The more you learn, the more you will learn.

As the head of the grade in one of the best martial arts universities in the country, it is inevitable to accept various challenges.

Compared with relatively closed high schools, the openness of universities is facing the whole country and even the world, and it is not just limited to university campuses, but has begun to connect with society.

There is a disadvantage in this, which is that it will affect the peaceful life of students.

But the benefits of this challenge are also obvious. Students are no longer working behind closed doors, and they can have more opportunities to test their strength, learn from experience, and put knowledge into practice.

Not only him, the head, but most martial arts students in the university will face the same problem.

Just like Chen Hao, who was defeated by himself, will take himself as his goal, and those students who are not as good as Chen Hao will always think about challenging Chen Hao.

This is a kind of healthy competition, so Lu Chong is not very resistant.

As long as you can strike a balance between closed-door practice and going out to challenge, and allocate time and energy well, you can have the best of both worlds.

Professor Xu took Lu Chong through the teaching building and continued to walk inside. After many security checks, they came to the courtyard of an ancient building.

Lu Chong noticed that the words "Martial Arts Research and Development Center" were hung on the gate of the courtyard, which made him dazed again.

Moreover, when he entered here, Lu Chong could vaguely feel a hidden and oppressive sight sweeping over him.

That feeling was like facing Principal Fang who personally took action at the beginning, indicating that he was at least a martial arts master.

"I have already processed your identity certificate for entering and leaving here, but you must not bring other people in, otherwise the consequences will be serious." Professor Xu reminded.

"Understood." Lu Chong whispered, fearing that he would disturb the big guys hidden inside.

Entering the small building opposite the gate of the R&D center, Professor Xu took Lu Chong to the elevator and pressed the down button. Then he didn't know how deep he went underground before the elevator door opened again.

"This R&D center is built on an ancient martial arts relic. What you see now is the relic of an ancient martial arts sect from 1,500 years ago."

Professor Xu didn't need to say much, Lu Chong was already shocked by the scene in front of him.

Who would have thought that there was a paradise hidden underground in the Jiangnan Wuda Ancient Martial Arts Research Institute?

There are not only bamboo houses, earth walls and grasslands, but also small bridges, flowing water and a whole bamboo forest. Even the artificial dome is so real.

There are also those swords, spears, swords and halberds protected in a closed environment. Although most of them are rusty, you can still vaguely feel the coldness contained in them.

"This is the most well-preserved ancient martial arts relic." Professor Xu took Lu Chong through it and said with a bit of pride.

Lu Chong was puzzled. "Teacher, if these relics are regarded as cultural relics, they are of course valuable."

"But what is the use of keeping them in the Ancient Martial Arts Research Institute, which is the most important research and development center?"

Professor Xu seemed to know that Lu Chong would have such questions, and said without hesitation: "Of course the research value is very high."

"Through the relics of ancient warriors, we can infer their daily practice methods."

"Of course, this is just one of them."

"You have seen those ancient weapons. Many of the high-grade cold weapons we are making now have absorbed the forging technology and form of ancient weapons."

"There are many places where the wisdom of ancient warriors in cold weapons is beyond our reach."

"Also, don't underestimate the seemingly simple layout of this ruins."

"It also contains the philosophy of the ancient Feng Shui formation. The Yuan Energy Chamber of our school was developed from it."

"Wait until you try it, and you will know how magical it is." Professor Xu vowed.

"Of course, the benefits that the ancient martial arts relics bring us are far more than that."

"Their practice methods, eating habits, and even the allocation of daily schedules and traces of battle can all inspire us."

"But do you know what the most important inheritance is?" Professor Xu looked at Lu Chong and asked back.

"Martial arts inheritance?" Lu Chong asked tentatively.

Professor Xu nodded, then shook his head and said, "Yes, but not entirely."

"To be precise, it should be called martial arts inheritance."

"The so-called skills are close to the Tao. When martial arts reach a certain level, it can no longer be called skills, but knowledge or even the Tao."

