Su Ze followed the young man to a gym in the city.

He pulled a treadmill, a sit-up machine, a 10kg barbell, and a 20kg barbell.

He exchanged these things for 5 cans.

Su Ze checked the sky and it was getting late.

He drove his small truck back to the shelter with the housekeeper.

"Okay, now that we have the medicines and surgical instruments, we have the infirmary."

Now the problem we are facing has arisen again.

That is the expansion of the shelter.

Before, there was no infirmary and exercise area in his shelter.

Now that he has these instruments, he naturally has to start expanding it.

But to expand, without a micro excavator, it is obviously impossible for Su Ze alone to do it.


A large amount of labor is needed.

Su Ze looked at the housekeeper.

Of course, it is best if these laborers are robots.

They don't need to eat, sleep, or rest. They are born to work.

Ordinary people certainly cannot use robots as labor.

Su Ze, who has unlimited upgrades, can do it.

These robots can also be handed over to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper is like a central nervous system.

Su Ze only needs to command one of them to control all the robots.

"Butler, can we use robots like you to meet the labor needs for the expansion?"

"Master, this is the best choice," this is the butler's opinion

"Now you can speculate where there are more robots."

"Yes, Master.

Ten seconds later, the butler had figured out the robot's location.

"Master, these are some finished robots made by a factory. They were originally ordered by the United States. After the news of the world's collapse, these ordered robots have been kept in the warehouse."

Finished robots.

You just need to upgrade them when you get them back."

"how much?"

"Master, 100"

"Where is the warehouse located?"

"The warehouse in the logistics park is 450 kilometers away.

450 kilometers is not far

"Butler, get ready and get these robots back."

""Yes, Master."

The butler went to prepare tomorrow's food, weapons, and refuel the small truck.

If so many robots were to be transported back, the current small trucks would not be enough, and some large trucks would be needed.

As for vehicles, there was no need to worry, as there were many abandoned vehicles in the city.

But most of them were out of oil, mainly because energy was also one of the important storage materials for the shelter.

Since Su Ze was going to the warehouse of the logistics park this time, he would see if there were any larger trucks there.

He would bring some gasoline and diesel with him and then add them to the truck.

"Master, it's ready."

"Let's go then."

Su Ze planned to let the butler drive this time.

"Butler, is it okay to drive?"

"Master, I need to learn from the Internet."

Ten seconds later

"Master, I have finished learning."

This is the learning ability of AI, which is simply super strong.

The butler got into the driver's seat, started, clutched, and refueled. His movements were smooth, and he looked like an experienced driver who had been driving for more than 50 years.

Su Ze confidently handed the car to the butler.

He took out the tablet and looked at the design drawings of the shelter.

There are too many missing materials and resources now.

What can be done now is to try to start ant moving and gather them little by little.

If I didn't have a butler before, I might never have been able to gather them.

Now that I have a butler, if there is something missing, I can basically find it by reasoning according to his full network information.

Of course, the butler is one link in gathering resources, and another link is of course market transactions.

Su Ze is concerned about this I am very confident.

Although it is not clear when the world will begin to collapse.

But what we can do now is to turn the concept design into reality as much as possible.

The car driven by the butler is quite stable.

There is no bumpy feeling, just like gliding smoothly on the horizontal plane.

From time to time, some vehicles pass by on the road.

Most vehicles have bodyguards with live ammunition.

Most of the weapons come from the black market.

The country also turns a blind eye to this.

Everyone needs to defend themselves.

With a butler driving, there is no rest.

Su Ze fell asleep in the car when he was sleepy.

It took about 7 hours to reach the destination of the logistics park.

This speed is neither fast nor slow

"Such a big logistics park?"

This is the local export logistics park, which is filled with goods that are ready to be sold all over the world.

The butler led the way with ease. He had downloaded the map from the Internet and was familiar with every tree and grass here, just like his own home.

Soon we arrived at a large centralized container in the logistics park.

When the container was opened, a number of brand new robots were placed inside.

These robots are used as handling robots.

"Housekeeper, go look nearby to see if you can find a large truck to move it."

""Yes, Master."

Since this is a large logistics park, there is no shortage of trucks.

After a while, the housekeeper found a medium-sized truck.

There is no problem in pulling these 100 robots.

As Su Ze guessed, it was indeed damaged by oil, probably siphoned away by someone.

He got gasoline from the oil barrel and put it in to test it.

After starting it, the truck can start.

"Let's start moving"

"Yes, Master."

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