The wilderness is full of dangers, but also full of opportunities.

Perhaps because of the exotic beasts, the soil here can breed a variety of special herbs, which are valuable to humans.

For example, the phoenix tail grass that Lu Chong needs to practice the golden cicada clothes mainly comes from the wilderness, and it is difficult to obtain it through artificial breeding.

Therefore, bounty hunters, warriors, military scouts, etc., often venture into the wilderness to hunt and eliminate exotic beasts while looking for various precious medicinal materials.

Whether it is exotic beasts or medicinal materials, they are scarce resources in the human world.

"Look, it's the first-level medicinal material, the burning sun flower."

On the way forward, a student's eyes suddenly lit up and pointed at a very beautiful three-leaf red flower and shouted.

As he spoke, he leaned over to grab the red flower. This kind of primary medicinal material was not particularly expensive, but it could be worth a few hundred yuan.

The key was to collect medicinal materials, which could also be exchanged for military merit.

But just as the student's hand approached the fiery red petals, a black shadow suddenly jumped out and headed straight for his neck.

"Be careful." A student next to him reminded loudly.

But the black shadow was too fast, and the student who stretched out his hand to pick the medicine had no time to react.

At this moment, a black light suddenly broke through the air in the distance, accurately hitting the black shadow and knocking it out.

The person who made the move was Lu Chong, who was more than ten meters away. He had been holding two stones in his hands, which came in handy at this moment.

The students breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the black shadow that was smashed down, and couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"This is a three-segment black mosquito. One bite can take half of our lives. It's a close call!"

The one who was killed by the stone was indeed a mosquito.

However, this mosquito was much bigger than the mosquitoes Lu Chong had seen in his previous life. The blood-sucking mouthparts alone were as long as the little finger.

"Thank you, classmate Lu Chong." The student who was about to pick the flowers turned pale with fear. If Lu Chong had not acted in time, he would have been sent back for emergency treatment.

"You're welcome."

Lu Chong came over and picked the sunflowers on the ground with a smile and handed them to the soldiers who followed behind.

The sunflowers and the black mosquito were both military merits, so he naturally took the lead.

The student didn't mind and continued to thank Lu Chong.

The students continued to move forward, but became more cautious.

They realized that this was a wilderness and deadly dangers could occur at any time.

In the back, instructor Liu Ziqiang quietly put away his pistol. If Lu Chong had not acted just now, he would have stopped the black mosquito in time.

These battle-hardened soldiers knew best that in the wilderness, any creature could be deadly.

Just like the black mosquito of the third level of the primary level just now, it can still sneak attack and take the life of a high-level martial artist.

This is not a drill, but a real combat. No one will tell you in advance that I am coming.

Carpet-style search and investigation, students continue to go deep into the wilderness, and see more and more medicinal herbs, as well as various difficult-to-detect first-level mosquitoes.

These mosquitoes that usually only appear in textbooks always appear in unexpected ways, and then sneak attack and kill directly.

Fortunately, the students' learning adaptability is quite good. They quickly combined practice and found the rhythm and did not step into the pit again.

However, what made them feel aggrieved was that almost half of the mosquitoes and monsters that appeared were harvested by Lu Chong first.

Only some medicinal herbs that were first discovered by other students were not snatched by Lu Chong.

"These are all military merits. When it comes to snatching heads, I am a professional."

Lu Chong didn't feel embarrassed. They were in a competitive relationship. As long as the instructor didn't say anything, it was tacitly allowed him to snatch heads.

Moreover, most of the students who usually live a life of luxury don't care about this little money. Instead, they are very uncomfortable with such a bloody scene and would rather be robbed by Lu Chong.

"This kid is really not afraid of blood." At the back of the team, the squad leader came to Liu Ziqiang again and muttered in surprise.

Liu Ziqiang said indifferently: "It's nothing more than beating a few low-level bugs and slapping a few mosquitoes. What's there to be afraid of."

"When he sees the blood of his own people without changing color, he will be called a real brave." Liu Ziqiang said meaningfully.

The squad leader remembered the scene when he first saw the arm of a soldier beside him bitten off and the first time a ball of flesh was grabbed by a strange beast, and nodded in agreement.

Unknowingly, it was noon, and they successfully investigated

Forty miles outside the fortress, another ten miles to turn back smoothly.

Although there were no dangers along the way, the students were already showing signs of fatigue.

In such a place, they had to be on edge all the time, and the psychological pressure on them was really too great.

When the students thought that they would be able to return to the fortress soon, their tense nerves relaxed a lot. This was really not a life for human beings.

But just as they were about to turn back, Lu Chong's nose suddenly twitched, and he turned his head suddenly to look at a towering tree more than ten meters away.

Lu Chong couldn't help but be startled when he saw this.

On the brown trunk of the tree, there was a big snake that looked like bark, and the flat snake head was hidden in the middle of the drooping branches, staring at a student passing by below, less than two meters away.


At this moment, the snake head suddenly moved, and it moved from static to dynamic like a spring, at an extremely fast speed.

"Not good!"

Lu Chong and the instructor behind him reacted almost at the same time, one threw a stone, and the other took out a gun and shot.


The stone hit the snake's head, and the bullet hit the snake's seven inches.

However, this snake was not the low-level mosquito before, but an eight-stage dead wood snake, and its vitality was even stronger.

Although it felt pain, it just swung its body for a while, and then fell faster, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the student's forearm.

The frightened student reacted in time and blocked his head with his arm.

But that was all. He had long forgotten the martial arts he had learned, and only had a little stress reaction left.

After this bite, the student screamed immediately, and shook his head repeatedly in fear, trying to throw the long snake away.

At this moment, Lu Chong arrived first, and used the Eagle Claw skill to grab the long snake's seven inches.

Five fingers directly pierced into the body of the long snake, and blood flowed out.

With a sudden force, Lu Chong grabbed the dead wood snake and tore off a piece of flesh from the student's arm.

The dead wood snake was grabbed by the seven inches and screamed in pain. The two-meter-long snake body whipped and entangled Lu Chong like a long whip.

"I've spoiled you."

Lu Chong made up his mind and stretched out his other hand to grab the snake's tail without showing any weakness.

Then, he suddenly exerted force and actually tore the long snake into two pieces, and blood mist sprayed everywhere.

The scene was once very bloody, and the surrounding students were scared to flee.

"Good guy, this kid is more brutal than a strange beast." The class monitor murmured in amazement.

"What are you doing? Go and save people." Liu Ziqiang looked at Lu Chong, who was covered in blood, and then shouted.

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