It’s really like drought leads to drought and waterlogging leads to death.

Some people committed suicide by jumping into the sea today, while others carried wooden cabinets into the sea, wanting to fight.


Lack of water and food, forced.

But Fang Ming and Liu Yuqi, which one can they choose for breakfast?

The gap is too big.

Fang Ming can indeed help some people, but with this opening, more and more people come to him for food and drink?

Even if his different space is full of supplies, can it hold the mouths of several neighborhoods or even the entire Sioux City?

Either all of them, or none of them.

Fang Ming is not a saint, nor is he capable of being a savior, so he had no choice but to choose not to help one.

After breakfast, Fang Ming used an evolution fluid and set off again.

Liu Yuqi is no stranger to this.

Fang Ming goes out every day, but she doesn’t bring back “takeout” or ingredients every day. Fang Ming has never expressed nervousness or worry about this. What’s more, she is not stupid. The water level is so high, Fang Ming still Where can I find something to eat?

Therefore, what Fang Ming is looking for is definitely not food.

As a smart woman, she naturally would not pester Fang Ming with questions. She knew that although this man liked her body, he would never pamper him without principles, so she just suppressed her curiosity. In the heart.

At the end of the day, Fang Ming harvested 20 copies of evolution fluid, which was one less than yesterday, and he also saw more fishing boats driving in Sioux City this day.

Why did it appear after so many days?

It should be that the electronic equipment was scrapped, which made the fishing boat lose its way.

Moreover, there is no large ship at all now, because large ships cannot even start without electronic equipment and can only follow the wind and waves. On the contrary, these smaller fishing boats can be distinguished by the sun as long as the engine is started. The direction is up.

go home go home.

In a flash, four days passed.

The people in the community are basically gone.

In various ways - some with swimming rings, some holding cabinets, some inflatable little yellow ducks like those in swimming pools, the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers, and there are always people asking for help in front of Fang Ming's door. Asking for food, and yelling at him if he can't get it, it seems that he is not afraid of this fierce god anymore.

Fang Ming rushed first, and some people left cursing, but some people were so weak that they wanted to throw excrement on the door of their house, but Fang Ming caught him and threw him downstairs.

"Fang Ming, should we move?" Liu Yuqi asked.

Now the entire community has ten rooms and nine empty spaces. In the past, you could still hear people scolding God for not opening his eyes, but these two days it has been completely silent, even in broad daylight. You can only see crows flying in the sky and croaking. Sound, panicked.

This natural disaster is a catastrophe for land creatures, but it is a gluttonous feast for birds, as long as they catch some dead fish in the water every day to eat.

The digestive ability of birds is different from that of humans. They will not have diarrhea after eating dead fish. However, if they eat too much, the virus will accumulate, and they will eventually become dead birds.

It's terrifying, falling from the sky, making it impossible to guard against.

Fang Ming would rather face a level 1 zombie than an ordinary corpse bird!

Listening to Liu Yuqi's suggestion, Fang Ming pondered for a while.

In the past four days, he has harvested a total of 60 copies of evolution fluid, an average of 15 copies per day, and the efficiency has further decreased.

Next, this efficiency will be further reduced.

Fang Ming thought for a while and said, "It will take another five days."

After getting his approval, Liu Yuqi was naturally overjoyed. She nodded quickly, leaned into his ear, and breathed out like a blue: "My relatives just left, it will be fine in the evening, Dad!"

Fang Ming couldn't help but feel a wave in his heart, and almost gave up the idea of ​​going out.

However, he still endured it.

Evolution fluid, evolution fluid, I have been good enough to you, even to resist the temptation of such a big goblin!

He goes out.

Not long after, he came to the first collection point.

However, these people only found 1 evolutionary fluid.

There will be so few because most of the people have already left, and there are not many people left. In addition, the number of evolutionary fluids has also been greatly reduced, which naturally leads to less evolutionary fluids that Fang Ming can buy. .

"By the way, someone was also asking about this liquid last night." One person suddenly said.

Fang Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What kind of person is he?"

"A woman."

"It looks very beautiful!"

"The figure is also very good!"

Several people were chattering and their eyes were shining.

You must know that they couldn't get enough to eat, yet they still showed excitement when they mentioned a woman. It can be seen that this woman is really beautiful and has a superb figure, which is why they can't forget it so much, and they get excited when they mention it.

Yesterday, the 15th day of the apocalypse, did anyone already know the use of evolutionary fluid?

Calculating the time, it’s not surprising that someone knew about it, but a female superpower?

In the past life, the first person to expose the effect of evolutionary fluid was a man... Could it be that this female superpower is a relatively low-key one? So he never heard of it in his previous life?

"What do you say?" Fang Ming asked.

"She didn't give us food, so of course we said we didn't know." Several people laughed.

Giving is different.

Fang Ming nodded. Although he only got one piece of evolution fluid, he still gave several people two packs of instant noodles each as a reward for providing them with information.

These people are all flattered.

"By the way, we plan to leave Sioux City later. There is really no hope here." One person said, "You don't have to come over tomorrow!"

Fang Ming nodded: "Okay - I wish you a safe journey and reach your destination safely."

"Haha, thank you for your kind words."

Fang Ming went to the next place, but these people "betrayed" Fang Ming.

Because there was also a woman who asked them about the evolution fluid, and one of them was so fascinated by this woman that he confided everything in one fell swoop——Fang Ming started to exchange food for evolution ten days ago Liquid up.

However, this cannot actually be considered a traitor, because Fang Ming did not tell them not to speak.

Fang Ming gritted his teeth. He really didn't make such an explanation, because he didn't expect that someone would start looking for evolution fluid so soon, and they used the same method as him.

It's just... he can provide unlimited food, but this woman obviously can't, so she didn't mention any deal.

Fang Ming asked carefully about the woman's appearance.


"Height is more than 170!"

"Wearing a leather jacket, that figure, tsk tsk!"

"She's so beautiful. Her breasts look like they're about to burst out of her clothes. Not to mention how tempting they are!"

"And that butt, that curve. If I could touch it, I would lose three years of my life!"

"Unfortunately, she is too good at fighting."

Every word you say to me gradually spells out the appearance of this mysterious woman.

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