The more he went, the more he learned.

For nearly two months, even if Lu Chong went to the military camp or the wilderness, he would take time to actively practice the Qi-absorbing Technique and the Dragon-catching Technique.

In addition, he now had sufficient funds, and he used secondary nutrients and various high-level medicinal materials to make his cultivation level break through again and again, reaching the seventh stage of the warrior.

This speed of cultivation really scared a lot of people.

For example, the old principal and class teacher who often gave him instructions, as well as the instructors and soldiers in the military camp, all called him a little monster openly or secretly.

What really satisfied Lu Chong was the progress of his cultivation of many martial arts, which had now all reached perfection.

His fighting power has been greatly increased. Now if he is asked to face the third-level initial stage of the Storm Force Ape in the college entrance examination, Lu Chong is confident that he can solve it with one move.

This is also the confidence for him to go to the Magic City and compete in Jiangnan Martial Arts University.

"Although it costs more than 20 million in two months, it is worth it."

Compared to his nearly 700 million net worth, Lu Chong can afford this money.

What's more, his income in the past two months is more than this.

On September 1st, Lu Chong set aside time to say goodbye to some close people in Guanyun City.

Principal Wei, Principal Fang, class teacher, Colonel Huang, instructors and others, Lu Chong did not miss them.

Early in the morning of the 2nd, Lu Chong and Chen Yufei met at Lou Qingqing's house, and then Chen Lao personally sent them to the airport.

The airport here is completely different from Lu Chong's previous understanding, because the airport does not dock ordinary passenger planes, but combat transport planes that can withstand at least level 4 alien beasts.

In addition, each transport plane will be accompanied by two fighter jets to escort it to ensure that the flight will not be disrupted by flying beasts.

This is also one of the reasons why the cost of human travel has increased greatly after the disaster.

A ticket from Guanyun City to Modu costs more than 200,000 Chinese yuan. How many people can afford it?

And this flight worth more than 200,000 yuan actually only takes more than two hours.

As for why they don’t take the land route, it is naturally because it is more difficult.

The reconstruction after the disaster has made each city and province in China a relatively independent survival base that is still connected.

It is difficult for humans to completely eliminate the wild beasts between the bases, except that one batch emerges again.

Therefore, if you want to travel from one base city to another by land, you need to be escorted by masters or the army.

Just like when taking the college entrance examination, candidates have to go to the hunting ground, that’s it.

It is difficult to calculate how many wildernesses need to be crossed by land from Guanyun City Base to the first-line base of Modu, and how much manpower and material resources will be consumed.

There are far more exotic beasts hidden on the ground and underground than those flying ones.

At present, it can only be guaranteed that there are no beast kings above level 4 in China. It is difficult to completely eliminate the exotic beasts hidden in the wilderness.

Moreover, later on, humans have realized the necessity of the existence of these wildernesses in the country.

Since the exotic beasts in the country can no longer threaten the survival base, why not keep them and create more value for the human race?

Exotic beasts are a crisis, but also a huge resource library.

Those high-energy nutrients and mutated precious medicinal materials are all collected from the wilderness.

In general, the wildernesses in China are equivalent to a huge natural hunting ground, and the human race is the real hunter.

As for the outside world, especially the primeval forests and ocean areas, it is hard to say.

Of course, the wilderness crisis between these bases is nothing to the real strong.

For example, a martial arts master has the ability to cross all bases in the country.

Lu Chong and his two companions are not qualified yet, so they can only sit in a transport plane and go to the first-line base in the Magic City.

Of course, the country will reimburse the admission trip.

In four years of college, students can go back and forth four times, and the travel expenses beyond that need to be borne by themselves.

Sitting on a large transport plane that can accommodate 500 people, Chen Yufei excitedly pointed out the window and shouted: "Brother Chong, look, it's a Silver Sword 30 fighter. It is said that it can even repel the Beast King."

Lu Chong looked out and saw a black fighter that was more than 20 meters long. The streamline of the fuselage was like a broadsword, which was very cool.

Lou Qingqing sat in the front row, and Sister Yu was accompanying her.

Sister Yu would also go to the Magic City with Lou Qingqing to take care of Lou Qingqing.

"No Beast King can break into our border." Lu Chong said casually.


That's true. "Chen Yufei said proudly: "Our Chinese border is the most difficult to cross. The life energy of the beast king is so high that it will be monitored and driven away as soon as it appears."

While the two chatted, the transport plane had taken off smoothly and soared straight up.

"Brother Chong, let me show you something good." When he reached the stratosphere, Chen Yufei took out his mobile phone from his arms and laughed.

"The three major lists of Jiangnan Wuda." Lu Chong saw Chen Yufei's screen.

"The top ten beauties list, the top 100 masters list, and the credit list." Chen Yufei was very interested and took the lead in clicking on the beauty list.

"Brother Chong, look, this Wenren Jinghong who ranks first, is beautiful." Chen Yufei turned to the top of the list.

His eyes lit up and he said like a treasure: "She is not just beautiful. If she only has good looks, she can't be on the list at all."

"This senior sister who just entered the junior year this year is also the tenth on the Jiangnan Wuda Top 100 list. "

"It is said that she comes from a martial arts family. At the age of 20, she is already a third-level martial artist. Her best record is to kill a third-level eighth-level river-turning dragon alone."


Lu Chong looked at the young woman in the picture who was dressed in tight clothes and looked heroic. He had to admit that she was indeed outstanding in temperament, with both strength and appearance.

"A 20-year-old third-level martial artist can already kill a third-level eighth-level beast independently..."

Lu Chong was more concerned about the other party's strength and finding his position on the top 100 list.

So, he interrupted Chen Yufei's enthusiastic introduction and directly clicked on the top 100 list to look over.

"Alas..." Chen Yufei was helpless for a moment and could only say: "Everyone on the top 100 list is a martial artist. The weakest one has also killed a third-level third-level beast. "

Lu Chong's eyes lit up slightly. These talents were his competitors and were quite challenging.

Wu Tao, the top of Jiangnan Martial Arts University's Top 100 list, was a 9th-stage martial artist and a senior student. He had killed a 4th-stage 3rd-stage Broken Mountain Bear.

Wang Teng, the second on the Top 100 list, was a 7th-stage martial artist and a junior student. He had fought a 4th-stage 2nd-stage Golden Armor Earth Dragon and remained undefeated.

Liu Feiyan, the third on the Top 100 list...

Gu Changfeng, the 100th on the Top 100 list, was a 2nd-stage martial artist and a sophomore student. He had killed a 3rd-stage 3rd-stage Storm Force Ape.

When Lu Chong finished looking at the people on the Top 100 list one by one, the transport plane had already started to land.

"My current strength can barely make the list, but there is still a big gap with the top ten..." Lu Chong looked out the window, his heart surging.

The Magic City is coming.

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