According to the original plan, the robots came out carrying boxes of robots.

"Don't move!"The robbers jumped out of the bushes one by one, pointing their guns at the robots.

In order not to attract attention, these robots were wearing clothes and masks, and at first glance they looked almost the same as humans.

The gang really thought the robots were people who came here to search for supplies.

"Hahaha, I’m rich, I’m rich, there are so many boxes, there must be good things inside!"

"Yes, now the city has been searched dry, I didn’t expect to be able to get so many boxes!"

""Great, this trip was not in vain!"

These people sounded very excited.

""Butler, get started!"

The robots turned into kung fu masters at this moment.

They beat them up one by one.

The weapons in their hands were also disarmed.

Until the end, these people didn't know that it was a group of robots that knocked them down.


Su Ze nodded.

The combat power is amazing.

The efficiency is amazing.

To master any skill, the butler only needs to download the relevant information from the Internet.

Su Ze likes the robots he upgraded more and more.

In the future, he hopes to have a large group of robot teams in his shelter.

In the upcoming world of collapse, it is said that very and terrifying alien creatures will appear.

At that time, these alien creatures will have to face their own robot teams!

Just thinking about it is exciting enough.


The robot convoy arrived at the shelter with their new partners.

Su Ze looked carefully at the group of industrial humanoid robots in front of him.

The quality in this regard is already very high.

Su Ze couldn't help but upgrade another 10 robots.

In this way, there are 50 robots.

"Okay, I'll upgrade the rest next time, otherwise I won't be able to hold on."

"Master, the wooden boards in the orchard area have been installed."

Su Ze came to the orchard area.

The wooden boards were installed in every inch of the surrounding area.

He stretched out his right hand.

Upgrade target confirmed: the wooden board layer of the orchard area in the shelter.

Upgrade direction: the iron plate layer of the orchard area in the shelter.

Upgrade points: 1200 points.

Upgrade completed.

Now the planting area on the first floor of the shelter has been upgraded to the iron plate layer.

"Master, the sewage and waste treatment center of the shelter has been excavated."

More robots are better.

In many things, the labor force is increased and the efficiency is faster.

In the sewage and waste treatment center of the shelter, the entire space is made of wooden planks.

"As usual, upgrade first."

Upgrade target confirmed: wooden floor of the sewage and waste treatment center of the shelter.

Upgrade direction: iron floor of the sewage and waste treatment center of the shelter.

Upgrade points: 1350.

Upgrade successful.

The whole room is wrapped in iron plates.


"Yes, Master.

After the renovation was completed, sewage treatment equipment and waste recycling equipment were also brought in.

"Now, the concept map of the shelter has been almost finalized, right, butler?"

"Yes, Master, we are currently lacking a small shelter and equipment room, air filtration and ventilation systems, and a studio."

If we were to say what is the most important thing here, it would be air filtration and ventilation.

At the Global Shelter Forum, speculation was also made about the air pollution in the Collapse World.

Air pollution is no small matter, and it would be even more troublesome if it is poisonous gas.

Air filtration and ventilation in the shelter are essential.

In the housekeeper's plan, countermeasures were also taken for serious external air pollution.

The shelter also needs to rely on internal plant nutrition to maintain basic survival while losing external oxygen.

Air conditioning modification and filtration system, emergency oxygen and masks are all essential.

"Housekeeper, can you search to see if there is any air filtration equipment that can be picked up for free in the city?"

"Master, there is no such equipment in the city. This is a must-have equipment for the shelter and has basically been supplied to the shelter."

"If you can't find it, you need to go to the supermarket again."

Recently, supermarkets have become very busy.

This hot exchange of supplies also proves from the side that the news that the world of collapse is about to come is not groundless.

People now just want to exchange more supplies for their shelters as quickly as possible.

Supplies are the basis for the survival of the future world of collapse, and the more the better.

"Master, I have prepared suitable exchange materials."

This time, in order to exchange for suitable equipment, Su Ze also made a great effort.

A large number of canned meat and fish, which were all surplus.

There were also a lot of drinking water, as well as some rice and wheat flour.

Just leave a few bags of rice and wheat flour for yourself.

Because wheat and rice in Su Ze's planting area will grow and mature soon.

By then, there will be a lot of staple food.

So take this part out for exchange as soon as possible.

Staple food is also one of the most popular items in supermarkets.

"Let's go."

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