Fang Ming looked at Zhang Qi with a smile.

I had enemies in my previous life, but my actions in this life are different from those in my previous life, yet you still fell into my hands.


If I hadn't killed the big octopus, would you have been killed by the big octopus if you came to the cruise ship like this?

If he was killed, wouldn't the course of the future change?

The key point is that Fang Ming didn't get on a cruise ship in his previous life, but he is on one now, but he can't have any influence on the direction of the cruise ship, so regardless of his previous life or now, Zhang Qi will still get on a cruise ship.

There is no situation where I didn't encounter a cruise ship in my previous life but encountered it this time.


Could it be that Zhang Qi did encounter a giant octopus in his previous life and escaped by luck?

Kill the giant octopus?

Fang Ming did not believe that Zhang Qi could kill the giant octopus with his ability. The strength of the two sides was not at the same level - Zhang Qi was too far behind.

It can be said that if Fang Ming did not have a different dimension, he might have confessed.

This shows how powerful that octopus monster is.

Psychic psychics and supernatural beasts are so scary!

"It's really interesting, you got into my hands again." Fang Ming said with a smile.

Zhang Qi felt confused, what does it mean?

Have I seen you before?

He sneered: "Don't be so mysterious!"

Phew, he straightened up and rushed towards Fang Ming.

He is a power user with super fast speed. He can get close to the target and take action in an instant.

Hehe, although this man made fantastic claims, what was the result?

He captured it in just a few strokes!

At this time, one of his men also ran over. Coincidentally, it was the man who liked masculinity.

What's even more coincidental is that the woman inside found out that her man had been captured. She was so shocked that she opened the door and ran out, but was caught by him.

"Lao Qi, you fuck the guy, and I fuck the girl, let's do it together." He smiled.

The subordinate nodded, showing two rows of big yellow teeth: "Yes, boss!"

He can attack or receive.

Zhang Qi started his expedition. When he was feeling very happy, he suddenly saw someone looking at him with a smile in front of him.

Hey, shouldn't this be the man being fucked by Lao Qi?

Damn it, where is Lao Qi?

"Boss! Boss! Oh -" However, there was a sound from underneath him that made him shake.

Lao Qi!

How can it be?

No! No! No!

Zhang Qi stepped back again and again, and sure enough, the person under him was not the most beautiful woman in the cabin, but the old seventh with yellow teeth!

Oh my gosh, he even kissed the other person!

No, let me die.

At this moment, Zhang Qi's vision went dark and he almost fainted.

But he was a very vicious person after all, and he immediately looked at Fang Ming again with extremely fierce eyes.

"It's your fault!" he shouted.

"Not bad." Fang Ming nodded.

"Superpower!" Zhang Qi calmed down and stopped yelling.

Fang Ming nodded again.

Zhang Qi took a deep breath and his eyes became fierce again.

Kill Fang Ming, and then silence Lao Qi, so no one will know that he once fell in love with a man.

He killed again.

After a few more moves, he defeated the opponent.

Hehe, those who are good at phantom influence must have poor physical fitness.


Zhang Qi pinched the other party's throat tightly, but the strange thing was that the other party's neck was surprisingly stiff, and he couldn't stop pinching, and this nasty guy kept smiling at him with a nasty smile.

No, I've been tricked again!

Zhang Qi was startled, and the scene in front of him receded like a tide.

—He didn't pinch Fang Ming, but a pillar.

Even if he is a power-type supernatural being, with his current strength, he is still far from being able to cut off a steel pillar.

Zhang Tui took two steps back and looked at Fang Ming with suspicious eyes, showing fear.

He still thinks that Fang Ming's fighting power is mediocre, as long as he gets close, he can take him away with one move.

But this damned phantom!

He can't touch people at all, even if he has the power to destroy the world, it's useless!

"It's kind of you to fight me face to face!" he roared.

"Okay." Fang Ming nodded.

Zhang Qi was overjoyed and rushed forward again.

Bang bang bang, after a big fight, he beat his opponent to a pulp, but just when he was proud, the scene in front of him shook like water waves, and then he saw what kind of Fang was beaten to pieces by himself Ming, but a chair.

He knocked eight pieces off a chair.

Zhang Qi was finally afraid, this man was too wicked.

Instead of thinking about killing his opponent, he turned and ran.

Running and running, he came to the deck.

Omg, it's Fang Ming again!

He was startled, and the scene around him immediately disintegrated like broken glass. He didn't even run to the deck, he was still where he was.

——In Fang Ming's field of vision, Zhang Qi was actually running in the same place, going east for a while, turning back to the west for a while, going up the stairs and running down again, and finally came to him.

"You, you, you -" Zhang Qi looked at Fang Ming. He could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. He only felt that the Fang Ming in front of him was an illusion again.

"Run!" Fang Ming shouted suddenly.

Zhang Qi ran up involuntarily.

He wants to stay away from this devil.

However, time and time again, he thought he had escaped, and once he even jumped off the cruise ship, but after paddling a small boat for a long time, he found Fang Ming standing on the water, smiling like a god.

Then all the scenes shattered and he appeared in the same place again.

"No -" he screamed, his eyes were distracted and no longer focused.


Crazy again?

Fang Ming used an illusion on Lao Qi, and Lao Qi came over, pushed Zhang Qi to the ground and started outputting.

"Fake, haha, it's all fake!" Zhang Qi did not resist at all, although Fang Ming did not cast another illusion on him.

This is crazy, this fragile endurance.

Fang Ming smiled, drew out his gun and shot.

Boom! Boom!

After two gunshots, Zhang Qi and Lao Qi stopped moving, but they still maintained the superimposed state, haha.

"Husband!" Liu Yuqi had already opened the door and came out, looking at Fang Ming with eyes full of admiration.

Zhang Qi was taken care of almost without a fight. My husband is really getting more and more powerful.

Fang Ming smiled, but there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

In the many creatures have evolved spiritual powers?

This ability is too scary!

You must know that the sea occupies 70% of the earth's area, and the ecology in the sea is three-dimensional. If the water depth is 4,000 meters, then there are creatures in this 4,000-meter space!

What about land?

In the 4000-meter space, apart from the land layer, there are only a few birds flying in the sky.

Therefore, the types and number of creatures in the sea far exceed those on land. It is obvious that the number of supernatural beasts produced in the sea will far exceed those on land.

“In the future, isn’t humanity’s biggest opponent not zombies, but marine life?”

Fang Ming murmured that he only lived for half a year in his previous life and did not see the invasion of a large number of supernatural beasts in the ocean.

"In this life... I am strong enough. Even if marine creatures invade in large numbers, I have the ability to drive them back!"

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