The cave was left over from a tunnel excavation in the past. I don't know why it was left unfinished.

It formed a cave more than 20 meters deep.

There were boxes of supplies in the cave.

They were mainly canned videos, drinking water and various weapons.

"So many weapons, did they rob the military?"

Su Ze had doubts in his mind.

So he asked the robber who was subdued by the butler beside him:"Where did you get these military weapons?"

The robber was also frightened by the butler's robot identity, and dared not move. He replied:"These were picked up from an abandoned military vehicle."

"Picked it up?"

Su Ze exhaled. It seemed that these people were really lucky. How come he didn't pick it up?

"Yes, after picking it up, the boss saw so many weapons and called his brothers to start robbing here. It turned out that he planned to use this place as a shelter."

Su Ze nodded.

It is true that these robbers have imagination.

But they are also really stupid.

Don't they go to the shelter forum?

The world is about to collapse.

If there is a small earthquake here, this cave will be buried.


A strange sound came from a tent in the distance.

Su Ze opened it and saw that there were corpses in the tent.

All of these corpses were young women. The one who made the sound just now was one of them.

She looked like she was about to die.

There was no blood on her body. Her face was pale.

She looked like a ghost.

Especially when found in such a pile of corpses.

It was simply a scene in a horror movie.

Seeing this scene, Su Ze was furious.

These robbers were really not human.

Calling them beasts was an exaggeration.

"They, they~" The woman muttered something.

Su Ze supported the woman.

"Housekeeper, how is she doing?"

"Master, according to her performance, her body has been seriously injured and she is only breathing her last breath."

""Those people, where are those people?" The woman asked as if she had exhausted all her strength, her voice as thin as a mosquito.

"Those people are dead."

The woman smiled and nodded when she heard this.

At the end of her life, she finally heard the news that all these people were dead.

This was also a kind of comfort.

The woman died.

Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

"ah~~~"The robber who was guarding the cave suddenly yelled and ran out of the cave frantically.

The housekeeper followed him.

Soon, the housekeeper came back.

"Master, that man fell down the hillside and died."

Su Ze nodded.

This is a tit-for-tat.

"Steward, move all the resources in this cave to the car. I see there is a box of explosives. Blow up this cave."

"Yes, Master."

The butler began to move the materials in the cave with the robot.

They moved everything cleanly.


A loud noise sounded.

The sound echoed in the surrounding mountains.

The entire cave entrance collapsed.

It really became a tomb.

Su Ze continued on the road with the butler.

Watching life pass by in front of his eyes, he was deeply touched.

Human life is too fragile.

Sometimes it is as weak as those insects.

In this world that may collapse at any time, survival will be even more difficult.

Su Ze didn't think so much.


Live well.

This is his attitude to welcome the collapse of the world

"Master, there is a situation"

"what's the situation?"

"Look at the satellite image."

Su Ze looked down.

The original image on the screen was monitoring the third wave of robbers.

But at this moment, a large number of military battlefield vehicles appeared.

And soldiers wearing uniform equipment appeared all around.

From above, it seemed that they had already exchanged fire.

"It was probably a convoy that robbed national resources. Otherwise, it would be impossible to dispatch nearly a battalion of troops to deal with such a small robber."

For professional soldiers, these robbers are just a piece of cake.

It took less than ten minutes to wipe them out.

"This is the power of the military, no words are spoken, just actions are taken."

On the screen, these military convoys also left quickly, without even cleaning up the battlefield, and returned.

"Hmm? Wait a minute, since the battlefield has not been cleaned up, then the resources that this gang has robbed must be nearby."

According to the nature of this gang, it is impossible for them to put the resources far away, they must be nearby.

Soon, Su Ze arrived.

The surroundings were full of corpses of robbers who were beaten into a hornet's nest.

Blood was all over the ground.

Basically, all the military personnel were killed.

No one was left alive.

However, all the weapons of this gang of robbers were taken away.

Maybe they didn't want them to fall into the hands of others.

"Butler, where do you think these people put the looted supplies?"

"Master, I think it's in the abandoned house down there." The butler pointed to a dilapidated house in the distance.

The house seemed to have been abandoned a long time ago.

It was not far from the toll station.

"Indeed, maybe no one pays attention to the house, so let a robot check it out."

""Yes, Master."

Soon, the butler sent good news.

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