"Master, based on the information I got from the Internet, I guessed that the world of collapse is coming. What do you think is missing in the shelter?"

Su Ze nodded.

The housekeeper is also connected to the Internet all the time.

He is also very sensitive to the recent news on the shelter forum. There have been many posts about the world of collapse on the forum recently.

Most of them speculate that the world of collapse is coming.

What the shelter lacks needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

Su Ze pondered.

Now it is basically complete.

Food is fully prepared.

The vegetables and staple food wheat and rice in the planting area can also be self-sufficient.

There is bottled drinking water.

The water source area has also been established.


The entire normal circulation air system has been established.


Electricity is no problem.

Small nuclear power facilities can guarantee the current power consumption of the shelter.

Even if more equipment is added, the electrical appliances can already drive it.

If you want to say what is really missing, Su Ze thinks it is the breeding area.

He grew up in his great-grandmother's house in the countryside since he was a child. He has a special feeling for the countryside.

It is unrealistic to say that the shelter is built into a rural area.

But the establishment of a breeding area can also ensure that he can eat fresh eggs

"Housekeeper, plan out a breeding area."

Yes, master, it has been planned."

The breeding area is planned on the bottom floor of the shelter.

The area is about 500 square meters.

This area is enough.

There is a chicken coop, where roosters and hens are raised. There is also a cowshed, where dairy cows are raised.

There is also a sheepfold, where sheep can be raised.

There is also a small fish pond inside, where more common fish can be raised.

Next to the fish pond is a duck coop.

It can be expanded in the future.

"OK, let's get started."

The robots drove the mini excavators and started digging.

""Butler, check if there are any small steel doors for bank vaults in the city, as well as various animals, and search for drones."

This is currently in short supply in the shelter.

Small steel doors for bank vaults are used as the main doors of small shelters in the shelter.

For animals, they are used in the breeding area.

Drones are mainly used as a means of external detection and attack.

The more of these things, the better.

If there are tens of thousands, there will be no need to have thousands.

"Master, I found a suitable small steel door for a bank by entering the monitor. For animals, there is a farm that posted on the forum that it is ready to exchange a batch of animals for some food. For drones, there are a batch of drones that were run away by the military and are looking for traders."

Butler, even satellites in outer space can be invaded through the network, not to mention the monitor.

An abandoned bank was displayed on the big screen. There was indeed a more suitable small steel door inside.

This is a remote small bank, so the steel door was left, otherwise it would have been removed long ago.

Animals are exchanged for food.

Now Su Ze has the most food here, and exchanging animals is the most suitable.

"What happened to this drone? Did the military run away with it?"

"Yes, Master, the military was originally planning to trade this batch of drones here, but later the person in charge of the transaction went to work on other projects, so the deal was canceled."

This is just what I want to achieve.

"How many are there in total?"

"There are nearly 1,000 in total."

"Wow, so many, cool!"

"Then contact them and arrange the transaction location."

"Yes, Master."

It's really easy to get things done with a butler.

Others spend months looking for supplies, but the butler can find them directly with big data.

""Master, I have already ordered the resources for the trade. Do you think it's ok?"

The housekeeper sent a list of supplies.

The most on the list was food, especially rice and wheat, which Su Ze would soon be able to be self-sufficient in.

He had stored a lot of them before, and now he would be able to grow them in his own planting area soon, so all these finished products could be traded out.

In addition to rice and wheat, there were also some canned meats. A lot of these things were brought back, and a lot of them were also brought back from the gang that was taken away by the authorities.

There was also a large amount of drinking water, which he had enough of, and some of them needed to be traded out, otherwise they would be piled up in the warehouse and take up space.

A set of diesel generators also needed to be traded out. After the small nuclear power plant was built, this thing would just be left to gather dust.


Su Ze nodded.

The butler would consider these things very carefully, and he only needed to take a quick look.

"Master, the other party has agreed to trade tomorrow morning."

Su Ze nodded.

Every day, he would trade this batch of materials, and then go to the supermarket to have a look.

Then, he could stay in the shelter and wait for the collapse of the world.

That night, at 00:00, he began to settle the upgrade points.

"You petted the dog and got 35 upgrade points"

"You petted the cat, and got 38 upgrade points~"

"You rest and get 20 upgrade points~"

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