Fang Ming and Zhao Yanyun returned to the mountain city.

On the way, Zhao Yanyun taught carefully, while Fang Ming studied with humility.

However, this was the first time that Fang Mingzheng'er learned a certain kind of kung fu, and he seemed very slow to the formulas. Finally, Zhao Yanyun couldn't take it anymore and broke a wicker, but Fang Ming showed clumsiness. She lashed out with a whip.


Although it didn't hurt, Fang Ming still felt offended, so he realized the shame and was brave, and concentrated more, which made the frequency of his pumping significantly reduced.

"Hey, where did you learn it?" Fang Ming asked.

Zhao Yanyun showed a hint of memory: "I was beaten by my teacher when I was young."

Fang Ming's eyes lit up, you still have such a dark history?

"Quick, expand and explain in detail."

Zhao Yanyun glared at him, naturally he would not reveal himself.

She expressed her feelings just now, but she already regretted it when she said it.

Still want her to say more specifically?

How can it be.

She is shameless?

When the two came to the Shancheng Hotel, Fang Ming also learned this set of flying swords.

Fang Ming borrowed the flying sword and began to fly with the sword.

At the beginning, he fell off the sword more than ten times in a row, which made Zhao Yanyun sneer, but then Fang Ming stabilized his figure, but he couldn't keep his direction, so he began to hit the wall repeatedly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He didn't know how many buildings he hit until 20 minutes later, he finally soared into the sky.

Hey, he was flying in the sky, it was so cool.

Having had enough fun, he returned to the hotel and threw the flying sword back to Zhao Yanyun.

Although this can gather the aura of heaven and earth, Fang Ming owns that huge spirit stone, which can provide far more aura than Feijian, so he doesn't covet it at all, and only values ​​its ability to fly.

For the next few days, Fang Ming lived quietly in the hotel.

On the fourth day, Meng Jinning became the first among all the girls to break through level 3.

This naturally made the whole hotel elated.

The zombies are only level 2, but Meng Jinning has broken through level 3, so naturally he will crush the group of zombies in the future.

How can we not celebrate?

Zhao Yanyun was also amazed, and said: "Although your concubine has some aptitude, you should not have reached the level of a top genius, but your cultivation can improve so quickly. It is really a strange thing!"

You have a big tone, looking down on people so much?

"Is your aptitude still top-notch?" Fang Ming asked.

"That's natural." Zhao Yanyun was extremely proud, "I'm a real phoenix—"

She stopped abruptly, only leaving Fang Ming with a proud profile.

What are you really windy?


Oh, I'm not interested in doing that with a bird.

Fang Ming knew that there were many secrets hidden in Zhao Yanyun's body, but she refused to reveal them, and could only reveal them bit by bit when she had no intention of it.

Meng Jinning broke through to level 3, Fang Ming was completely relieved.

After her, Xie Jun will soon break through to level 3, so the strength of the hotel will become stronger day by day, and he no longer needs to worry about it.

——Originally, he was worried that if he left, Niu Sanquan would quietly kill him and take revenge?

Now that the hotel has two level 3 evolutionaries, he naturally doesn't need to worry about this problem.

Fang Ming began to think about the next itinerary.

The idea of ​​going to Xiaotian's house came up again.

Originally, he had a lot of scruples. There are too many uncertain factors in the sea, and there are many crises. At present, airplanes and ships cannot be used. Should he drive a motorboat to run there?

But now it's different.

He has a flying sword.

——Although it doesn't belong to him, you can borrow it. If you round it up, it belongs to him.

Therefore, the conditions for going to a small life are ripe.

The thought came up again, and this time he couldn't hold it back anymore.

He talked to Meng Jinning and the others first, and then went to find Zhao Yanyun.

"Borrow again?" Zhao Yanyun said displeasedly, "Is this sword yours or mine?"

"Of course it's yours." Fang Ming smiled, "That's why I borrowed it. Anyway, you still have to recuperate here, and I will take the opportunity to kill some people, and it will have no effect on you."

"Where are you going?" Zhao Yanyun asked.

Fang Ming talked about it, and also mentioned the crimes committed by Xiaotian in the past, because he was worried that Zhao Yanyun didn't even know about it.

"Damn it!" Zhao Yanyun's pretty face was cold, her phoenix eyes were full of evil, and she directly threw the flying sword to Fang Ming, "I order you to destroy Dongpu and slaughter this country!"

"The empress is mighty and domineering!" Fang Ming laughed.

Zhao Yanyun glared at him: "I will be a female emperor in the future, and I will never be attached to a man."

Yes yes yes, you are awesome.

Naturally, Fang Ming would not argue with her, since he had already borrowed the flying sword, he went outside and stepped on the sword.

let's go.

He flew to the magic capital first.

It's not that he wants to go to the devil to find something, but to position himself.

Now the navigation is not available, and if you deviate from the direction a little, you will end up with a big difference in the end.

Half an hour later, he arrived at Modu.

Although most of the area of ​​the magic city was submerged in sea water, the high-rise buildings would not be submerged, especially the three-piece suit, which was too obvious.

He called up the map from his mobile phone, and after confirming the angle and direction again and again, he stood up with his sword.

When he entered the original sea area, he saw that it was all sea water, the sky was like washing, and he lost his sense of direction in an instant.

Naturally, Fang Ming would not panic, but just headed in the predetermined direction.

The closest city from Shanghai to Xiaotian is actually closer than from the mountain city to Shanghai. Therefore, after about 20 minutes, a piece of land appeared in front of Fang Ming.

It should be sulfur balls.

Fang Ming landed, but the cities near the coastline were naturally swallowed up by the sea, but tall buildings stubbornly emerged from the sea, some with only a small point exposed, and some with a large section exposed.

Fang Ming didn't care and moved on.

Cities like Rejing and Xiaosaka were naturally sunk, Fang Ming kept going all the way, he finally saw the snow-covered mountain.

Mount Fuji.

He flew over and put away his sword.

If there are still a large number of survivors from Little Days, it must be on these mountains.

——in the city?


Are there any living supplies in the city?

Therefore, if you want to survive, you have to go up the mountain. There may be wild fruits here to wrap your stomach, and you can also raise pigs, sheep, etc., and go back to the farming era.

The island country is inherently poor in products and does not have a vast country to provide strategic depth. When encountering such a natural disaster, it will really return to the primitive society overnight.

However, Fang Ming did not underestimate the small life.

Because here is surrounded by the sea, so, in the beginning, can the supernatural beings here get enough evolution fluid?

One step ahead, that's step by step ahead.

Therefore, there may be masters in the small days.

Fang Ming wouldn't be surprised even if there were level 3 supernatural beings.

What about level 4?

Fang Ming thought it was impossible, even he was still a few days away from reaching level 4.

But just to be on the safe side, Fang Ming put away the flying sword and walked close to the ground.

Safety first.

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