"What's going on?"Su Ze asked curiously.

Normally, wouldn't this kind of thing be moved into a national shelter?

And it's a priority.

Currently, the main source of electricity in the national shelter is nuclear power facilities.

"Master, originally this city was going to build a small nuclear power plant, but due to the impending collapse of the world, this equipment was sealed up before it was used."

"Didn't they move into a state-run shelter?"

"not at all"

"That's great."

This is really a good deal for me.

Ordinary people certainly can't know the existence of this equipment.

Only in the internal top-secret network can these records be found.

"Get ready, we're leaving today"

"Yes, Master"

"As usual, No. 1 to No. 5 will expand the nuclear power room at home, and the others will follow."

Su Ze estimated that this time the transportation work is not small, and a batch of robots need to be upgraded.

So, another 10 were upgraded.

No. 10-20.

In this way, there are 15 robots doing this transportation work together

"Master, it's ready."

Su Ze took a look.

The butler had prepared quite well.

Food, drinking water, sleeping bags, tents, and spare gasoline and diesel.

As for weapons, each robot was equipped with a domestic pistol for self-defense.

In fact, the butler was overthinking this.

You know, a butler alone is a kung fu master, who has learned all the fighting skills currently on the market.

What military boxing, what Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, power fighting, etc.

The other robots also have the same butler's abilities.

"Okay, let's go."

Don't worry about the transport vehicles, you can find them in the nearby cities or on the driveways.

There are abandoned cars, SUVs, off-road vehicles, trucks and the like everywhere. There is no way to abandon them, mainly because they consume too much fuel.

Energy is very precious.

All of them are consumed in the shelter.

The butler is still driving.

He is an experienced driver.

In one word, 'stable'.

With the help of the satellite system, he always knows the current road conditions.

Some passages are blocked by abandoned vehicles.

He also learned about it early, so that a more suitable road can be planned.

It took three days to reach 600 kilometers.

This is a warehouse in the suburbs. It originally belonged to the country.

There are warning signs around it saying no entry.

It is far away from the town.

There is only one entrance around.

So basically no one comes here.

There are no caretakers now.

It is deserted.

There is not even an animal.

It is as quiet as a cemetery.

"Master, this batch of equipment is in the warehouse."

Open the warehouse door.

There are well-packed wooden boxes. There is a seal on the box saying"Do not open".

After tearing off the seal and opening the wooden box, there are brand new equipment inside.

"Master, this is a steam turbine generator component."



There are quite a lot of parts in here.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of them.

I finally know why they are sealed here, and there is no need to worry.

Even if ordinary people get them, they will not be able to install them at all.

They will not be able to assemble these parts.

This problem is completely unnecessary for Su Ze.

With the butler, everything is taken care of.

"Okay, let's start loading the truck."

Su Ze originally wanted to look around to see if there was any other equipment left behind.

But he looked around and saw nothing except this warehouse.

""Yes, Master."

The butler began to operate the other robots to load the truck.

Su Ze sat on a high place and watched leisurely.

It must be said that everything has changed after having a butler.

It was unthinkable to talk about this small nuclear power plant before.

If you say on the shelter forum that you have got a small nuclear power plant in your shelter, I guess no one will believe it.

While the robots were moving, Su Ze turned on his mobile phone and logged into the shelter forum.

Today, there are nearly 100 million posts.

Shelter players from all over the world speak freely here.

For example, how does the world collapse? Is it a super earthquake, or a super flood? Or is it super cold? Or is it super hot? Everyone expresses their opinions here.

There are also various practical posts.

For example, the choice of air exchanger in the shelter.

How to grow food..

There are also some hardcore posts about developing geothermal energy.

Everyone can get scientific and practical shelter knowledge by searching for relevant keywords here.

It is said that some national-level shelter engineers are lurking here.

In addition, each country also has a division here.

Some resource exchange posts will also be posted in the national area.

Anyone who wants to trade can contact them by themselves.

The previous Chao Xiong incident was found by the housekeeper here.

There are also some shelters that are posting invitations to join.

The truth or falsehood of these requires individuals to distinguish.

It is said that some people with bad intentions are hiding in them.

There used to be a shelter specifically recruiting young women.

When they were found, they had been tortured beyond recognition by the owners of the shelter.

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