Fang Ming jumped and came to the sightseeing boat.

"Do you still want to shoot?" He asked lightly.

The seven people looked at each other in blank dismay, some were timid, but some still showed a fierce look.

You can catch a wave of bullets, but can you do it consistently?

I don't believe in this evil!

So, the two continued to raise their guns and shoot at Fang Ming.

Bang bang bang bang!

The two emptied the magazine directly.

But what about Fang Ming?

safe and sound.


Fang Ming stretched out his hand again, turned it upside down, ding ding ding, another string of bullets fell down.

"You are a devil!" said the man in uniform, who was also the one who fired the second round.

Fang Ming raised his hand and shot, bang, the distance was so close, and his aim was slightly raised, the man in uniform was shot in the head immediately, leaving a blood hole, his eyes were still wide open, and he fell to the ground unwillingly. Death.

He aimed at another man who shot the second time. He was a pervert in a floral skirt. Although this man was a sissy, he was quite courageous.


Another one solved.

"Put down the gun, I won't kill you for now." Fang Ming said flatly.

How could the five dare not follow, and handed in their guns one after another.

In addition to the seven of them, there was a "captain" on board. Fang Ming told the captain to return to the voyage immediately, and then he arrested the five people for questioning.

"How many of you are there?"

"What's your boss' name?"

"How many supernatural beings are there?"

The five of them were already frightened and dumbfounded, and they said everything in a hurry.

As Fang Ming expected, they were indeed a group of prisoners. When the electromagnetic storm hit, all the prison doors were electronically controlled, and they immediately broke down under the storm, and the prison doors opened automatically. Therefore, the prisoners He rushed out and had a fierce conflict with the prison guards.

In the beginning, the prisoners did not have the upper hand, on the contrary, they were suppressed because the prison guards had guns.

However, with the appearance of two supernatural beings among the prisoners, the situation of the battle was immediately rewritten.

The prison guards were all wiped out.

Of these two supernatural beings, one is Luo Tai and the other is Zhang Guoping.

However, after joining forces to eliminate the prison guards, Luo and Zhang parted ways, and all the prisoners also chose their boss to follow—some of them escaped alone without following either side.

So, of course these people followed Luo Tai.

After they fled for a while, they found that the water was getting bigger and bigger, and they couldn't escape by car, so they put their ideas on the boat.

So, they went to Panmen Scenic Area and hijacked four sightseeing boats there.

Although the communication devices and electronic dials on the ship were all broken, the engine was still working, so Luo Tai took them along the river and fled to Lingyan Mountain before stopping.

For the first two days, they were quite peaceful, but when they found that the water level was increasing wildly and all the electronic equipment was scrapped, Luo Tai came to a conclusion.

The end of the world is coming.

They can be lawless.

So, they made a comeback, sailed to various shopping malls to carry out large-scale raids, and even "rescued" a group of people, but after they were taken to Lingyan Mountain, the men killed them, and the women kept them for fun, but how long did it take for a group of prisoners? I've met women before, how crazy are all of them?

On that day, 4 women were played to death, and the remaining 2 were dying.

However, with an idea, they pulled up flags on the boat, saying that they were part of a rescue team, and the four boats dispatched together to shuttle around various neighborhoods in Su City, and they really "picked up" quite a few beauties.

They had a great time yesterday.

Having tasted the sweetness, they dispatched again today, and sent a group of women back to Lingyan Mountain in the morning. This was their second trip today.

Fang Ming knew that they were a gang of villains, but after hearing what they said, he was still furious, bang bang bang, shot five times, and killed them all.

He changed his mind and didn't need these people to help him collect evolutionary fluid.

People, you can't have no bottom line for your own interests!

Fang Ming cooperates with these people to keep them alive, that is, he walks with the devil, and over time, he will also become a devil.

Isn't it just some evolutionary fluid?

I already have a lot!

After traveling for more than an hour, the boat finally arrived at Lingyan Rock.

For Lingyan Rock, which is about 180 meters above sea level, the current water level of only 13 or 14 meters is really insignificant, and it can survive the first wave of catastrophe here. However, when zombies, corpse fish, and corpse shrimp crawl from the sea When coming up and besieging, there is no way to retreat here.

Therefore, in the previous life, Luo Tai finally led the crowd to leave.

——even if there are no zombies, because of the food.

Fang Ming broke the neck of the "captain" and threw him into the water. Then he crawled on the hillside like a monkey.

Now other power-type power users should have 10 times the physical fitness of ordinary people, while Fang Ming's is at least 14 or even 15 times-he used a half of the evolution fluid.

Therefore, even if the back mountain is slightly rugged, it will not trouble him at all.

It's just over 100 meters high.

Five minutes later, Fang Ming arrived at the top of the mountain.

Lingyan Mountain is a Buddhist mountain with a temple built on the top of the mountain. Fang Ming remembers eating plain noodles here when he was a child. Apart from being too sweet, the taste was really good.

He climbed over the yellow wall and entered the Buddha's land.


In the side room where the monks were resting, he saw a scene that was incompatible with Fodi.

The courtyard was full of corpses of monks, and the blood seemed to stain the thousand-year-old maple tree in the courtyard red.

And there are a few women locked in each room, most of them are disheveled and have slap marks on their faces, all of them have obviously been abused, only the last room, the seven women's clothes are normal, obviously they haven't been abused yet, um , They should have just been delivered in the morning, so they were not "handled".

Hey, there's someone who looks familiar.

Forget it, let’s get down to business first.

He was about to go find those prisoners, but unexpectedly, a group of people walked in from outside, both of them stared at each other in surprise.

"who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

Those people shouted and asked, while quickly reaching for their guns.

Fang Ming couldn't be polite, he just took out his gun and shot.

bang bang bang!

Gunshots continued, but people on the opposite side kept falling down, but Fang Ming had no intention of looking for cover at all, but killed one prisoner after another.

Finally, these people learned how to behave, no longer standing and shooting at Fang Ming, but each looking for cover.

However, Fang Ming broke out at high speed, shuttling back and forth between the pillars, so that these people had no chance to aim.

But he has already lifted a prisoner out from behind the pillar.

Bang bang bang, the other prisoners found the opportunity to shoot, but they all hit this man.

This person died immediately, but Fang Ming had already found out the second person, and also brought him out to block him.

After several repetitions, he solved all the remaining eight prisoners.

Hearing the sound of the gunshots outside stopped, the women in the wing room dared to look up and found that Fang Ming was the only one standing there, and he was obviously not one of the prisoners. Dare to step out.

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