These people are like alienated animals.

They are constantly giving birth to little alienated people.

They can give birth to about a dozen at a time.

At the same time, a large number of alienated people are also beginning to involuntarily approach other alienated people, forming a group.

"The influence of the black snow is the same for humans and other animals."

Or in other words, these people are actually no longer human.

They were just humans in the past, but now they have become

"Master, we have detected a large number of mutant rats gathering in the shelter." Su Ze's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Mutated rats nearby?


The big screen showed the top of Suze's shelter.

At this moment, there were about a hundred mutant rats gathered here. The mutant rats in the surrounding area were still pouring in.

"Could it be that these mutant rats are targeting the shelter?"

Su Ze couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

There was a huge rat in the rat group. It looked like it was the rat king.

It seemed that it was constantly summoning the nearby rats.

There were nearly 1,000 rats.

They began to dig frantically underground.

Su Ze guessed right.

The target of these alien rats was his shelter.

Su Ze was not worried.

His shelter had long been upgraded to the iron plate layer.

These alien rats could not dig it open even if their claws were broken.

But things had developed to this point.

Su Ze also had a question in his mind.

How did these alien rats know the exact location of his shelter?

Was it through smell?

This is very likely.

As we all know, the sense of smell of rats is similar to that of dogs.

And alienation has also enhanced their sense of smell.

At this moment, the rats have dug to the steel plate of the shelter.

They can no longer move forward.

The thick iron plate blocked their way forward.

If it was the top floor without any protection before,

Su Ze's shelter might be in trouble now.

On the surface, the rats that came one after another were still gathering.

"Butler, start using drones to eliminate"

""Yes, Master."

The drone attack group was originally hidden on the surface.

At this time, under the control of the housekeeper, all of them were dispatched and began to frantically eliminate the rats.




Bullets were fired from high altitude.

Naked rats fell to the ground one by one.

"Isn't this number too much?"

More rats continued to gather from all directions.

Seeing this,

Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had prepared in advance and upgraded the surface of the shelter to the iron plate layer.

Otherwise, now his place would really be dug by rats.

Finally, the mutated naked rats on the surface were all eliminated.

The ground was covered with their corpses.

The phrase"river of blood" really has a concrete explanation.

Because they could not enter the shelter, all the mutated naked rats rushed out again and began to eat the corpses of their own kind.

Su Ze frowned at this scene.

""Butler, there are no holes in the shelter now, right?"

Su Ze thought rats were disgusting.

They were even more disgusting after being transformed by Black Snow.

He didn't want even one of these to appear in his shelter.

"Master, there are no loopholes, everything is displayed on the big screen."

The big screen showed that the entire iron layer was green.

The flashing lights proved that it was indeed attacked by the alien naked rats.

Su Ze nodded.


Who would have thought that rats would evolve to this point in an instant.

Oh, right.

I don't know if these alien naked rats attacking their shelters are isolated cases?

"Steward, open the shelter forum"

"Yes, Master."

Posts are pouring in on the shelter forum like snowflakes.

"Help! Those horrible rats are digging holes! What should we do?"

"Have you noticed the changes in the mice? They look different!"

"Troops have begun gathering inside the national shelter, allegedly to exterminate rats!"

"The first disaster to appear in the collapsed world was the horrific rat plague!"

Seeing these posts,

Su Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it wasn't just his shelter that was attacked.

It was everyone in the world who was suffering from the rat plague.

"It seems that these mutant naked rats want to attack the humans in the shelter.

What does this mean ?

"Master, do you want to attack the naked rats on the ground?"

"Well, continue to eliminate them."

Even if these rats can't dig holes into their shelters, it's still not very comfortable to watch them.

""Yes, Master."

More than 1,000 drones carried out a carpet-style elimination of naked rats from high altitude.

Half an hour later, all the naked rats were completely eliminated.

"It's finally much quieter."

Su Ze was very satisfied with the attack capability of his drone matrix.

Others were not so lucky.

There were already many posts about naked rats on the shelter forum.

