The first time, the second time.

Zhao Longfei was really panicked now, and he couldn't even perform at his normal level. On the fifth day of the actual combat assessment, he only scored a little over a thousand points.

With the cultivation of a ninth-level martial artist, this score can only be called mediocre.

Not to mention the three super-first-class universities and the top ten famous universities in China, whether he can enter the thirty-six key martial arts universities is another matter.

It's not that his strength is insufficient, but since entering the assessment hunting ground, Zhao Longfei's mind has been unsettled.

He frequently paid attention to the top 100 list on the scoreboard, and kept locking on the name that frightened him.

It was okay in the first half of the day, that name was just barely on the list, not a big deal.

But when the first night fell, Zhao Longfei's nightmare began.

It was like returning to the mock exam, when that name jumped to the top of the list overnight, and never dropped from there.

But this was not a mock exam in Guanyun City, but a big exam with 300,000 candidates from the whole province and tens of millions of people watching.

How could he, an ordinary orphan and poor boy, take the top spot in a big exam full of geniuses and be so rampant until now?

But no matter how unwilling he was to accept it, he watched that person's score soar all the way, constantly surpassing, reaching 10,000, 100,000, 500,000, and finally breaking through 1 million.

Zhao Longfei only felt that his heart was getting heavier and heavier, making him feel suffocated.

He couldn't help but think of what his father told him some time ago.

"The assassins who tried to assassinate Lu Chong were killed, one was killed and the other was captured."

"But don't worry, they don't know who ordered them."

"So, as long as you and I keep this to ourselves, no one can trace us back."

After that incident, Zhao Longfei almost never went to school again, under the pretext of retreating at home.

In fact, Zhao Longfei was worried that he would accidentally reveal his identity if he met Lu Chong, who was already a warrior.

But even so, Zhao Longfei still couldn't get rid of the psychological shadow brought by Lu Chong, causing him to miss the last chance to break through to the warrior level before the college entrance examination.

It wasn't until he actually entered the examination room that Zhao Longfei, who had finally adjusted his mentality, was hit by Lu Chong on the first day.

Lu Chong's rising scores were like a hammer that was getting bigger and bigger, hitting deep in his soul, making him feel scared, panicked, jealous and hateful.


How could he be so outstanding and leave him so far behind!

"With the support of my father and family, I can definitely catch up with him. I can..." Zhao Longfei has comforted himself like this countless times.

"I don't have to be afraid of him at all. A genius who has not yet grown up may die on the way out to the wilderness at any time."


"Student Zhao, I have been looking for you so hard. So you are here."

Just when Zhao Longfei was thinking about it in his rest room, a calm voice suddenly sounded in his ears, like a ghost.

It was already past eleven o'clock at night on the 13th, and Zhao Longfei was hiding in a hidden tree canopy in the eighth section area.

How could he have thought that there would be a voice behind him suddenly.

The key point is that when he turned around, he could not see a single figure at all. The voice seemed like an auditory hallucination, which disappeared in a flash.

Just when he let down his guard, the cold voice appeared again, "You made me suffer so much. In order to help you harm others, I was killed and thrown into the wilderness, and the beasts shared and ate me."

"It's you!" The voice became shrill, "You made me die without a complete body, you have to pay for my life."

Zhao Longfei was almost crazy. In the dark forest, such a voice suddenly appeared, and there was no trace of human figure. He was just an adult, how could he bear it?

In addition, he had a guilty conscience, and was worried about the psychological shadow brought by Lu Chong, which made him unable to think normally now.

At this time, he didn't know that his every move, even his every word and deed, was being watched by tens of millions of viewers across the country through the live broadcast platform.

"It's not me, it's my dad. My dad paid to find you."

"You made a mistake and failed to kill Lu Chong. Don't blame me."


Zhao Longfei was terrified, turned around palely, and kept explaining.

This was like stirring up a hornet's nest, and all the live broadcast rooms that saw this scene exploded.

"Assassinating Tianjiao, who is this?"


He must be severely punished and found. "


At the Zhao family in Guanyun City, when Zhao Jingcheng saw Lu Chong searching all the way and entering the eighth section area, he knew that something bad was going to happen.

Especially when Lu Chong found Zhao Longfei in the afternoon and began to follow him, Zhao Jingcheng became even more worried.

He didn't know what Lu Chong was going to do. If he wanted to eliminate Zhao Longfei himself, why didn't he do it during the day?

It was not until midnight when Lu Chong appeared beside Zhao Longfei with his elusive body skills that Zhao Jingcheng understood.

He realized how cruel this junior who he didn't take seriously was.

This was clearly a trick to get Zhao Longfei to say something and find evidence of his assassination of Lu Chong in front of the national audience.

At this time, Zhao Jingcheng still had hope, hoping that his son Son can calm down.

In the college entrance examination, as long as Zhao Longfei gritted his teeth, Lu Chong could not do anything to him.

At most, he would be eliminated early. Zhao Jingcheng knew which was more important.

However, he never expected that his son would be so disappointing.

A dignified ninth-level martial artist was frightened to death by the trickery of pretending to be a ghost, and he said everything.

Zhao Jingcheng knew that it was over, not only Zhao Longfei, but also himself, a dignified martial artist.

This was a confession in front of the national audience. Even if Zhao Jingcheng had been rooted in Guanyun City for many years, he could not cover the sky with one hand.

During the special training period for students, hiring a killer to kill someone was a very serious crime.

"How could this kid who had just come of age be so vicious? This is cutting off the firewood from under the cauldron and leaving no way out! "Zhao Jingcheng's eyes were bloodshot and he was dumbfounded.


Before Zhao Jingcheng could come up with a plan and make a post-mortem move, his door was forcibly broken open.

A team of military police broke into the house and came to Zhao Jingcheng under the leadership of a martial arts master.

"Mr. Zhao, you are suspected of hiring a killer. Please come with us."

On the other side, not long after Zhao Longfei confessed, the invigilator who was responsible for patrolling in the sky came down and took him away.

Until Zhao Longfei was taken away, Lu Chong showed his figure and muttered in his heart: "This kid is too easy to scare. I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

Then, he clasped his fists at the drone live camera and thanked him from multiple angles, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to occupy public resources. But if I don't do this, I can't force the murderer out."

"I just don't want the murderer to go unpunished and harm more people. "

Lu Chong's personal live broadcast room was immediately flooded with support and a surge in donations.

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