Fang Ming walked in the city.

There are quite a few huge lizards, as if they are the masters of this city.

In front of such a big guy, any zombie is easily wiped out.

Fang Ming guessed that there might not have been level 2 zombies here, because there was no such opportunity at all, and they were eaten by large lizards after finally reaching level 1.

Therefore, it is a miracle that Fatima and the others can break through level 2.

This also shows the extraordinaryness of the Kama Sutra.

Touching them every day actually made them reach level 2 without using corpse beads!

But now, the entire scripture has been integrated into Fang Ming's body, has he become a living scripture?

Fang Ming always felt weird.

When he saw the lizard, he took action to deal with it. After a long time, he had already killed more than a dozen large lizards.

More than a dozen heads!

Seeing that it was getting late, Fang Ming planned to go back.

Of course, it's not going back to the mountain city, but to Fatima's mansion.

He walked back, but within a few steps, he suddenly heard a loud roar.

"hold head high--"


Fang Ming frowned, no need to think, this must be another giant beast.

However, although those big lizards roared before, none of them made such an exaggerated sound.

Is this one particularly good at roaring?

Fang Ming ran towards the direction of the roar.

His speed was astonishingly fast, and after only a few seconds, he came to the place where the roar came from.


Fang Ming showed a look of shock, my God, what kind of huge monster is this?

Indeed, this is still a lizard, but those big lizards before are completely weak compared to it.

It is about 300 meters long, with a shoulder height of 80 meters. It is simply a giant!

boom! boom! boom!

It walked all the way, and all high-rise buildings were destroyed in an instant.

The point is, its tail is still shaking, and when it hits a building, it will be whipped and fall down.

How terrifying is this power?

What level of supernatural creature?

Level 3?

Even level 4?

Can Fang Ming not be shocked, what's going on with this Ah San's family?

First there was a Kama Sutra, and then such a big guy appeared?

What steroids did you take?

It's from my childhood.

Fang Ming was taken aback.

Wait, are those "little lizards" from before all its descendants?

Or a minor?

What the hell am I!

Fang Ming really has a big head. If this guess is true, how terrifying will these lizards be when they grow up?

It's fine that they've been at Ah San's house, but is this possible?

Under the impact of flooding the world, how much land is left in Ah San's family?

Once these lizards run out of food, they will definitely look for it everywhere, and Huaxia may naturally become a target.

Try the strength of this big guy first.

Fang Ming rushed over at full speed.

He was as fast as a ray of light.

However, the monitor lizard's green eyes rolled, and it was obvious that it had spotted him. It raised its huge feet and stepped on Fang Ming.

Boom, as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed.

Fang Ming broke out with the fastest speed, when the huge foot fell, Fang Ming rushed out in time, and punched the huge foot.


There was a muffled sound, and Fang Ming felt as if his fist had hit a mountain wall, shaking his bones violently.

What about monitor lizards?

Not moving at all.

Good guy.

Fang Ming gritted his teeth, his strength was level 3, but when he punched him, he felt as small as a fly shaking a tree.

This defense is really terrifying.

The defense of those small lizards before was astonishing enough, but when Fang Ming burst out with power, even if he couldn't break the skin and scales, he could still directly pour his power into the inside of the lizard, directly destroying its inside, and killing it.

But this one is different.

Its scales were so thick that even Fang Ming's fists couldn't penetrate it.

At this time, the giant lizard stepped over again.

Fang Ming jumped up and climbed up the big guy's feet.

He appears on the back of a giant beast.


From top to bottom, he concentrated his gravity ability on his fist and smashed it down heavily.

This punch was too terrifying. Fang Ming's huge strength and gravity directly doubled the power of this punch.

Moreover, just concentrate on such a small fist, how much pressure will it have?

With one punch, the seemingly indestructible scales of this giant beast finally cracked, and green blood spurted out.

"Ang—" This also caused the giant beast to roar in pain, as if to tear the sky apart.

But at the next moment, Fang Ming immediately raised a strong warning sign.


He jumped up and soared into the sky.

And almost at the same time, countless stone thorns sprouted from the giant beast's back, as if countless soldiers were lying in ambush inside the giant beast, all stabbing out the spears in their hands.

In mid-air, Fang Ming spread his wind wings and danced in the sky.

He frowned.

This giant beast actually has supernatural powers!

Soil system.

No wonder the defense was so amazing, the "small" lizard had already made it impossible for him to penetrate the thick skin, but the big lizard made it impossible for him to break through the defense at all.

It's just that the "little" lizard can't use the earth ability, but the big one can.

If those "little" lizards were all its offspring, that would explain it.

——Because it is its descendant, it will naturally inherit its characteristics, but also because it is only a descendant, it cannot inherit its abilities.

Well, that makes sense.

The question is, what can Fang Ming do if he wants to solve this big guy?

Fang Ming approached the giant beast again, and after avoiding its foot attack, Fang Ming jumped up, came to the giant beast's head, and began to release poison.

The toxin covered the entire head of the giant beast, and then saw this big guy shaking his head, then his feet were sloppy, and then his body turned over, and his legs turned upside down.

It worked!

Fang Ming just felt a tinge of joy, but saw this guy's body petrified in an instant, and then it turned over on its back, started to move in a nonchalant manner, swiped, and a dragon swung its tail and swiped at Fang Ming.

This whip tail is extremely fast.

Fang Ming exploded with full speed, which was barely avoided.

Good guy, really good guy!

Fang Ming was a little speechless, this guy has been poisoned, why can he get up again?

It seems that it sensed that it was poisoned, and then turned itself into a stone form, which detoxified the poison?

Of course, the toxin can't take effect on the stone, which sounds fine and reasonable.

But how to kill such a giant beast?

Need a headshot, otherwise it can be petrified to solve the problem.

Come again!

Fang Ming attacked again, this time he used his mental power.

Create illusions for you, let's go to the sea!

drown you!

However, the giant beast only crawled towards the sea for a few kilometers, and suddenly it turned into stone, and then it returned to its normal state, turned around and came back.

Can illusions affect stone?

Obviously not.

So there is nothing wrong with it using petrification to dissolve illusions.

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