However, is this natural disaster really ordinary?

Fang Ming shook his head.

The glaciers at both poles melted overnight. Is this scientific?

Obviously not, it's full of fantasy.

Therefore, now that the characters in the mythology, or the items related to the mythological characters, have actually come true, it doesn't seem to be too shocking, but it is a matter of course.

Ahhhh, I'm going a little crazy!

Fang Ming kept rubbing his eyebrows and suddenly felt that the water was so deep.

What is behind the flood?

Zombies are so unscientific. They should only appear in myths and legends, but now they appear in reality.

What is the truth of all this?

Fang Ming sighed.

It would be fine if he didn't know anything, he just thought it was an ordinary natural disaster, and the zombies were also caused by an ancient virus. This is a common understanding in the scientific community, but since the Kama Sutra, everything has become fantastic.

——He didn’t know yet that the “corpse” in the ancient tomb had come to life, which was equally fantastic.

Want to go to Bu Palace again?

He looked to the southwest. It wouldn't take long to go there, but it was getting dark now, so he might as well wait until tomorrow.

Moreover, he had just obtained the Zhenwu Liangyi magic skill and needed to study it carefully.

Then go home.

Fang Ming returned to the mountain city. At this time, the women had just returned to the hotel after a day of fighting. Everyone went to take a shower first, and then sat down in the restaurant, waiting for the meal.

When the girls heard Fang Ming talking about the harvest during the day, they all felt like they were hearing fantasy.

This is too exaggerated.

Until Fang Ming took out the magic pestle and the girls tried it one by one.

Anyone with special powers can control the Demonic Pestle to emit golden light, but you can see that the golden light emitted by each person is different.

There are strengths, weaknesses and thickness.

Naturally, the golden light produced by Fang Ming is the thickest and brightest, and the lower the level of evolution, the thinner and lighter the golden light produced.

They tested it again and found that the thickness and brightness of the golden light were directly related to the efficiency of saving zombies.


Even a level 1 superpower user can pose a threat to level 2 zombies using the Demon-Subduing Pestle.

But it is just a threat. It has the ability to harm and kill level 2 zombies, but it may also be killed by level 2 zombies.

Unlike level 2 evolvers, such as Meng Jinning, who can instantly kill level 2 superpowers using the Demon Subduing Pestle.

Therefore, it can be inferred from these that the subduing magic pestle can increase the combat effectiveness of a supernatural person by one level.

——Only for zombies.

Fang Ming even bathed in the golden light for a while, not only would he not be hurt, but he even felt a sense of comfort.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and it is sacred and majestic.

So, this is a "magic weapon", can it only be used to kill demons and suppress evil?

But anyway, it's a really good thing.

I will no longer be afraid of zombies.

Because at Fang Ming's growth rate, is it possible for him to encounter a situation where zombies are one level higher than him?

Impossible, at most the same.

Then he holds the magic pestle in his hand, so he can instantly kill all the zombies.

But will this work on tuatara?

Probably not.

Going to try it tomorrow.

Fang Ming then studied the Zhenwu Liangyi magic skill.

This is a technique, very similar to a secret book of martial arts, but it still needs to cultivate something similar to true qi in the body.

Gongfa is called "mana".

Mana is a bit like a supernatural power, it can communicate with the elements of heaven and earth, and turn it into all kinds of incredible supernatural powers - like shooting fireballs and ice arrows, and mana can also strengthen the body, which corresponds to Fang Ming's force-sensitive power.

Only mental power cannot be strengthened.

Fang Ming tried to "practice".

Immediately, he discovered that there was a wisp of... Qi between the sky and the earth? Or energy, attracted by him, entered his body, and began to strengthen his physical body and abilities. Sure enough, his mental power did not move at all, and he did not benefit from it.

Originally, Fang Ming could not "see" these wisps of Qi, but he could sense them through Zhenwu Liangyi Divine Art, and he could also sweep them with spiritual waves, as if he had opened his eyes, he could see and sense them. Things that are usually impossible to find.


He went to take out the big piece of jade, and then continued to perform the Zhenwu Liangyi Divine Art.

Oh my god!

He found that the qi he had drawn suddenly skyrocketed.

If it was a trickle before, it is now the Yangtze River and the sea.

However, the mental power has not been actively improved, and can only be subtly and passively improved.

He finally found a way to use Lingshi.

It turns out that spirit stones need to cooperate with exercises to exert the greatest effect, otherwise, if they rely on passive absorption, they can only exert a little effect.

An hour later, Fang Ming found that he could no longer absorb the energy in the spirit stone.

It's like... I'm full.

Yes, this is the feeling, the body can no longer absorb this kind of Qi and energy.

Fang Ming stopped, opened his eyes, and couldn't help showing a look of contemplation.

In ancient times, no, it should be the exercises left by the characters in the myths, but they can actually work in modern times.

what does that mean?

What does it mean?

Fang Ming couldn't help raising a bold guess.

Long, long ago, did zombie chaos happen on the earth?

At that time, supernatural beings also appeared, and they even figured out how to use the spirit stones—the so-called exercises, isn't it a way to speed up the absorption of energy in the spirit stones?

Even, the ancients also developed a "magic weapon".

Isn't this the "leapfrog" battle in fantasy novels?

With the power of the supernatural being, wouldn't people in the primitive period regard him as a god when they saw it?

So... the immortals in the fairy tales are all supernatural beings?

If this conjecture is true, then how did the ancient supernatural beings disappear?

Even the Kamasutra and the subduing magic pestle, it seems that there is no abnormality in the long history.


Fang Ming's heart skipped a beat, because before the catastrophe, there were no supernatural beings in the world.

So, it's like the tides, and supernatural beings can only be produced at the right time. Therefore, there are only legends about immortals in history, but there are no immortals anymore.

Just imagine, why did Qin Shihuang send Xu Fu to find the elixir of longevity?

Is it true that there were strange people who lived for a long time in ancient times?

There is also Shan Hai Jing.

Are the monsters recorded in it mutated creatures?

When a tide passes, the supernatural beings, including the strange beasts, disappear into the world, leaving behind only a legend.

Fang Ming diverged his thoughts and couldn't help thinking for a long time.

Finally, he stopped thinking.

Doomed to have no answer, why think so much?

He worked hard to improve his strength, and possessed the strength to cross everything and fear nothing, so what is there to be afraid of?

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, that's all.

With a slight smile, he called the girls over, and he tried to teach them the true martial arts and the two ceremonies.

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