The more you shoot, the more you will miss.

Missiles are actually divided into two main types.

Cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Cruise missiles are more flexible, while ballistic missiles are more long-range.

Short-range ballistic missiles have a range of about 1,000 kilometers.

Medium-range ballistic missiles can have a range of about 3,000 kilometers.

The longest intercontinental missiles can even reach 10,000 kilometers.

Unfortunately, Lin Ye has not yet found a way to let these people feel the charm of intercontinental missiles, because the National Destroyer Fleet is an aircraft carrier group and cannot accommodate missiles of this level.

In fact, Lin Ye is no longer interested in watching the progress of the dungeon.

Obviously, these challengers can’t even deal with the National Destroyer Fleet, so what’s the point of clearing the dungeon?

You have to know that this fleet of annihilation is only at the level of an elite monster in [Raging Sea], not even a small boss…

Lin Ye stretched his body and exited the dungeon live broadcast room directly.

It was early morning, and he was going to go downstairs for a run.

After all, designing a dungeon is also a brain-consuming and physically demanding job.

Next, the improvement of the Raging Sea dungeon, as well as the preliminary design of the Great Wall Watch and Winter is Coming, all need to be put on the agenda.


Lin Ye has exited, but the group of people in the dungeon still have to suffer.

At this time, above the blue waves, facing the morning mist, the Challenger’s fleet is still accelerating.

After the missile strike just now, there are less than 50 warships left out of the more than 70 warships of the Challenger fleet.

In the command room, Ito Hidetaka’s face was extremely ugly.

At this moment, he knew very well that the chance of completing the mission this time was not great.

In conclusion, he didn’t think it was because of how strong the military force of Lin Ye’s copy was, but because he was calculated by Lin Ye.

Lin Ye had been setting a trap for them since the beginning of the copy.

He tempted them to consume their ammunition too early to complete an insignificant pre-task. .

In addition, Lin Ye’s psychological warfare was also disgusting.

This task setting method of first giving people hope and then destroying their hope can easily discourage the enthusiasm of challengers.

Various reasons led to the current decline!

But like the few shells that fell from the sky just now, Ito Hidetaka still didn’t think it was caused by Lin Ye’s technology.

Because he still had some understanding of the technical reserves of the countries on this blue star.

Even the Huaxia people didn’t have shells with this range, let alone Lin Ye.

The only explanation is a sleight of hand!

Lin Ye must have other tricks and skills in this copy.

“Lin Ye!” Ito Hidetaka clenched his fists tightly.

His heart was full of hatred.

The lives of other teammates had nothing to do with him, and even if the points deducted for failure were not a big deal for a Level 2 challenger like him.

What he really cared about was actually his own reputation.

After all, he was the main commander in this dungeon. If he failed to pass the dungeon, his reputation as a genius would definitely be damaged.

The bigwigs of the Dahe clan would definitely criticize him.

Even if he failed to pass the dungeon, he had to find out Lin Ye’s trump card. At least he had to find out what level of military technology in this Angry Sea dungeon had reached!

Otherwise, such an unclear failure would be too frustrating.

“Go all out to sail, and we must find out what kind of combat power the National Destruction Fleet has!”

Ito Hidetaka issued an order to the fleet again.

Beep beep!

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded from the radar system of the Matsushima!

“Here it comes!”

Ito Hidetaka exclaimed and came to the dashboard of the ship again, and found that this alarm was actually an air defense alarm.

“Air defense alarm? Is there an air force in this instance?”

Ito Hidetaka was extremely surprised. The configuration of the annihilation fleet mentioned in the previous Sky Curtain mission prompt was 30 sea forces, and there was no mention of an air force at all.

This sudden air support caught people off guard at all.

The roar of planes could be heard in the sky.

Ito Hidetaka hurriedly looked out through the skylight and found that the fleet was full of black aircraft.

The sharp whistling of straight-wing fighters, the low roar of dive bombers and the unique shock waves of torpedo bombers intertwined to form a thrilling symphony.

In the sky, the wings left behind when they passed through the air

The silver-white lines were like lightning, illuminating the entire sea area!

The machine guns fired as fiercely as fine raindrops, the rockets exploded with deafening sounds, and the torpedoes rolled and tracked in the air, as if huge silver snakes and worms were shuttling through the ocean.

The entire fleet was instantly enveloped by artillery fire, and the smoke-filled sky was like a meteorite rain at this moment.


A loud bang.

The Matsushima was directly hit by a torpedo and cut in half. Ito Hidetaka and Singh jumped directly into the water from the broken command room and barely saved their lives.

However, the artillery attack still left them seriously injured and covered in blood.

Ito Hidetaka struggled on the cold water for a while, but fortunately he had put on a life jacket in advance and did not drown.

But the other challengers in the copy were not so lucky.

The number of people in the copy was dropping madly, and the 5,000 people left were quickly eliminated to less than a hundred people.

All the warships were destroyed, and the water was already a sea of ​​fire and wreckage.

“How is this possible? How is this possible!”

Looking at the sky, Ito Hidetaka couldn’t help but tremble, and the whole person felt numb.

At this moment, there were at least hundreds of fighter planes wandering above the sky!

Such air power was simply not something their fleet could resist.

It can be said that if this air force had attacked earlier, it would have easily eliminated all challengers directly at the initial arsenal.

The military procedures of the Azure Star at this time actually already had air force fighter technology, but according to Ito Hidetaka’s understanding, all copies added up to only about a thousand.

As a result, now, there are hundreds of them in Lin Ye’s copy? !

Moreover, the aircraft in the Raging Sea copy are all types that Ito Hidetaka has never seen.

In this world, the existing aircraft types are helicopters and biplane fighters.

Moreover, they are mainly used for reconnaissance in combat, only a few can be used for reconnaissance and transportation, and only a small number of advanced models can be used for combat.

The dazzling array of attack methods in the current copy is simply unthinkable.

Even if Ito Hidetaka doesn’t understand, he can clearly see that the planes above his head are all top-notch!

“Mr. Ito, I need you to give me an explanation!”

Singer struggled hard and slowly swam to Ito Hidetaka’s side, with a bit of resentment in his tone.

“This battle was completely commanded by you!”

“Is this the result?”

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