One person's trachea was bitten off, and intestines and other things flowed out of his stomach, but he was still running wildly—the other two seemed to be uninjured, but their eyes were blinded, and they couldn't see their eyeballs at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the electronic equipment is not available now, she would have suspected that this was a filming scene of a film and television drama.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fang Ming stepped forward and kicked the three zombies away with three kicks. The zombies have not yet evolved, and their combat power is extremely weak. Let alone him, even ordinary people can resist and kill them if they are prepared. .

However, after being kicked by him, except for one head that hit the wall directly and was torn apart, the other two, one was kicked so that the upper and lower parts of the body were separated, and the other end was twisted into a twisted leg, but they were still alive. He continued to approach Fang Ming.

One is to climb with two hands, and the speed is really fast, and the other is to hop on one foot, and the speed is not slow.

This scene almost made Liu Yuqi faint, and although Meng Jinning had to bear it stronger, she couldn't help swallowing wildly, her eyes flashed with shock.

"This is, this is—" She spoke incoherently.

Fang Ming nodded: "That's right, zombies."

Why didn't he kill all three zombies?

It's not impossible.

However, among the three zombies, one died and two were injured. Fang Ming used them to announce a cruel fact to the two women.

—The old days are really gone forever.

"Zombies, how could there be zombies? Shouldn't this only exist in movies?" Liu Yuqi called out first.

She thought that after coming to the inland area, she would be able to live a peaceful life with Fang Ming, but this sudden change made her feel at a loss and could not accept it.

"Don't they all say that there are many ancient viruses in the glaciers in the polar regions?" Fang Ming explained casually. This was also studied and concluded by some scientists a few months after the catastrophe in the previous life. He was just transporting it. "Maybe... there are such The virus turns people into zombies."

Liu Yuqi was about to cry: "Then what should I do? What should I do?"

Fang Ming patted her on the shoulder: "You should be lucky—look at this village, it is estimated that there are no less than a few hundred people, but almost every household has this kind of knocking on the door, which means that every household has become Zombies!"

"The three of us haven't changed, isn't that a good thing?"

This angle!

Liu Yuqi thought for a while, and then nodded: "En!"

She now has a kind of blind trust in Fang Ming.

Because Fang Ming has shown great strength since the first day of the catastrophe—going out to find supplies every day, he asked if there was a second person who dared?

Therefore, as soon as Fang Ming spoke, she seemed to have found a backbone.

Fang Ming pressed her shoulders: "It's okay, as long as I'm here, everything will go well!"

Liu Yuqi nodded again, looking at Fang Ming full of attachment, admiration and admiration.

At this time, the weak are most likely to worship the strong.

Fang Ming thought in his heart, after another month, when a level 1 zombie appears, he will give Liu Yuqi a corpse bead and make her also a supernatural being.

Otherwise, the zombies will become stronger and stronger in the future, and she will be just a pretty vase after all, which is very dangerous in the last days.

——Could Fang Ming watch over her 24 hours a day?

Of course it's impossible.

Therefore, she must be self-reliant.

Not a superhuman?


"Are you guys all right? I'm going to be jealous!" Meng Jinning laughed at the side.

Liu Yuqi felt a little embarrassed, so she quickly stood up and said, "Husband, do what you need to do, I can stand it!"

Fang Ming nodded, and kicked the two zombies away again. One head exploded, and the other lost half of the body, but even though there was only one arm left, three limbs were missing, and the chest was wide open, and the intestines were dragged out. However, it still pawed the ground with one hand and approached Fang Ming tenaciously.


He said: "The first zombie was kicked to the head by me, and immediately lost its power. It can be considered dead, but the other two, even though they were injured so badly, were still able to move until they were kicked to death by me again." One head, the second zombie is quiet."

"And this third head!"

Fang Ming shook his head: "From a biological point of view, it should be completely dead, but it is not. It can still move, and even attack us."

He took out a knife and slashed across.




After a few knives, only the head of the third zombie remained, but Fang Ming chopped it off from its only arm. Even if it was chopped off section by section, the zombie did not show any signs of pain at all. , but always biting Fang Ming.

In the end, it only had a head left, but it still opened and closed its mouth.


Fang Ming smashed down with the back of the knife, blowing the zombie's head off, and the thing finally stopped.

This on-site teaching can be said to be intuitive and detailed.

Meng Jinning understood immediately, and said: "Zombies don't feel pain, and no matter how serious the injury is, it won't affect their aggressiveness. Only when their brains are destroyed, can they truly die—in other words, is this thing considered a living body?"

"Forget it." Fang Ming nodded, because the virus is also considered as life, and if the zombie's head is not destroyed, the virus will not die, so rounding it up, the zombie is also considered as a living body.

very special organisms.

"Honey, what do you mean, the whole world is like this now?" Liu Yuqi said suddenly, her face turning pale.

Fang Ming thought for a while, and said: "It shouldn't be all that. Why do we supernatural beings evolve? I guess it's related to the virus. Therefore, I think that after absorbing the virus, human beings will have three changes: first, evolution, and second. Two, zombification, and three, no change."

There are representatives of all three, Fang Ming and Meng Jinning are supernatural beings, Liu Yuqi is an ordinary person, and here are three zombies.

"However, ordinary people are easily bitten by zombies, and they will be assimilated into zombies." Fang Ming pointed to the last zombie and said, "It should be a normal person, but it was bitten by a zombie family member in its sleep. The throat was bitten, and he died immediately, and then the zombie began to eat its stomach, but as it ate, the virus took control of its brain, making it a zombie."

"So, the other zombies stopped gnawing on it, and began to yearn for fresh flesh and blood."

This analysis is reasonable, and from Fang Ming's previous experience, this should be the truth.

Both Liu Yuqi and Meng Jinning had solemn expressions.

In fact, zombies are not very powerful, but ignoring pain and having the ability to assimilate is very terrifying, which means that you must not be injured when fighting zombies, otherwise, as long as you are bitten or scratched, it means you will be assimilated into zombies .

"This world... seems to have turned into hell!"

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