The main reason was that there were too many infected rats.

They dug holes around the shelter from all directions.

Su Ze could also imagine this scene.

Naked rats fell from the holes in all directions.

Then they attacked humans wantonly in the shelter.

Not to mention the attack power of these naked rats.

The mysterious black snow they carry is enough to make people infected and their backs go crazy.

If things go wrong, normal humans will become disgusting monsters with tumors all over their bodies after being infected.

Wrapping the entire shelter with a layer of iron plates is the most perfect design made by Su Ze. It has achieved a truly impregnable defense.

���Ze continued to look at the posts on the shelter forum

"Terrible! So terrible! We just repelled those rats, but now my hands are all covered with rat blood, burning and tingling, my skin seems to be absorbing something, and I feel a little dizzy and want to sleep, who can help me~" There are also many posts like this.

There is no doubt that they must have been infected by these rats carrying black snow.

There is a high possibility that they will soon become those horrible aliens

"What do mutant rats look like? Why don’t we have them here?

Some people were glad that their shelters had not been attacked by rats.

"Hehe, there are no naked rats near my shelter. I'm so lucky."

"Don't be too happy too soon, you will know what horror is when the time comes."

It is indeed terrifying.

Although most shelters have weapons and can defend themselves.

But imagine.

Just a few dozen of those things rushing in is already quite terrifying.

Not to mention hundreds or thousands of them.

A personal shelter cannot stop this kind of rat plague at all.

Su Ze looked at the surface of his shelter.

There were still many naked mutant rats coming from all directions.

But there was no more of the first wave.

These were also gnawing on the corpses of their companions.

"Butler, what is the situation in the national shelter?"

"Master, do you need me to hack into the internal cameras of the national shelter?"


"Yes, Master, the crack is complete."

The internal surveillance footage of the national shelter was displayed on the big screen.

A large number of fully armed soldiers have gathered in the area where the rat plague has occurred. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Various weapons are also deployed.

Submachine guns, heavy machine guns, and grenades.

This is a huge war to eliminate rats.

On one side are the well-equipped soldiers in the national shelter.

On the other side are the mutant naked rats with a very high infection rate.

"These are the power of the country."

Although there are a lot of naked rats, under the bombardment of various weapons, these naked rats were basically blown to pieces.

They looked like piles of blood and flesh.

It was quite disgusting.

"Hmm? That person seems to have been attacked by a naked rat? Butler, zoom in."

""Yes, Master."

The picture zoomed in.

Focused on a young soldier.

It can be seen that he was accidentally attacked when he was killing naked rats.

Then a large number of people wearing protective clothing rushed over from all directions.

They kept injecting medicine into him.

It seemed to be some kind of vaccine.

Su Ze watched intently.[]

He also wanted to know what would happen to a normal person if he was attacked by a naked rat.

The soldier was lying on a stretcher, his whole body twisting and twitching.

White foam was coming out of his mouth.

The doctors in protective suits around him kept controlling his body, but it was useless because the force was too great.

���He fell off the stretcher and fell to the ground.

More medical staff came and used various instruments to check the soldiers' conditions.

This might be the first time Su Ze saw the scene of naked rats attacking and infecting, so he watched attentively.

It must be said that the medical capacity in the national shelter is indeed very strong.

It is estimated that these are also experts in infectious diseases, virology and cytology.

Soon, the soldier's body twisted and became much lighter.

Black substances still spit out from the corners of his mouth.

It looks like a liquid version of black snow.

Then, more soldiers fell to the ground around him.

Maybe they didn't get sick when they were eliminating the rat plague just now.

Now they all started to get sick.

The number is at least hundreds of people.

At this time, the soldiers involved in this battle were ordered to be isolated in a nearby vacant room.

Other soldiers who got sick were arranged one by one in a temporary medical room nearby.

A large number of experts wearing protective clothing began to treat these soldiers.

At the same time, some soldiers were urgently sent to the research center inside the national shelter.

The country attaches great importance to this infection and wants to obtain data and information in this regard as soon as possible.

