"Master, there are some parts needed for the constant temperature system over there. If there is a problem, you can replace them."

"Okay, changed it"

"Master, here is a good air circulator, which is what the shelter needs at the moment.


Basically, after entering the supermarket, the housekeeper will remind you of some equipment, tools, etc. needed in the shelter.

The housekeeper has a complete understanding of the shelter.

This understanding is constantly updated.

If a small screw is missing in the shelter, the housekeeper will receive the message immediately and continuously optimize the details of the shelter.

Su Ze is not very clear about these details.

The reason why he does not need to be very clear is because of the housekeeper.

He does not need to worry about these small details at all



A cry attracted Su Ze's attention.

In the distance, a black and white shepherd puppy was kicked from under the stall to the road by a vendor.

It was dirty and looked like a stray dog.

Nowadays, people can't take care of it, let alone various animals.

Abandonment is even more serious.

There are all kinds of stray cats and dogs in groups everywhere in the city.

But now people have moved to underground shelters.

Some bring cats and dogs with them to the shelter.

Each family in the national shelter can only bring one companion animal.

This is a hard condition.

Some people can only abandon it out of necessity.

The little shepherd dog slowly walked to Su Ze's feet and naturally leaned against his ankle.

"It seems that we two are destined to be together, so I will take you away."

Su Ze picked up the shepherd dog from his feet and looked at it carefully.

The shepherd dog was about three to five months old. Because it was a stray dog, its bones were not big, and there was no fat layer on its body. It had a thin layer of skin. It seemed that it had been hungry for a long time.

There was basically nothing for stray dogs in the city to eat, mainly because human activities were underground.

So they could only attack other animals and act in groups.

This kind of attack was often similar to atavism, just for survival.

Such a small shepherd dog certainly could not join other dog packs.

It might have been the only one that was fed by other humans in the supermarket before and survived.

"Hey! Why are you holding my dog! This is my dog!"The vendor who kicked the puppy just now came over and pointed at the puppy to show that it was his dog:"If you want it, then exchange it for that thing."

Su Ze knew very well that the vendor wanted to extort money.

The vendor was about to grab it.


The butler's arm grabbed over and grabbed the other's little arm

"My hand! My hand! My hand!" the vendor shouted.

"Is it still yours?" Su Ze asked calmly

"No, this is not my dog."The vendor shook his head repeatedly.

"Let him go, butler."

"Yes, Master."

The vendor quickly fled to his stall, not daring to say another word.

""Butler, it's almost time to go."

It was getting late.

People were gradually leaving the supermarket.

Su Ze came to the entrance of the market.

The elevator guy had been waiting to exchange the elevator.

The other party sent an elevator truck that was disassembled into parts.

He said that the truck could be given as a gift.

He gave the other party the canned food and various dry goods he needed.

The guy also thanked him repeatedly.

After the exchange, he did not dare to stay and drove away.

The supermarket seems to be under official control.

In fact, there are many teams watching.

Once there is a suitable prey, they will show their sharp fangs and attack, and rob it cleanly.

The butler drove the elevator parts truck.

Su Ze drove a truck himself.

Returning to the shelter.

The journey was smooth.

Arriving at the shelter, the butler controlled the robot to start moving the materials exchanged this time into the shelter.

Today, the goal of the elevator in the shelter was finally met. It is also more convenient to go up and down the shelter.

The parts are also easy to carry.

Just assemble and debug in the shelter.

Su Ze brought the little shepherd dog to the main control room and lay down on the sofa.

The little fox also trotted over, and was quite curious about the new little guy.

"Xiaoli, from today on, it is your friend."

""Meow! Meow! Meow!"

The shepherd dog was a little unfamiliar with the environment and the cat, and didn't dare to move.

Su Ze first took the cat to take a bath.

"Okay, you are the new member of the shelter. Let's give you a name, let's call you 'Xiao Mu'"

""Woof!" Xiaomu called out, and it seemed that he also liked this name very much.

"Master, all the supplies have been moved into the shelter, and the truck has been parked far away and hidden."

"Okay, let's assemble the elevator as soon as possible."However, I didn't see any wooden boards today.

Usually no one comes to exchange for this thing.

It seems that I need to ask the housekeeper to see where there is a warehouse or something like that.

I can just pull enough at once.

The robot has prepared dinner.

It is quite rich.

Su Ze also prepared the meal for Xiao Mu and Xiao Li.

They ate quite well.

Especially Xiao Mu.

He ate with big mouthfuls.

In the end, he was full of rounds.

"Master, the elevator has been assembled and debugged, everything is normal"

"Then let's start the installation."

The robot is very efficient.

We can start debugging tomorrow morning.

That night.


Start to settle the upgrade points for the day.

"You drove the car and got 38 upgrade points"

"You ate and got 25 upgrade points"

"You petted the cat and got 39 upgrade points"

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