Upgrade target confirmed: Vegetable seeds.

Upgrade direction: Increase yield tenfold.

Upgrade points: 90 points.

Su Ze was quite satisfied.

Upgrade one more level.

Upgrade target confirmed: Vegetable seeds.

Upgrade direction: Resistance to pests and diseases.

Upgrade points: 50 points.

Upgrade one more level.

Upgrade target confirmed: Vegetable seeds.

Upgrade direction: Increase growth tenfold.

Upgrade points: 120 points.

"What if the growth rate is increased by 100 times?" What should have matured in 100 days matured in one day. This is simply super growth.

Upgrade target confirmed: vegetable seeds.

Upgrade direction: 100 times faster growth.

Upgrade points: 12,000 points.

Forget it.

Too many upgrade points are needed.

I'd better upgrade later.

After this series of upgrades, the level of the infinite upgrade system has been upgraded again.

After the upgrade, the points settled at 00:00 every day will be more.

At the same time, the point rewards for each system upgrade will also be more.

This is the benefit of upgrading.

Infinite upgrades, keep upgrading.

The points will increase.

A reasonable reason is needed in the early stage.

If all upgrades are done at once, it will be a waste.

Just like money, you have to spend it wisely.

"Steward, plant these seeds now"

"Yes, Master."There are many kinds of seeds, including rapeseed, carrots, white radishes, potatoes, beans, winter melons, and many other kinds that Su Ze likes to eat.

Watching the robot plant the seeds step by step, Su Ze was so happy.

The fresh vegetables in the shelter will be freely available soon.

It is really very difficult to eat fresh vegetables now.

Fresh vegetables are also one of the hottest goods in the supermarket.

"Master, according to the plan, these 100 square meters will be used to grow vegetables, these 100 square meters will be used to grow wheat, and the remaining 100 square meters will be used to grow rice."

Su Ze nodded.

"Okay, now let's upgrade the wheat seeds and rice seeds."The wheat seeds and rice seeds have also been upgraded to 'yield increase upgrade', 'pest resistance upgrade' and 'growth acceleration upgrade' respectively.

Dozens of robots started planting at the same time under the control of the housekeeper.

The movements were uniform and the planting was professional, which was pleasing to the eye.

"Master, the planting has been completed, now start to set up the integrated planting equipment"

"Okay, let's get started."

The housekeeper began to install the assembled and debugged equipment.

For example, drip irrigation equipment, temperature control equipment, integrated water and fertilizer equipment, etc.

The so-called intelligent planting is similar to a system management.

The entire planting area is under the monitoring of the system at all times.

For example, if drip irrigation is needed, the system will send a reminder.

This system is connected to the internal network of the shelter.

Su Ze doesn't even need to manage the system.

Everything is left to the housekeeper.

All the housekeeper does is to give orders.

Everything is so simple that nothing needs to be done.

"Master, the equipment has been installed. Just like what I said before, the planting system is still missing temperature and humidity detection equipment, intelligent lighting equipment and environmental parameter sensors."

Su Ze nodded.

"We will find these three types later. First, build the planting area, and then add in the equipment when it is available."

"Yes, Master, then the planting area is temporarily completed."

Su Ze looked at the 300 square meters of planting area in front of him, and his heart was once again filled with a full sense of accomplishment.

Although it is not perfect, it is missing three pieces of equipment, and then we can find them.

"Soon I will be able to eat the vegetables from my own planting area."

Su Ze himself is looking forward to it.

After the seeds are upgraded, they grow faster.

There is no need to worry about underground pests.

At the same time, the yield has increased tenfold.

It is simply a dream plantation.

"You can also get some fresh fruit."

In this way, you can eat all kinds of fruits you grow in your shelter.

Realize fruit freedom

"Housekeeper, next time you go to the supermarket, remind me to see if there are any fruit trees or something like that, and then exchange them for me."

"Yes, Master"

"An orchard was also planned in the adjacent planting area."

"Yes, master, the design has been completed. Do we need to start expanding the orchard now?"

"Don't worry about the orchard, expand the other rooms first."

The orchard is not the priority.

Su Ze took a look.

At present, the expansion of his shelter is progressing very quickly.

According to the design, there is still a lack of sewage treatment center.

Recreation room.

Water source room.


Equipment room.

Small internal shelter.

"First of all, the water source room and sewage treatment center"

"The housekeeper started to expand the water source indoor sewage treatment center, as well as the entertainment room, studio, and equipment room."

Now that we have so many excavators, we can work at the same time.

""Yes, Master."

The robot started to get busy.

Su Ze saw that it was almost time for dinner.

The robot had already prepared dinner for today.

It was quite rich and the quantity was just right.

After handing over the cooking to the robot, Su Ze felt so comfortable. It was so nice to be able to eat delicious food without having to do it himself.

After dinner,

Su Ze lay on the sofa in the control room, petting the cat while looking at the shelter forum.

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