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The expert cleared his throat before replying: "This is a hope, the hope of our Hedong Province."

"We have a large number of talents in China. In recent years, some first-line bases, especially the Beijing base and the Magic City base, have had precedents of college entrance examination candidates defeating third-level alien beasts."

"So, of course we also hope that our Hedong base province, which has a lot of outstanding people, can also have such talented people emerge in the college entrance examination and catch up with the front line."

"What if, I mean what if, such a dark horse really appears one year, and if we don't prepare level three exotic beasts in advance, wouldn't it be ridiculous?" the expert said half-jokingly.

Not only in the official live broadcast room, but at this moment, all kinds of discussions on the 'Chinese Heroes' platform are already abuzz.

"It's started, it's started. Come and see my son. He's ranked 90th on the top 100 list." Some parents of candidates were pulling people in the official live broadcast room.

"I'm still optimistic about Li Qianzhong from No. 5 Middle School in Longcheng, the provincial capital. His sixth-level martial arts training is unique. Who can compete with him?"

There are also private experts at all levels who work as analysts in their own live broadcast rooms, and their attention remains high.

As for Guan Yuncheng's official live broadcast room, in addition to the host, there are also scenes of three candidates, namely Lu Chong, Xiang Yueya and Xue Cheng, the three official warriors.

They represent Guan Yuncheng's hope this year, good seeds that can compete with other municipal bases.

Next to the host, there was an old man with gray hair but full of energy sitting, it was Wei Jianguo, the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

"Principal Wei, you have taught martial arts for more than thirty years and have taught 21 college entrance examination candidates. You must have unique insights into the situation of this year's candidates."

"Can you give a rough prediction? Especially the final scores and rankings of our three candidates in Guan Yuncheng." The host asked Principal Wei curiously.

Nearly a million people in the live broadcast room also commented below, asking Principal Wei to give a prediction.

Principal Wei put down the tea cup in his hand calmly, then looked directly at the camera and said loudly: "There is no doubt that the three candidates from Guan Yuncheng are very good. It is inevitable that they will eventually enter the top 100 list."

"Old principal, this is nonsense literature. Who doesn't know that these three official warriors can break into the top 100 list?" Some viewers immediately made a ridiculing comment.

However, no one would curse this old principal who has been rooted in Guanyun City for more than thirty years.

I don't dare, and I don't want to, because most of them were students taught by the old principal.

"Haha..." Principal Wei smiled mischievously and stroked his beard: "Just kidding, in fact, I can tell you for sure."

"Guan Yuncheng has already made a reservation for this year's provincial champion."


The comment area below immediately exploded. The old principal really dared to speak. Who, who can hope to win the top prize in the province?

I won’t talk about other cities at the same level, but this statement obviously does not take the base of the provincial capital city into consideration.

You must know that there are fifty-one martial arts candidates in the province, and Longcheng, the provincial capital alone, accounts for half of them. Among them, there are several fifth-dan warriors and one sixth-dan warrior. Why should our little Guan Yuncheng compare with others?

Audiences from other cities have even begun to stir up controversy, saying that the old principal is exaggerating and sensationalizing.

Even the host on the side interrupted the old principal with some embarrassment and said: "Principal Wei is joking, but I think everyone can understand. After all, it is an expectation of the old principal."

Principal Wei did not appreciate it, but said seriously: "I am not joking, and I can guarantee on my own reputation that my prediction is accurate."

"The person who in my eyes can win the provincial championship is Lu Chong, a student of our No. 1 Middle School."

"Boy, there's only so much I can do to help you. Although it's a bit of a hatred, I can at least help you gain more popularity." Principal Wei thought to himself.

However, the audience below has become increasingly restless. Is Principal Wei's attitude serious?

It is no joke for a strong martial artist and the head of a school to vouch for his reputation in such a public place.

But, no one understands it, why should they?

People's curiosity was immediately piqued by the old principal.

No, no, we have to pay attention to the candidate named Lu Chong and see what is so special about the student who is so highly praised by the old principal.

There are also viewers who are dissatisfied with Principal Wei and have already taken screenshots of the live broadcast and reposted it everywhere.

"Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School Old School

"He is so arrogant that he claims that his student has the potential to be the top student."

"How ridiculous! A small high school in a fourth-tier base city is trying to dominate the entire province."


All kinds of discussions and ridicules spread across major platforms in Hedong Province in just half an hour, which really attracted a lot of attention to Lu Chong.

Lu Chong himself didn't know that his personal live broadcast room had already attracted millions of people, reaching a huge number of three million, and was about to surpass Xiang Yueya.

However, a large part of them were just questioning and laughing at the joke.

It was only when they really started to pay attention to Lu Chong that they couldn't help but be shocked.

Isn't this candidate too fierce? How did he reach the level of a second-level alien beast? 's territory.

How long have the candidates been in the hunting ground? Less than an hour.

Most of the candidates are still staying in the territory of the first-level alien beasts, and they may even stop there.

Even those candidates who have reached the level of formal warriors only rushed to the territory of the first-level ninth-level alien beasts and stayed there temporarily.

On the one hand, it was to explore and adapt to the environment of the Tai'an hunting ground, and on the other hand, it was because it was almost dark, and they wanted to stay dormant in a relatively safe area for a night before going deeper.

However, Lu Chong, who was being watched by more than three million people at the moment, actually rushed forward without stopping. He crashed headfirst into the territory of a level 2 alien beast.

The level 1 alien beasts that blocked his way along the way could not stop him at all. He was walking on flat ground in this dangerous mountain forest, and easily dealt with the alien beasts that attacked along the way.

It was precisely because of Lu Chong's unstoppable and hasty sprinting that he did not get many locators, and currently only had 426 points, barely making the list.

But Lu Chong was not in a hurry, because this was his home court.

After reaching the fourth stage of the warrior, Lu Chong had long looked down on those level 1 alien beasts, and only level 2 alien beasts could excite him. To stimulate his desire to fight.

Moreover, the score represented by the second-level beast is completely incomparable to that of the first-level beast.

A second-level first-stage beast is 500 points, and the second stage is 1,000 points. By analogy, a second-level ninth-stage beast is 12,800 points.

Before leaving, the old principal made a special trip to inform him that the Guanyun City Education Bureau promised that the amount of points Lu Chong could get in the practical test would be multiplied tenfold based on the total score.

Such a good benefit, can Lu Chong bear it?

So, no one should think of snatching the beast from him.

No, it's to snatch his money.

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