Various canned meats.

Beef, chicken, pork, and many other types.

There is no packaging on the can, only a red five-pointed star.

This proves that this is indeed a high-end product directly supplied by the military factory to the national shelter.

These are very popular in the barter market.

The quality of these cans is quite high. They are mainly military products, and the quality cannot be sloppy.

The shelf life is basically at least three times more than what is shown above.

For example, if it is shown above for 3 years, it is actually at least 9 years or more.

It is said that there are no preservatives or anything like that added to the can.

Instead, pure meat is used, so the shelf life is longer.

"There is no way the motorcycle can hold so many, so let's just drive away."

Su Ze thought so.

He found a pit nearby and buried the two bodies.

No matter what, he had to thank these two.

Without them, he would not have gotten so many cans.

"Rest in peace, both of you."

The butler had already removed the back seat of the van.

This way, the motorcycle could be put in to avoid any more trouble.

Su Ze did not stay for too long.

He drove the van back to his shelter and counted the cans.

There were 216 9X24 cans in total.

Su Ze planned to keep half of them for himself.

He would take the rest to the market to exchange for other resources.

This time, he got so many cans without any effort. It was like picking them up for free. Of course, the more of this kind of thing, the better.

While Su Ze was happy, he also had more confidence in the butler's reasoning ability.

With a butler, who would be afraid of lacking any supplies?

Not at all.

"Butler, does your reasoning support any other supplies needed for shelter?"

"Master, I have deduced the following materials, but you know, this is just deduction. Things change so fast that we don't know if they are still there."

Su Ze nodded.

Of course he understood these principles.

Deduction, deduction, it is rare for the housekeeper to be able to do this with the help of network information and communication records.

Whether there is any, there is no loss even if it is a wasted trip.

Once there is, it is a precious material resource.

"What material speculations does the butler have?"

"The arms were transported to the national shelter in a car accident, and the people and vehicles fell off the cliff."


Su Ze was jealous.

As long as he could upgrade it infinitely, it would be a very, very powerful weapon.

"Butler, how far away is this batch of arms?"

"Master, it's about 300 kilometers.

300 kilometers.

It's definitely impossible to get back in one day.

Su Ze prepared some necessary food and drinking water for himself.

"Go, butler."

"Yes, Master."

We drove the van on the road. There were not many cars on the road.

"Hmm? That should be the car of the national shelter."

In the distance is a camouflage convoy.

The convoy is full of heavy trucks. The trucks are all wrapped in the same camouflage tarpaulin.

You can't tell what's inside from the outside.

On top are soldiers with live ammunition.

Su Ze guessed that they must be precious supplies.

Now the national shelter is following the model of building and relocating at the same time. Once the construction is completed, they will move in immediately.

And the material facilities on the ground also need to be moved underground.

In order to cope with the upcoming collapse of the world, the entire city will be moved underground.

People live underground.

In the past few days, there have been reports on the Internet that some gangs have robbed national supplies.

It is said that the driver and the guarding soldiers were killed, and the whole truck of supplies was taken away.

Of course, many people died in the robbery.

Because of this, it seems The number of soldiers in custody has also increased.

The world is getting worse day by day.

Some people have begun to target the country.

This proves that the original civilized society is gradually approaching the brink of collapse.

This is also what Su Ze has observed recently.

The power of the country is like the transferred materials, slowly moving underground.

And the world above ground is about to be abandoned because of the collapse of the world.

Without the control of the country over order, chaos is a matter of sooner or later.

Or the chaos has already begun quietly.

Seeing that the sky is slowly getting dark.

Su Ze plans to sleep in the car tonight.

Parked in a small forest.

With the cover of leaves, others can't notice it if they don't look carefully.

I ate a can of beans casually in the evening.

It tastes really good. It's amazing that the beans can be made so fragrant.

"Butler, I'll leave it to you to be on guard."

"Yes, Master, rest assured, I won't let anyone get close to the vehicle."

With the butler around, Su Ze felt more at ease.

After all, he was truly a first-class Jeet Kune Do master.

That night, the sound of gunfire woke Su Ze up from his sleep.

Speculating that the gunfire came from nearby, he immediately took the butler to the source.

When they arrived at the source, they saw a truck parked sideways on the side of the road.

The car was open.

In the cab, the driver had been shot in the head on the spot.

The guard soldier on the co-pilot's seat was a young man, who had been shot in the chest. He covered the wound and could only breathe heavily.

""Where are the medical supplies?" Su Ze asked the young man carefully.

The young man grabbed Su Ze's hand, his eyes full of fear, he was afraid of the coming of death.

After several intense exhalations, the young man died.

Su Ze checked the carriage.

There was nothing in the carriage, even the fuel in the tank was robbed.

Judging from the young man's identity, he was a team transporting supplies for the shelter, and was robbed on the way.

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