lizard rolled its tongue, snapped, and the long tongue was retracted. It moved its limbs and rushed towards Fang Ming. Watching Fang Ming step on it.

Fang Ming kicked it too.


Regardless of the huge size difference between a person and a lizard, when the feet collided with each other, the huge body of the lizard was kicked away, turned three times in the air, and then fell heavily, with a loud thud. There was a loud noise, and the sky was filled with mud and sand.

What about Fang Ming?

After slipping back a few meters, the impact force was abruptly eliminated.

The big lizard got up and shook its head, as if it had been stunned.

When it turned around, Fang Ming thought it was going to run away, but unexpectedly it came out with a "dragon wagging its tail", snapped, and the long tail swept towards Fang Ming.

This turn around was already extremely fast, but when it reached the tip of the tail, the speed had surpassed several times the speed, and there were endless sonic booms, but it was far behind the tail.

Therefore, when the tail is pulled over, it is actually silent.

Fang Ming smiled and stretched out his hands.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he grabbed the lizard's tail and burst out with all his strength.

This big lizard was actually danced by him.

One lap, two laps, let's go!

Phew, the big lizard flew out through the air.

Fang Ming pursued and jumped into the air.


Bang bang bang bang, a series of violent blows with iron fists.

Boom, the big lizard fell to the ground, but couldn't move anymore, and a lot of blood flowed out of its mouth.

Although its skin has not been broken, its internal organs have been completely shattered, so it looks complete, but it is already dead.

Fang Ming was a little surprised, this lizard skin is really tough, he can't cut it with a sword in his arm, and can't break it with violence, it can be used to make armor.

He took the monitor lizard into a different space.

Interestingly, the third brother couldn't even let go of the lizard at the beginning, but now the big lizard has mutated, and its strength is even higher than most level 2 advanced abilities. No wonder there is no living person around here.

It's all eaten by it.

Well, it's retribution.

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