Professor Xu continued, "We have summarized the Qi-absorbing Jue that can absorb Yuan Energy from the ancient martial artists' skills."

"And from their martial arts, we have extracted the Qi-absorbing Jue that is suitable for our current practice.

Various martial arts. "

"It is precisely because of this that humans can keep almost synchronous evolution with those strange beasts when disasters occur, and guard our human survival base. "

"But the more we study, the more we can find that the martial arts of ancient warriors are far more vast and profound than we imagined."

"How did they create these martial arts, why did that era decline, and to what extent can they be cultivated? These are the directions we want to study. "

Lu Chong was fascinated by what he heard, and he seemed to have returned to the era when ancient martial arts flourished unconsciously.

"There are records in the ruins that in ancient times, people climbed mountains and watched the sea, created unique skills, and eventually reached the point of moving mountains and overturning seas."

"There are also people who walk with wild beasts and get the power to capture dragons and subdue tigers."

"Think about it, isn't this the way to understand the natural world?"

"So, we say that the ancient warriors inherit the martial arts." Professor Xu returned to the point just now.

"This is the direction we want to study, and it is also the original intention of the establishment of the Ancient Martial Arts Research Institute. "

Professor Xu looked at Lu Chong seriously, "The progress of ancient martial arts research determines the speed of our national evolution."

"If this speed cannot catch up with the evolution speed of those exotic beasts, then the consequences can be imagined."

Lu Chong nodded, and became more aware of the importance of this so-called ancient martial arts research and development center.

It almost concerns the fate of all mankind.

Just like those world-class scientific research centers in the previous life, they are almost the driving force and direction indicator of the progress of human civilization.

"Teacher, I still don't understand one thing." Lu Chong took the initiative to say.

"The catastrophe on Blue Star happened 112 years ago. Didn't we find the ancient martial arts relics before that?"

"If we can explore the relics earlier, can we avoid the losses in the early stage of the catastrophe?"

This historical issue related to the beginning of human evolution is not taught in high school, and the online information is also very limited, so Lu Chong asked this question.

Professor Xu looked at Lu Chong approvingly, and then said: "In fact, this is not a big secret, it's okay to tell you now. ”

“You are right. The ancient martial arts relics were not discovered after the disaster.”

“On the contrary, in our Chinese land, ancient martial arts relics were unearthed more than 300 years ago.”

Professor Xu then sighed, “But, so what?”

“At that time, we also studied ancient martial arts, and even a large number of martial arts practitioners emerged.”

“But, no one could cultivate the great power recorded by the ancients. Compared with the progress of science and technology, it is not worth mentioning.”

Professor Xu said, “So, gradually, the direction of research has changed.”

“The root cause is the disappearance of ancient Yuan energy. By the way, the ancients said it was called aura.”

“Although I don’t know if it is the same thing, the effect should be similar.”

“Without this Yuan energy, ancient martial arts can only play a role in strengthening the body, and at most it can be cultivated to the level of a formal warrior.”

“Until that day comes, Yuan energy emerges, as if opening the Yuan energy shackles of Blue Star. ”

“The animals and plants have mutated, and we have opened the treasure of ancient martial arts practice.” Professor Xu sighed.

“That day!” Lu Chong pondered and said, “What happened on May 23, 2024?”

Professor Xu chuckled twice, “I can’t tell you this. When you become a formal researcher, you will naturally have the authority to know.”

Lu Chong shut up in time and stopped asking.

However, he felt that this secret should be related to alien civilization.

It’s just that I don’t know what the situation was at that time, and what form the so-called alien civilization invasion took.

Also, why can it be inferred that the next alien invasion will occur around 2146.

“Don’t say so much.” Professor Xu interrupted Lu Chong’s fantasy and said seriously, “Now I want to tell you, as an assistant researcher, your auxiliary research direction.”

Lu Chong suddenly became energetic, and he had the opportunity to get in touch with new martial arts inheritance.

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