"We don't want to kill people, so get out of the way and let us move food!" said a man with a fire axe.

"What nonsense are you talking to him, just kill him!"

"Yes, we will use this boat to find food ourselves in the future! He can get food, and of course we can too!"

"Yes, kill him!"

Others yelled.

So what if Fang Ming has a gun?

How many people can he kill with just one person and one gun?

They rushed forward, Fang Ming could only fire one shot at most.

At this point, they are all willing to give it a go.

Fang Ming shook his head: "Since you guys insist on courting death, I don't mind killing people."

He didn't draw his gun.

When everyone saw it, their eyes lit up immediately.

Are you so trusting?

OK, I’ll kill you!

A group of people rushed up immediately.

Fang Ming sneered and raised his fist.

The first person has already rushed.


Fang Ming punched out, and a force of up to 2 tons burst out, and the man's chest was sunken.

Crackling, I don't know how many sternums are broken, and I don't know how many pieces each one is broken into.

The man died immediately, and his body was sent flying.

2 tons of power burst out through such a small fist, which is much more terrifying than being hit by a car all over the body.

However, now that everyone is rushing forward, who cares about a person who is beaten into the air?

The kitchen knife danced wildly.

Fang Ming snorted and struck out with heavy punches.

Bang bang bang, one punch at a time, knocking everyone flying.

——Flying means death.

After a dozen or so people were knocked away by him, the people behind didn't dare to make any more moves, and they all backed away tremblingly.

This guy is not human!

No wonder he didn't pull out a gun. With such terrifying power, a gun is needed?

"I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it!" Fang Ming shook his head, his eyes flicked over everyone, "You guys, just fend for yourself here!"

He didn't want to kill any more, anyway, these people would die of starvation and thirst due to lack of food and water in a few days, so there was no need to waste his time.

Go, go to the next place.

He sailed away, and the people in the hotel broke the silence and began to complain to each other. If they knew it, they would have gone out to find what Fang Ming wanted. Maybe they could get some food in exchange. Now it’s all right, Fang Ming won’t come again , they really have to wait to die!

Complaining and complaining, an internal fight broke out, you cut me with a knife, I cut you with an axe, and soon blood flowed into rivers.


Fang Ming came to the next place, which is a community.

Several people went all out to find the evolution fluid outside!

Fang Ming was very happy, and charged five packs of instant noodles for one point of evolution fluid—why did he increase the purchase price?

Because one pack of instant noodles can barely survive death, at least three packs are needed to be full and strong. Fang Ming wants them to continue collecting evolutionary fluid tomorrow, so naturally they will not be stingy.

He harvested 4 copies of evolution fluid.

Go to the next stop.

In some places, like the W Hotel, people don't want to go out and take risks to find the evolutionary fluid, but want to rob it by force. Naturally, Fang Ming will not be polite. After killing a group of people, other people will naturally be honest, but there are about half of them. People are willing to search for evolutionary fluid and risk their lives.

On the way, Fang Ming also saw a large number of people getting on simple boats and rowing towards the west or north.

There are high-altitude cities in the west and north that are not affected by floods at all.

Wish ya'll good luck.

Fang Ming has nothing but blessings for these people. Brave people certainly deserve respect.

After a busy day, Fang Ming harvested 31 evolutionary fluids today, which is quite a lot.

Fang Ming returned to the community.

No one stopped him today. He returned to his home, knocked on the door first, and then opened the door to space. Although he believed that Liu Yuqi was not stupid enough to want to kill him, it was better to be cautious.

The door opened, and Liu Yuqi had no gun in her hand.

Fang Ming closed the space door and asked, "Is anyone coming here today?"

Liu Yuqi shook her head: "She must have been frightened by the noise of our gun practice. No one came over all day."

That's good.

Today, Fang Ming brought out takeout again. Liu Yuqi was already used to it, and she was too smart to get to the bottom of it. She just needed to know that Fang Ming was very capable.

"According to your statement, this flood is caused by the melting of the polar glaciers - I remember reading relevant reports before. It is said that if all the polar glaciers melt, it is conservatively estimated that the global sea level will rise by 70 meters!" Liu Yuqi said, "We Although it is on the 24th floor, it may be flooded. Do you plan to live here forever?"

At this point she was still worried.

Fang Ming smiled: "Of course I won't live here forever - don't worry, it's really unlivable here, I will take you away to the inland area."

Liu Yuqi breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Fang Ming would have some family complex, so she would rather soak in the water than leave.

Knock knock, someone knocks on the door.

Fang Ming was stunned. Who would knock on the door at this time?

He walked over, opened the space door first, and then looked through the peephole.

Outside was a man of about 40 years old, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking very elegant.

But can we only look at appearance?

Most of them are gentle beasts.

However, the other party didn't look like he was carrying a weapon.

Fang Ming closed the door of space and opened it.

Even if the other person has a gun, Fang Ming is sure to kill him when he pulls out his gun.

"Fang Ming, I have notified everyone in the building. Each family will send a representative to meet at my house at 8 o'clock to discuss how to deal with this flood." The middle-aged man said, "You are so capable, we all hope you will You can participate.”

Fang Ming looked at him blankly: "You are——"

He really didn't recognize this man.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and then said: "My name is Huang Xin, and I am the director of this building."


Fang Ming thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll be there at eight o'clock - which floor is your home on?"

"1601." Huang Xin said, a little helpless.

"I see."

Fang Ming went back to the house and continued to eat. After the meal, he drank a cup of tea and some fruit. He looked at the time. It was two minutes to eight o'clock. He asked Liu Yuqi to lock the door and went to the 16th floor.

There are 2 units in Building 16. There are 4 households in each unit. They share two elevators and are connected by a sky corridor. Now after the flood, Unit 1 can move around through the stairs and sky corridors, but Unit 2 cannot. Think about it. Just have to swim.

Fortunately, the distance is not very far.

Even so, only five people came over from Unit 2 to act as representatives of the owners of Unit 2.

Fang Ming was the last to arrive, but was still stuck before 8 o'clock.

He has a great sense of time.

The 112-square-meter room was full of people.

Huang Xin coughed and said: "My neighbors, the water level has been rising, but our food and water are constantly being consumed. If this continues, we can only wait for death! Therefore, I suggest that we must save ourselves!"

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