Zhou Dao struggled violently.

But after half a minute, he was completely still.

Yin Xiaoning let go of his mouth, and sat down on the ground, with blood gushing from his lower abdomen.

Fang Ming stretched out his hand to draw the knife, and pressed it.

Healing is activated.

Yin Xiaoning couldn't die—even if he didn't save him, he couldn't die, because Zhou Dao's knife didn't hit the vital point.

This woman is really ruthless, she actually bit off Zhou Dao's throat.

Never underestimate women!

Fang Ming couldn't help but tsk tsk, originally Yin Xiaoning didn't have such determination and vigor to kill Zhou Dao, but who made Zhou Dao too scared, decided to act first and wanted to kill his wife, but Yin Xiaoning was completely enraged, desperate to die To die with Zhou Dao.

Fortunately, Zhou Dao hadn't killed anyone before, and the position of the stabbing was too bad, otherwise, if she really stabbed in the right place, she might not have the strength to fight back.

No way, who made Zhou Dao castrate himself first?

This directly damaged more than half of his combat power, and was easily killed by Yin Xiaoning.

Fang Ming took the fruit knife away and said to Yin Xiaoning, "You continue to cook for the workers, and when the workers are finished, you and Zhang Xiaowei will be responsible for cleaning the hotel together."

Yin Xiaoning nodded in a daze. Seeing that Fang Ming was about to leave, she suddenly said, "Are you sure you don't want to sleep with me? I'm free today, and you can do whatever you want to do to me today!"

She experienced her husband's betrayal in one day, and then "mouthed" her husband to death. Another person might go crazy!

Therefore, she is still sane, but she just wants to go crazy, which is already very rare.

Tolerance is quite acceptable.

Fang Ming left without stopping.

Yin Xiaoning looked at Zhou Dao's body, took a long time to move it, and said softly, "I'll bury you, heartbreaker!"


After Fang Ming went back, he told about Yin Xiaoning's situation, which made all the girls sigh.

"It's bad enough that the end of the world has come, and it's so pitiful to be betrayed by my husband."

"However, poor people must have something to hate. Thinking about it, Zhou Dao must have other women abroad! A man can only betray zero times or countless times, so when he encounters a test, he will reveal his true colors."

"This Zhou Dao is quite ruthless, he can be so cruel to himself, no wonder he can also be ruthless to his wife!"

After discussing for a while, they all shook their heads, not wanting to think too much about such a bad thing.

Two days passed like this.

The defense project was finally completed. Seeing that the workers were working hard, Fang Ming was willing to keep them for a few more days. However, these workers said they wanted to go back to their hometown.

There are their wives, children, and parents in their hometown, and they have to go back no matter what. If the family is fine, that's naturally the best.

Fang Ming was so moved that he gave these workers a lot of dry food and water to take with them to eat and drink on the road, and also bought them a batch of bicycles, which should be said to be the best means of transportation at this stage.

As a result, the workers set off on the road, and the whole hotel suddenly became quiet.

However, there is also the little girl Lin Miaomiao, who gradually got over the pain of losing her mother and ran happily in the hotel every day. Fang Ming even gave her an electric toy car, so the little girl went to the hotel room Walking around in the garden and woods, there are endless laughter.

Xie Jun has been patrolling the hotel with all his heart and duty.

A power-sensitive supernatural person is in charge of patrolling, and I believe that no one can sneak in.

After a few days of cleaning, the hotel attracted "guests" again at night.

However, this time it wasn't the young couple or the refugees, but three pathfinders.

Two of the three climbed over the wall to check, but the last one went straight back to report.

Xie Jun quickly came to Fang Ming with the two intruders.

——In front of a force-sensitive supernatural being, it was impossible for the two intruders to even escape.

"Fang Ming, these two people sneaked in, what do you think should be done?" Xie Jun asked.

Before Fang Ming could speak, one of them said, "You'd better let us go—we are from the fairy sword settlement, and there are three of us here, and someone has already reported back. If we don't go back safely, hmph, Our boss will kill us tomorrow, and you will all die by then!"

Just at this moment, Meng Jinning came out. When the two of them saw it, they couldn't take their eyes off immediately. They were still the same person before, and said, "There is also this woman who has to go with us, as compensation for our fright."

Fang Ming laughed, where did these two get the courage?

Also, the fairy sword settlement?

Did the colony's creator like Paladin so much?

He said to Xie Jun: "Kill it, you can tell it's not a good thing just by listening to them."

"Okay." Xie Jun nodded in agreement.


The two were in a hurry and shouted loudly.

"How dare you kill us?"

"Our boss is super powerful!"

"And we have guns!"

"You are looking for your own death!"


Fang Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "You got it from the Public Security Bureau?"

"That's right!" Those two naturally wanted to promote the strength of their settlement for their own lives. "Our boss also has the ability to control the earth. Anyone who opposes him will be buried and swallowed by the earth!"

Huh, an earth-type supernatural being?

Fang Ming's eyes lit up, hehe, then I have to "excessively" use the ability again.

"Take them away, and you should rest early, there should be a big battle tomorrow." He said to Xie Jun.

Xie Jun nodded.

Now he and Lin Miaomiao are both staying in the hotel, so there is no need for Fang Ming to tell him, he will do his best to eliminate the intruders.

Xie Jun left with the two intruders, and the killing must have been thrown outside to kill. Killing here would pollute the environment of the hotel.

Liu Yuqi and Zhou Mi were just ordinary people, so they naturally seemed a little worried.

After all, the other party is a settlement, and there are guns!

However, after Fang Ming dragged them into the room, they didn't have the heart to worry about these things.

Sing and sing.

After more than an hour, Fang Ming came out.

Can't sleep for a while.

Hey, he suddenly smelled the aroma of vegetables.

He smelled the smell and looked for it, only to see someone frying dumplings, looking at the back, and there was only one person on this floor.

Guy Reba.

He walked over quietly without making a sound, just watching.

Gu Yireba was still humming while frying dumplings, as if he was in a good mood.

She didn't notice Fang Ming at all, and she was shaking her big buttocks while humming.

Fang Ming couldn't help being moved.

This beauty from the Western Regions wore a hip-wrapping skirt, which made the already slender waist even more slender, but her hips were plump and fat, forming a strong visual impact.

He couldn't help but reached out and pressed it.


With an exclamation, the deer jumped.

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