Because there are so many cameras inside,

Su Ze can see the progress of the whole thing.

At the same time, because it is connected to the Internet, even the data from the instruments can be obtained first-hand.

The big screen shows the physical data of the infected soldiers.

"Butler, is this the human DNA sequence?"

"Yes, Master."

Su Ze was surprised.

It can be clearly seen from these DNA sequences that the human sequence is being changed by the virus.

And it is changing in a strong way.

"This is why those humans infected by the black snow turned into those monsters. This has fundamentally changed humans and turned them into a new kind of monster."

Su Ze exhaled.

No wonder the monsters' strength, speed, and various perceptions have been greatly enhanced.

The researchers who were studying it seemed to realize this and immediately notified the military.

A large number of military personnel with live ammunition arrived and were alert with full concentration.

The soldiers who were infected began to twist.

Tumors began to grow on their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

""Has it started to mutate?"

The changes in the soldiers also shocked the researchers.

Things were beyond their control.

Some pharmacists began to use various drugs on the infected soldiers, probably some kind of sedatives, or large doses of them. However, these drugs seemed to be injected into the soldiers' bodies, but they had no effect.

The changes in the soldiers' bodies were too great.

"Now they are no longer human, they have become monsters in the true sense."

Suddenly, one of the soldiers grabbed the head of a medical worker and bit it.

Instantly, he bit off the scalp with one bite.

The medical worker screamed.

The next second, he didn't even scream because the soldier bit his throat.

The changes happened too fast.

The medical workers and soldiers around were all stunned on the spot.

At this time, a soldier captain reacted and began to attack the monsters.

A large number of bullets poured on the monsters like a storm.

But these monsters were too resistant, and even these bullets couldn't stop them.

He bit off the head of a medical worker next to him, and then hugged the corpse and began to chew it.

At this time, more infected soldiers turned into monsters and began to attack the people around them.

"This is even bigger than a blockbuster movie."

Su Ze was just like watching a science fiction movie.

The soldiers realized that their weapons were too weak.

They called for heavy weapons support.

Heavy machine guns.

It was a heavy machine gun. It hit the monster and made holes as big as its head.

In the face of such impact, the monster could only be beaten into a pile of rotten meat.

"This weapon is really good, very good."Su Ze also wanted these heavy weapons in his heart.

They look very powerful.

It can also be seen from this crisis that

(Okay, okay) Light weapons have no killing power against these monsters.

Only heavy weapons can be powerful.

"All soldiers started to wear protective clothing."

On the other side, the soldiers had already put on thick protective clothing to kill the mutant rats.

There were too many mutant rats.

As a last resort, the soldiers retreated and killed them at the same time.

As more soldiers joined in, the mutant rats that had dug holes into the national shelter were all killed.

"Now is the first disaster of the collapsed world, the rat plague, the whole world is resisting the rat plague."

Through satellite images, in addition to China where he lives, other countries are also facing the threat of rat plague.

Some shelters without protection capabilities can only become victims of the rat plague.

After attacking the living, these mutant rats began to build nests in the shelters and gave birth to little mutant rats.

Su Ze also felt a chill on his back when he saw this scene.

It won't be long before mutant rats occupy the earth.

Imagine that the world is full of mutant rats with strange tumors, which is simply a disaster.

"Hmm? That sound?"

Su Ze could hear a creaking sound coming from the surroundings of the shelter.

This proved that the mutant rats were using their claws and teeth to bite or scratch open the iron layer of their shelter.

"These should have come from the holes dug around them."

Su Ze was not worried about his shelter.

The thick iron plate was not something these mutant rats could bite through.

"Master, the temperature is starting to drop."

At this time, Su Ze also found that it was evening and the sun was slowly setting. The temperature outside the ground also dropped to

"No, the temperature is dropping too fast, isn't it?"

In an instant, it dropped to 10 degrees Celsius

, and it's still dropping.

In just ten minutes, it has reached -1 degrees Celsius.


It's really too abnormal.

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