After walking around for a few times, we finally entered the shelter.

"We need to start building defenses outside the shelter."

Su Ze had a deep memory of the looks from those people.

He also had a strong sense of discomfort as a prey.

This discomfort resulted in the need to arm himself with greater firepower.

"Butler, did you scan the faces of those people just now?"

"Master, the scan is complete."

"Let’s analyze it and see what we can find in the big data on the Internet.

What is the relationship between Uncle Chen’s family and those people?

"Master, the analysis is complete. These people are 90% similar to the vicious criminals wanted in recent days."

"Vicious criminal?"

"Yes, Master, the state has investigated dozens of recent invasions of shelters for ordinary people. These incidents have very significant similarities. Everyone will be killed, especially women who will be defiled and tortured. After that, the shelters will be killed, robbed and burned."

Su Ze exhaled.

This is really a vicious criminal.

It's just like the life of the day back then.

"In that case, the shelter of Uncle Chen's family may have been~"

Su Ze exhaled.

Although he didn't want to think about it, it was estimated that it had been occupied.

And judging from the looks of those guys, his shelter might be the next target.

To be honest, the combat effectiveness of his shelter is already quite strong.

There are 20 Kung Fu masters of the same level as the butlers, with weapons including pistols, submachine guns, and upgraded laser pistols.

These combat capabilities are far greater than ordinary personal shelters.

But Su Ze knew that this was far from enough.

With the impending collapse of the world, the first thing to collapse is not the world, but the human heart.

Su Ze has always adhered to the principle that I don't mess with others, and others don't mess with me.

If I do, then...~

"The next step is to establish external defense measures for the shelter."

The so-called external defense measures for the shelter.

It means that all crises will be handled outside the shelter.

The shelter will not be involved.

In the housekeeper's design, there are some hidden mechanisms near the shelter.

These mechanisms can be controlled from the inside.

Submachine guns are installed near the gate of the shelter, and one click can shoot the enemy into a sieve.

Compared with these mechanisms, Su Ze wants to build a drone matrix.

The drones carry machine guns and form a huge repressive force against the enemy from high altitude.

"Butler, see where to get a drone and start building a 'drone attack matrix' for the shelter's external defenses.、"

"Yes, Master."

Compared to usual, drones are not in great demand for the shelter, so it should be possible to get them.

"Master, the reconciliation of drone sales in the city shows that they have a batch of the latest drones that have been sealed in the warehouse and have not been shipped out."

Hearing this, Su Ze smiled.

Now they can get more goods.

And a large number of the latest new drones.

"Master, I saw some people wandering around through satellite images. They are the ones from the daytime. They just came out of a shelter."

"Oh? Enlarge the picture and have a look."

The picture was sent to the big screen.

From it, it can be clearly seen that the people in the daytime were indeed looking for something nearby.

Su Ze smiled.

Just as he guessed.

These people were indeed looking for the location of their own shelter.

Not only did they empty the shelter of Uncle Chen's house, but now they were also preparing to empty their own shelter.

Of course, they would definitely find nothing if they searched like this.

The entrance to Su Ze's shelter was not so easy to find.

After searching for a while, these people gave up and returned to the shelter in Uncle Chen's house again.

"Master, do you want to hack into the camera inside this shelter?"

"Can you do this?"Su Ze said this and felt that he had underestimated the butler.

The butler could even crack the national military intranet.

"Master, you can do it"

"Okay, invasion."

"The invasion is complete."

The screen shows an internal shelter.

The invasion is a webcam.

From here you can see the scene in the living room.

It can be seen that this shelter is also carefully built.

The interior decoration is no different from the surface.

Uncle Chen said that his son is a local entrepreneur.

Later, when the news of the impending collapse of the world came out, he invested all his resources in building a family shelter.

So the interior is not small, it looks like at least 500 square meters.

However, because it is a computer camera, the picture seen is very limited.

There are several people in the picture, who are the ones seen during the day.

They have no idea that they are being monitored.

"Boss, that kid must be nearby. It looks like he has a truck. There must be a lot of resources in his shelter!"

"That's right, Boss, that guy must be nearby. If we look carefully, we will definitely find him."



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