In the previous life, this rotten smell was everywhere, and all survivors were used to it.

There is no way if you are not used to it.

Every zombie emits a rancid smell, which cannot be avoided no matter where it hides.

However, there should be no zombies yet.


Fang Ming took out a lemon from the different space, cut it open, stuck it on his nose, and continued walking down.

He also had an extra flashlight in his hand, just for a moment.

Oh my god!

Is this a slaughterhouse?

He saw countless bones, the flesh had been gnawed clean, but blood and a little bit of meat remained on the white bones, and judging from the shape of these bones, it was clearly a person.

how many?

Fang Ming estimated, at least 700.

How many people is this cruise ship fully loaded with?


Therefore, there are at least 700 corpses here. Then, the survivors said that most of them escaped in escape boats, which is contradictory.

Moreover, this cruise ship may not be full.

In other words, none of the crew and guests actually ran away, but all died here.

How did they die?

The flesh and blood basically disappeared, leaving only the bones.

Was it eaten?

But if it is gnawed, the bones will leave tooth marks, but there is no tooth mark on any bone here.

This is strange.

Fang Ming frowned. It was a normal thing, but now it suddenly became weird.

What he saw wouldn't lie, so the survivors must be lying.

go back!

When Fang Ming came to the deck, he saw that most of the people had already returned to the cabin. After all, it was already night, so why would they want to see the scenery outside?

There were two people left, unable to sleep, still blowing the sea breeze.

Fang Ming leaned over and chatted with them.

Just talk about the experience of these days.

The two were immediately recalled and talked about what happened these days.

Except for the night of fighting the octopus, the rest of the time they ate, slept, and stood on the deck in a daze, without any achievements.

When Fang Ming asked about the details of their battle with the octopus, both of them only said that Sister Ma rushed to the front and blocked the firepower of the octopus, while the others took the opportunity to attack and hacked the octopus to death.

How exactly was it hacked to death?

How can I put it this way? I just smashed chairs and other things.

Fang Ming nodded, and asked again: "Which room does Qin Wanti live in?"


Fang Ming looked for it.

When I came to the door of 608, I saw Sister Ma standing at the door, like a vajra protector. Seeing Fang Ming approaching, she immediately made a defensive move.

Very dedicated bodyguard.

"Tell your lady, I want to see her." Fang Ming said.

Sister Ma glanced at him before knocking on the door: "Miss—"

"Is it Fang Ming? Let him in." Qin Wanti's voice came from inside.

Sister Ma immediately showed a look of shock, before she said what it was, Qin Wanti had already guessed it!

"Please, Mr. Fang." She opened the door and made a gesture of invitation to Fang Ming.

Why do I suddenly have the feeling of entering a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair?

Fang Ming smiled, cut his hands, and walked in.

The room is large and luxurious.

It is indeed a presidential suite.

Qin Wanti seemed to have expected him to come. Not only did he sit on the sofa, but he also put a bottle of mineral water on the coffee table.


Sister Ma closed the door and remained outside as the doorkeeper.

"Please take a seat." Qin Wanti said with a smile, "You are at least an hour later than I expected..."

Oh, that was me plowing the land, and then I searched the mail boat again.

Fang Ming sat on the sofa, but stopped drinking the mineral water. Even though it was unopened, it was still quite easy to do anything.

"You are a superpower," he said.

Use an affirmative tone.

"Yes." Qin Wanti did not deny it. "Otherwise, it would be impossible for us people to survive the attack of that octopus."

"Spiritual." Fang Ming said again, still in a positive tone.

Only then did Qin Wanti show a look of surprise, paused, and said, "I didn't expect your analytical ability to be so strong, and you even know the attributes of my abilities! Yes, my abilities are spiritual. , can create illusions for the target."

"For example, you actually look average, but you make me think you are a beauty?" Fang Ming said with a smile.

Qin Wanti couldn't help being angry, stomped her feet, but immediately laughed again: "You're trying to provoke me on purpose! When people are angry, it's easy to say something that shouldn't be said, and reveal some secrets!"

"Mr. Fang, it turns out you are a psychology expert!"

Fang Ming waved his hand: "No, I'm just a hard working nine-to-five worker. Unlike Miss Qin, I have a huge fortune."

Qin Wanti was not surprised. Fang Ming knew that he was rich, because generally rich people would not hire a bodyguard, but would have to be quite, quite rich.

Fang Ming continued, he took out a photo from his "pocket", put it on the tea table, pressed it with two fingers, and pushed it towards Qin Wanti, until he pushed it in front of the other party, and then he let go.

Qin Wanti's face suddenly changed color when he saw it.

This is a photo of her, and it’s also an ID photo!

Therefore, even if the power is not interrupted now, Fang Ming can use a printer anywhere, but it will never be possible to print out her ID photo when she entered college!

"You-" Her face finally changed color and she stood up.

No matter how calm and collected she is, she is still just a 20-year-old girl.

Fang Ming suddenly realized that the scene in front of him changed suddenly.

It was no longer a cabin, but a sea of ​​flames. He was surrounded by blazing flames, and no matter which way he took a step, he would be burned by the flames.

Such a real hallucination?

Fang Ming stretched out his hand, and as soon as he touched the flame, he immediately felt a strong burning sensation.

So hot!

He found scorch marks on his fingers.

Fang Ming already knew that Qin Wanti's ability was an illusion, but when he was there, his mind told him that it was by no means fake, but real!

Is there a possibility that this is not an ordinary illusion, just deceiving the eyes, but deceiving the brain?

When the brain thinks the body is dead, the person is really dead.

It's as if people kick their legs from time to time while sleeping. This is the body telling the brain, I'm not dead, so don't shut down.

So what happens when the brain thinks the body is being burned?

There will be corresponding pain, and finally... brain death!

This illusion can kill people invisibly.


Because you don't know when you will be tricked, and how to get rid of the control of the illusion.


Fang Ming smiled slightly, you met your nemesis today.

With a thought, he opened the door of space close to his body, and then walked over with one foot.

The hallucination disappears immediately!

Then, he immediately opened the door to space and went out.

The moment Fang Ming saw the scene inside the house, Fang Ming's hair didn't stand on end!

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